Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Moving This From Blogger Eventually

Why did tech companies get all political after the dumb 2016 election?

It's bizarre. I don't know or care about the political beliefs of the random corporations or people who make the things I buy on a day to day basis, but I might if they kept shoving it in my face like dumb ass tech executives continue to do. Their delusion of being philosopher kings and social engineering masterminds is extremely annoying. The soccer mom facebook opinions of grifting Hillary voters are so fucking woke.

Unfortunately I keep using Google's products rather than support start up competition sometimes. I've come close to kicking the YouTube habit, but I still have my POS android phone and am stuck with their cloud storage for a while. I've wanted to close all my google accounts and host my own shit, but haven't gotten around to it.

Finally, though, I will. Most of the services they provide are actually pretty trivial. I'll probably do the blog first, and get all my photos off the phone and their cloud storage. So annoying.

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