Tuesday, August 6, 2024

"Woke" is just "Idiocracy"

 There's a "controversy" that two male boxers in the Olympics are men and not women, as they claim. The male boxers have been slapping around some women olympians in a very predictable fashion. Now the international boxing association says the obvious "they're dudes." But of course the olympics is run by hyper left wing retards, so to be a woman all you have to do is say you are a woman.

"Woke" is just idiocracy. I saw a picture of these guys, and I know they are men because I can use my own brain and eyeballs. The vast majority of people can't think or even see, they just repeat what they are told and for whatever reason the people that tell them what to think are gay or whatever. The "controversy" is really just an argument about how brainwashed the mass of people are.

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