Friday, August 9, 2024

Crazy People Want to Build a New Temple to Jew Zeus

For years some group was breeding cattle to meet the requirements of some crazy jew "prophecy" about a red heifer. The details are absolutely unimportant, but supposedly, they achieved whatever dumb ass thing they were trying to do. Then these religious zealots will go sacrifice it in some bizarre ritual from the stone age or whatever these fucking retards believe, and then they can rebuild their temple to Zeus the jew sky god.

Of course the supposed site for their Zeus temple is currently occupied by a building that's "sacred" to muslims, so the jews would have to raze that to the ground and then build their new temple to zeus. I have no idea how much influence religious nutball jews have in "israel", so I don't know how plausible it is that those lunatics will get their way. Obviously if they do they will kick off a major war in the assholeyland.

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