Friday, August 2, 2024

Geology Versus Religious Beliefs

Geologists decoded the physical evidence about the ice ages about 100-200 years ago. Some of those guys were alive at the same time my Great Grandmother was in the late 1890s. The evidence is actually pretty obvious and easy to interpret. One example of decoding that evidence is the reconstruction of the history of terminal moraines of the last glacial event in Ohio around 18,000-14,000 years ago. In some places on the ground they're "obvious" but in most places, they're really only discernible in maps. They're very obvious in satellite elevation data.

From the perspective of a satellite in space, the moraines look like the ripples on sand at the beach, or look like piles of leaves left behind after rain pours across a driveway in the fall or numerous other similar phenomenon. Anyway, people noticed those very subtle landforms, made more measurements of the composition of piles of dirt left behind by the ice ages, sent out teams of people to check it out in more detail, and reconstructed the ice age history of the US, and states like Ohio in detail.

My property is in the middle of one of the moraines from 14,000+ years ago. Part of my property was actually under water for a very long time in an earlier episode of ice ages which came and went over the past hundreds-of-thousands of years.

One of the lessons from geology is human civilization is not very important. We live in the shadow of forces that are much more powerful than humanity's tools and knowledge. Religions put humanity near the center of the universe, basically orbiting around some "god" character. Nope, we're just another animal on earth that will come and go and probably won't last even as long as animals like possums.

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