Saturday, March 23, 2019

Donald Trump and Evel Knievel

Donald Trump is from an earlier era of US history. He's a bombastic, larger than life character and showman. He riles the sensibility of many people today, because they're delicate doilies and soy fags.

When I was a kid, and through my 20's the rugged individualist, weirdo, and showman characters were pretty common in US culture. Evel Knievel, for example, was an idol of mine and many of my young contemporaries.

I think soulless corporate culture and its associated weirdo puritanism washed a lot of that out of the consciousness of people in the United States. I experienced that transition first hand in my 20s at my first job. Initially, that company had a sort of frat party atmosphere. People smoked in their offices, drank, and the relationships between men and women at the workplace were the opposite of puritanical. Within a few years, the smoking was gone, the sexual harassment and discrimination suits had been filed, won, and paid out.

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