Saturday, March 9, 2019

Odd International Socialist Bedfellows

When I was in high school and in early college days, I took several history classes on the Soviet Union that were taught from the perspective of "know your enemy". Before I graduated, the Berlin Wall came down and the eastern bloc dissolved like a mirage. The end of the cold war seemed to be the final defeat of communism, which we viewed as an evil, oppressive ideology that was responsible for millions of deaths.

Apparently while the Eastern Bloc was collapsing, the west was growing a crop of socialists who diffused like a red fog through government, corporations, and academia and now it seems like the democrats are about to full on embrace that discredited anti-American ideology.

The odd mishmash of groups that are part of international socialism boggle the mind. Now, decades after the east bloc collapsed, there's no financial and political center that supports them all and ties them together.

It's odd to the point of defying common sense, for example, that the muslim socialists, far left feminists, and far left jewish people all find common cause. Racism against "white people" or white men seems like the only feeble glue holding them together. It seems like the political strategies of the ghost of the USSR continue on, like that Japanese guy that was fighting WWII until 1972.

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