Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Not Everyone is Shit

With almost every passing day, I get more tired and scornful of political partisans and religious zealots. I don't care what stupid shit such people "believe" in, I just don't even want to hear it. I don't care about Trump. I don't care about whatever empty vessel the democrats will put up as their puppet in chief. I don't care about any of the ridiculous "abrahamic" religions and those who are zealots for their group.

Even though that type of religious/political thinking is super common, some people don't take part. Hopefully there will be more and more people like that as the years go by, since getting scammed all the time, or participating in wars on behalf of psycho dirtbags is not good for mental or physical health.

One great example of people who went their own direction is provided by the American settlers who did not participate in the Gnadenhutten Massacre and also provided by the Moravian missionaries who didn't take sides in the American Revolution.

I keep thinking that frontier time in Ohio was a missed chance to do something different in human history, that is, the better aspects of humanity had a chance to prevail, but of course they didn't. Greed and absolute disregard for all life prevailed.

Anyway, 18 people (out of 160, i.e. 11%) refused to participate in raping and murdering the Lenape and Mohican indians who had formed a community with the Moravians. The Moravians were Germans; they didn't take sides in the revolutionary war.

Anyway, the 18 people who didn't participate should be honored. I think that's the typical ratio by the way, about 15% of people seem to have the ability to function as an individual. Almost everyone else is just some dimwit member of a group regardless of their IQ, and usually those groups do awful things, and in extreme circumstances they commit the most vile crimes and will follow the direction of absolute trash people. Here's a list of the names of all the people involved--very interesting reading and details in this article from the early days of the Internet: link

One name of the 18 people who did not participate in the massacre was recorded. His name was Obadiah Holmes Jr. (link) Not only did he refuse to participate but he actually stood up against the psycho trash who went onto murder and rape about 90 innocent people. He managed to save one kid too.

Anyway, it is increasingly obvious to me that the middle road of pragmatism, using your own judgement, and not basing your choices on "beliefs" shared by a mass of retards is the obvious way to go. It's probably almost good enough to just be a contrarian and go against the prevailing ideas, because those ideas are almost certainly insane and cultivated as part of some scam.

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