Sunday, August 18, 2024

Ultra/Hyper Racist Jews

When I was in middle school, maybe high school, one of the media tropes was "look at these insane white racists!" Talk shows would trot out a KKK grand wizard or something and allow the person to put their kooky views on display, then the studio audience would attack the person verbally to model the proper behavior for the TV audience. The KKK and other ethno-centric views were mocked in movies and TV shows and extremist/violent racists were villains all the time in TV series.

TV shows, hyper liberal shows on MSNBC or whatever never trot out a hyper racist psycho jew to get the same type of treatment Phil Donahue used to give to people like David Duke. That said, it's not hard to go on YouTube and watch videos of nutcase Rabbis or hyper racist Israeli jews physically attacking people because of their ethnicity, or spitting on Christians, and of course the nation of Israel is mass murdering people mainly because they are not jews, and the country is carrying out the Nazi policy of "Lebensraum" right now for all the world to see.

If any prominent person, even just some comedian or somebody you hardly heard of calls Israel out, they get attacked by the media or by nominally "left wing" jewish groups. However, as I said above, it's easy for any individual to find a video of a super-jew rabbi vomiting on a black woman and breaking a wine bottle over her head. It's easy to find the totally maniacal beliefs of Rabbis that were basically worshiped by their jewish followers--their beliefs that are so absurdly racist/crazy they're comical, but probably "believed" by thousands, maybe millions of people. Then, there are historical examples of jews that were complete maniacs straight out of hell like Sabbati Zevi who had a huge following.

Here's an article that delves into the hyper racism of prominent jewish figures: link The views described in the article are like an exaggerated version of the supposed views the Nazis had about being a master race.

Today many white people think being "racist" is the biggest sin of all because of the propaganda about David Duke and people like him--my guess is he is a paid participant lifetime actor who helped make white people afraid to form opinions about other groups. Ironically because of that, now many white liberal types are able to see that Israel is a racist apartheid state.

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