Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trump Bux and Bidenomics

I see the term Bidenomics now and then. Lots of people blame Biden for inflationary policies and imagine Trump was some kind of economic genius who didn't participate in the general trends of the US since the dawn of the fiat/funny money neoliberal era in the early 70s.

Trump signed the hyper-inflationary covid relief bill which pumped $2.3T of funny money into the US economy. Trump shut down the economy and agreed to lockdowns and pushed Operation Warp Speed. It's weird how quickly people forget these things and shows how dominant fantasy is compared to the real world.

That said the "Biden" puppet is probably the worst president in my lifetime... but they've all been pretty bad. The Biden and Trump administrations really show, in spades, the President is a figurehead and really has minimal influence on the direction the country takes.

If there's any difference at all between the two parties its the GOP is a larger coalition of wealthy people, so they don't want central planning and desire more of a pseudo free market so they can continue to acquire money and influence, while the democrats are super oligarchs who want central planning they dictate through puppets like Kamala Harris or Joe Biden.

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