Saturday, August 10, 2024

Great Video on Likely Doping in Olympic Swimming

 I caught an interesting video about likely blood doping in olympic swimmers. Here's a link to the video:

The video producer did a great job explaining it, so I'm not going to repeat here.

Doping in pro sports is a great example of how the people and the "elites" are really mirror images of one another. The public demands fairy tale stories. They want the lies. They want to believe their sports heroes are all natty. I think zero are. The elites basically emulate what the public wants. They keep up a lie/story about the pro athletes so they can sell crap to them.

Sports is a branch of the entertainment industry. The athletes do superhuman things. Some are probably natty, but most aren't, and those people are just living a lie 24/7. Pro cyclists were doing it for years while I was following the sport. All the gory details of doping came out and it was quite clear they all were doing it, except maybe a handful of guys that you hardly ever heard of.

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