Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Bunker Mentality of the Internet Counterculture

One of the weirder aspects of the Internet counterculture is it's the opposite of what it believes it is. It's a diverse, world-wide "movement" that believes it represents a minority that's struggling against an all powerful foe, "the globalists", who are actually the opposite of what they purport to be as well. The globalists aren't a diverse cosmopolitan group that represents the aspirations of the mass of humanity, they're a tiny clique of people with parochial, narrow views who live in a few cities like New York and London. The Internet counterculture vastly outnumbers the globalists and their patronage networks.

Since the Internet counterculture media is distributed, it's probably close to impossible to infiltrate and subvert. The propaganda techniques of yesteryear, like smearing a group as perverts or whatever, doesn't seem to work. When the MSM smeared Alex Jones, for example, it actually Obi Wan Kenobied him, and diminished itself.

In its desperation the corporate media is becoming too obvious and stupid. The packet switched. point to point networks of the Internet replaced broadcast media the same way railroads replaced canals and cars replaced railroads.

The bunker mentality of the Internet counterculture will probably start to wear off as it realizes what it really is. The fog of decades of propaganda is lifting.

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