Friday, August 30, 2024

Harris and Trump Are Garbage!

Kamala Harris is a dumb fuck and a liar and a whore.

She had a 10 year affair with Willie Brown when she was in her twenties to get into politics. The dude was 60 years old at the time, so she was sucking 60 year old black man dick to get into a position of power when she was 29.

She didn't even get into single digit percentages in any primary race. I'm not even sure she got a single vote in any of the primaries.

I don't understand the "right wing" admiration for Trump. Six companies Trump owned went bankrupt. Trump approved all the insane, retarded COVID nonsense. He helped massively distort and fuck up the economy during COVID. People are still dealing with that today. The car market was fucked. The housing market was fucked. Kids schooling was fucked. Even the freaking bicycle market was all screwed up from the dumb government.

I see lots of Trump yard signs out there, just a handful of Kamala Harris yard signs. I don't see nearly as many Trump yard signs now as I did the first time he ran for President.

Anyway, whichever clown puppet gets elected the policies will be similar.

First Energy Bribery Crimes in Ohio

There's a Wikipedia article summarizing the First Energy Bribery scheme in Ohio. It shows how rotten the government is and how stupid it is to be a politicial partisan. Whichever party is in power is the most corrupt and crappy one. In Ohio at the state level, it's republicans. At the federal level where lefty retards are in control it's democrats, but the other party in either case is just as loaded with dirtbags.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Ego Delusion/Matrix

A person's brain builds up a model of external reality over the course of a person's life mainly through a process of trial and error. One element of that model is very basic and physical. Very early on in life individuals learn there's a distinction between their body and the outside world. In fact, the play that kids participate in basically builds up the detail of the model of physical reality versus their body. Jumping from a height, or tumbling, or climbing a tree, or balancing on things like a pipe, or rocks, etc... builds up the accuracy and fidelity of that model through a trial and error process. I still remember, decades later, my mistaken understanding of various aspects of the physical world versus my body. I burnt my leg on a tractor exhaust when I was about 10 for example. I fell on some slippery tree roots when I was maybe 14, etc...

A similar trial and error process takes place in many other aspects of life, but unlike the physical feedback that comes from a fall, a burn, or a cut which is very direct and immediate, the feedback from interactions with the human world is muted or non-existent and can be prone to misinterpretation and self-deception. The resulting model a person forms about reality can be faulty. Another factor in the human world is deceit, lies, and predatory grooming by third parties.

There's a severe lack of a "wisdom tradition" in the western peoples. If there ever was such a thing it was obliterated by christian religious institutions, governments, corporations, and the like. Any wisdom tradition wold be an enemy of the vile parasites who benefit most from those structures and would be attacked viciously.

One great example that combines many of these factors together is diamond engagement rings: a mass delusion scam that's inflicted on people throughout the western world. Most young people have no wisdom passed along about relationships, differences between men and women, etc... they have to learn it through trial and error, and possibly just observation of their parents, but also quite unfortunately through the popular media like movies and TV shows.

There are countless movies and TV shows that feature a young couple getting engaged. Often a diamond ring is embedded in the plot, perhaps as a family "heirloom" passed down multiple generations. Another trope is an improvised engagement ring could be used in some quirky romantic comedy. Anyway that trope is pounded into the culture mainly to benefit the shiny rock industry.

The diamond engagement ring scam is a great example of how the "cultural" model of reality is sort of built up in an open-loop system compared to the physical model of reality. What informs a woman's notion of the value of a diamond ring? She sees other women with a shiny rock and they collectively decide a shiny bauble is valuable and the more it costs the higher her "status" is among her peers.

Status seeking and ego protecting prevent feedback about the "real world" from informing the trial and error model development of reality. For most young people, an expensive engagement ring is basically a severe allocation of resources error. An engagement ring today might cost thousands of dollars that most young people don't have, but it's actually worth dozens of dollars of precious metals and shiny rocks. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Visible Pile of Ice Age Debris on US Route 6

A pile of ice age debris is exposed along the Chagrin River, just south of US 6 in Kirtland, Ohio. The debris collected in a ravine as a succession of ice sheets came and went through the area over thousands of years. There's about 100 feet of debris in the Chagrin River bed in that area on top of the shale bedrock, so about 100 vertical feet of the debris are exposed. Further north, in Willoughby, Ohio the bedrock is exposed because all the debris has been washed away over the millennia since the last ice age.

There are lots of videos, web sites, etc... that try to explain how the expanding and contracting ice sheets (sometimes referred to as glaciers) shaped the landscape, but I think the generalized models don't really shed much light on specific details, like what was the process that preferentially filled in specific low spots in this area, like the hundreds of feet piled up on the landscape shown above, while only tens of feet are deposited elsewhere, like where I live.

There are some good photos of the Greenland Ice Sheet that show the amount of debris that's pushed and carried by the ice sheet. Material from the size of huge boulders down to dust drop out as the ice melts. This photo shows that very well.

Anyway, the obvious features in the landscape left by past ice ages show the big pile of delusions that plague people today. All those delusions are based on the ego/the "I". The idea that our current technological civilization is going to last forever is just one manifestation of that, as is the idea that some individuals think they will live forever in a dynamic world of immense forces like ice sheets and asteroids and solar flares. It's just a childish/oblivious model of reality.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Adaptability and Fantasy Land

Some people claim the ancient egyptians invented the concept of a "soul", that is, the verbal "I" of a person is a thing that's dissociated from their body, thus their kings built pyramids and had elaborate funerary rites to make sure the "soul" was wealthy in the parallel dimension where souls "live" after death. I doubt that the Egyptians invented the concept, but maybe they were "first" to turn it into a giant scam industry.

The "soul" concept today is possibly somewhat different than in ancient egypt. Now people live in "The Matrix" essentially. The "I" is dissociated mainly from the natural world, and the average person lives in the world of "stuff", not living things, but dead things like houses and cars and tech.

The overall belief of the society is the "I" will escape the limits of the natural world and live forever. The people feed their time and energy to the stuff world to try to create a parallel dimension where that will actually happen. That concept: "The New Jerusalem" is depicted in the TV show "The 100" in the later seasons in "the city of light".

The eastern philosophical concept is the "soul" eventually escapes from the material world, which is basically just hell or a bunch of constant "tests", which seems like some other bullshit.

This habitual dissociation is pretty harmful to many individuals; it prevents them from making basic assessments about their life situation or correcting course, or evaluating really basic choices, like financial choices, which makes their material life miserable or at minimum keeps them running forever on the treadmill.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Ultra/Hyper Racist Jews

When I was in middle school, maybe high school, one of the media tropes was "look at these insane white racists!" Talk shows would trot out a KKK grand wizard or something and allow the person to put their kooky views on display, then the studio audience would attack the person verbally to model the proper behavior for the TV audience. The KKK and other ethno-centric views were mocked in movies and TV shows and extremist/violent racists were villains all the time in TV series.

TV shows, hyper liberal shows on MSNBC or whatever never trot out a hyper racist psycho jew to get the same type of treatment Phil Donahue used to give to people like David Duke. That said, it's not hard to go on YouTube and watch videos of nutcase Rabbis or hyper racist Israeli jews physically attacking people because of their ethnicity, or spitting on Christians, and of course the nation of Israel is mass murdering people mainly because they are not jews, and the country is carrying out the Nazi policy of "Lebensraum" right now for all the world to see.

If any prominent person, even just some comedian or somebody you hardly heard of calls Israel out, they get attacked by the media or by nominally "left wing" jewish groups. However, as I said above, it's easy for any individual to find a video of a super-jew rabbi vomiting on a black woman and breaking a wine bottle over her head. It's easy to find the totally maniacal beliefs of Rabbis that were basically worshiped by their jewish followers--their beliefs that are so absurdly racist/crazy they're comical, but probably "believed" by thousands, maybe millions of people. Then, there are historical examples of jews that were complete maniacs straight out of hell like Sabbati Zevi who had a huge following.

Here's an article that delves into the hyper racism of prominent jewish figures: link The views described in the article are like an exaggerated version of the supposed views the Nazis had about being a master race.

Today many white people think being "racist" is the biggest sin of all because of the propaganda about David Duke and people like him--my guess is he is a paid participant lifetime actor who helped make white people afraid to form opinions about other groups. Ironically because of that, now many white liberal types are able to see that Israel is a racist apartheid state.

House Prices: People are Nuts

Every once in a while I browse Zillow in my area. Maybe next year I'll try to pick up a cheap foreclosure at auction, so I wanted to get a feel for home prices around here. I was pretty stunned at the high prices. It seems like there's just three categories of house here. Houses that are in the so called "allotments" in the nearby town start at $250k. That area was the cheap, working class neighborhood when I was in school. Nice middle class houses are now about $450k. Houses for professional people and business owner types are about $600k-$1M. At least in this area you get a lot for that kind of money: a huge house with multiple outbuildings, maybe a giant horse barn, plus lots of land and maybe a lake or something.

Anyway, I don't really understand how the economy is functioning now. The median income and median house price are pretty far out of alignment right now. I think the median house price is ~$400k in the US, but the median household income is around $75k if I remember off the top of my head. 400/75 = 5.33. Typically the median house price is about 3x the median income, so today people are paying way more for a roof over their head than "normal". (This article goes into the ratio in more detail)

Lots of the houses in this area that are $500k or $800k are "nice" but have absolutely no productive capability... in fact it's quite the opposite scenario, they're money pits that will vampire people's time and money in maintenance and cleaning. There are notable exceptions to that--people like Amish have productive property. Some people have businesses like a horse barn or Air BNB on their property, but almost every house I browse on Zillow is just a money pit.

Now when I look at pictures of a giant house with a fancy "great room" or some shit, I just think the people who get sucked dry keeping all that mess clean and organized are retards and probably super boring people with nothing better to do, and chances are they're kind of broke and living paycheck to paycheck on a big income. My wife has a friend like that; to me that woman seems completely delusional, well I guess brainwashed and groomed are more appropriate terms to describe it.

The only thing that appears to be driving these crazy house prices is the greater fool theory and inflation. The greater fool theory in this scenario is "house prices keep going up, so I will be able to sell this house for more than I paid for it to some retard, because I'm so smart." It works hand in hand with the destruction of the value of the dollar, because the price tag of houses keeps going up as the dollar gets devalued.

Inflation is not driving salaries up at the same rate, which is really pretty interesting.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trump Bux and Bidenomics

I see the term Bidenomics now and then. Lots of people blame Biden for inflationary policies and imagine Trump was some kind of economic genius who didn't participate in the general trends of the US since the dawn of the fiat/funny money neoliberal era in the early 70s.

Trump signed the hyper-inflationary covid relief bill which pumped $2.3T of funny money into the US economy. Trump shut down the economy and agreed to lockdowns and pushed Operation Warp Speed. It's weird how quickly people forget these things and shows how dominant fantasy is compared to the real world.

That said the "Biden" puppet is probably the worst president in my lifetime... but they've all been pretty bad. The Biden and Trump administrations really show, in spades, the President is a figurehead and really has minimal influence on the direction the country takes.

If there's any difference at all between the two parties its the GOP is a larger coalition of wealthy people, so they don't want central planning and desire more of a pseudo free market so they can continue to acquire money and influence, while the democrats are super oligarchs who want central planning they dictate through puppets like Kamala Harris or Joe Biden.

Cost of Cheapest Car I Could Find

I bought a used Honda Fit a few months ago. It's basically a project to see what the lowest Total Cost of Ownership car is like. The car was about $8000 from an office park used car dealer. Those guys go to auctions, pick up cheap cars, clean them up and sell them on. The used car market was still a little pricey when I bought the car compared to now; I think now the used car market resembles the "normal" historical scenario. I think I could probably buy the car now for more like $5000-6000, but things might go completely nuts again if interest rates start coming down again.

Now after a few months, I know the cost to operate the car. It gets good gas mileage--about 32 mpg. I have a fancy insurance policy, but the car is pretty cheap to insure (compared to a $50,000 car). Between the gas and insurance it costs about $130/month to drive about 400 miles. Currently, you can make about $130/month in interest on a savings account with ~$35,000 on deposit (at 4.35% interest).

I did spend a chunk of time repairing some rust damage. That took maybe 8 hours. It wasn't totally necessary, and is sort of a hobby/learning experience, so it wasn't too bad. Still, I would have rather done something else. Otherwise the car has been reliable.

I don't really know the TCO because I have no way to really estimate the current value of the car, nor its potential future sale price. If I keep the car for 2 years and drive 400 miles per month, and the car ends up being worth $5000 by then the TCO is a pretty surprising $7,700 over 24 months (~$320/month). Most of that is depreciation, then gas and insurance.

Think about that for a while: a modest, kind of old used compact car costs $320 a month to own and operate. My household is in the top 5-10% income households in the USA. When I just look at cars going by on my road, or look at cars in the parking lot at the grocery store, almost everyone, including grocery store employees, is driving a more expensive car. It does not add up.

Friday, August 16, 2024

"My Side of the Mountain" vs "Bloodsport" and "Dirty Dancing"

A couple of weeks ago my wife and I started to watch "Dirty Dancing" (1987). I was pretty shocked at how bizarre that movie is. I'm sure I sat through it back in the 80s, but probably barely paid attention. I realized that it's basically the female version of "Bloodsport" the 1988 Jean Claude Van Damme martial arts action movie. Both movies are a fantasy version of the author's autobiography.

The writer of "Bloodsport" is Frank Dux--which is certainly not his real family name. There are a bunch of youtube videos that delve into his backstory and outrageous claims about his martial arts expertise and military record, so I won't bother duplicating it here. In short, he's a person that created a fictional life and background, then heavily promoted it, and turned into a lifetime actor. Media figures helped him promote his fictional autobiography.

"Dirty Dancing" is basically the same thing. The writer of the movie fictionalized her young adult life and eventually it became a movie.

Anyway, "Dirty Dancing" is a pretty basic story, but it's also extremely weird and outdated, so it seems more like a fever dream than some harmless fluff middle and highschool girls watched back in the 80s. The story starts off with the main character getting money from her father to fund an abortion for a white female dancer who works at a kosher resort in the Catskills and who was knocked up by a jewish waiter who also works there. That gets her a ticket into the undergound secret life of the white people who work at the resort and live the "real life". The main character "Baby" gets to live the real life while her family is visiting the resort.

The thing that's really jarring about it to me today is the abortion part of the story. I guess that was a movie trope in the early 80's. Infanticide was really heavily promoted to white women back then, and it was sort of portrayed as a rite of passage for middle class and upper middle class girls in lots of movies. A pregnancy would derail a careless girl's ambitions to be a dancer or a doctor/lawyer or whatever. To me today, that seems really fucking weird and vile.

Anyway, I want to contrast those two movies with "My Side of the Mountain" which was written by a woman named Jean George. "My Side of the Mountain" is sort of autobiographical too. It's about a boy (even though the author was a woman) who goes off to live in the woods in the Catskills, ironically, which is where the resort setting of "Dirty Dancing" is.

Anyway, the kid in "My Side of the Mountain"  goes off to live alone in the woods with the animals to get away from NYC.

The fantasy of people like Jean George is to get away from the city and live alone with nature. The fantasy of the authors of "Bloodsport" and "Dirty Dancing" is basically obtaining recognition through performance in arbitrary competitions, but ultimately just lying about it and creating a fictional character.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Northeast Ohio Glacial Boon

There's an ancient, valley that's buried with glacial debris that cuts across Geuaga County. In some places the glacial drift is 400 feet deep.

Without the glacial drift, the valleys would be much deeper, of course. Through that area today, there are wetlands, rivers, and lakes. It's a pretty nice place to go for a drive or ride a bike. The rivers, though, don't actually follow that hidden valley, for the most part.

Anyway, without the glacial drift, Geauga County would have similar terrain to counties in Southeast Ohio. It's interesting to compare an elevation profile from corner to corner across a county in Southeast Ohio, like Jefferson County, versus Geauga.

Jefferson County:

While there is significant variation in Geauga county, it's not nearly as jagged as Jefferson County, Ohio, basically because all the low spots were filled in by debris from melting glaciers.

There are at least two direct outcomes from that glacial debris:
  1. it's easier to get from point A to B (less energy required) in Geauga County than Jefferson County;
  2. There are more good water wells in Geauga County.
Another outcome is there are probably more areas that are potentially useful as farmland, or areas that are easier to build large structures on in a place like Geauga County than in Jefferson County.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Not Everyone is Shit

With almost every passing day, I get more tired and scornful of political partisans and religious zealots. I don't care what stupid shit such people "believe" in, I just don't even want to hear it. I don't care about Trump. I don't care about whatever empty vessel the democrats will put up as their puppet in chief. I don't care about any of the ridiculous "abrahamic" religions and those who are zealots for their group.

Even though that type of religious/political thinking is super common, some people don't take part. Hopefully there will be more and more people like that as the years go by, since getting scammed all the time, or participating in wars on behalf of psycho dirtbags is not good for mental or physical health.

One great example of people who went their own direction is provided by the American settlers who did not participate in the Gnadenhutten Massacre and also provided by the Moravian missionaries who didn't take sides in the American Revolution.

I keep thinking that frontier time in Ohio was a missed chance to do something different in human history, that is, the better aspects of humanity had a chance to prevail, but of course they didn't. Greed and absolute disregard for all life prevailed.

Anyway, 18 people (out of 160, i.e. 11%) refused to participate in raping and murdering the Lenape and Mohican indians who had formed a community with the Moravians. The Moravians were Germans; they didn't take sides in the revolutionary war.

Anyway, the 18 people who didn't participate should be honored. I think that's the typical ratio by the way, about 15% of people seem to have the ability to function as an individual. Almost everyone else is just some dimwit member of a group regardless of their IQ, and usually those groups do awful things, and in extreme circumstances they commit the most vile crimes and will follow the direction of absolute trash people. Here's a list of the names of all the people involved--very interesting reading and details in this article from the early days of the Internet: link

One name of the 18 people who did not participate in the massacre was recorded. His name was Obadiah Holmes Jr. (link) Not only did he refuse to participate but he actually stood up against the psycho trash who went onto murder and rape about 90 innocent people. He managed to save one kid too.

Anyway, it is increasingly obvious to me that the middle road of pragmatism, using your own judgement, and not basing your choices on "beliefs" shared by a mass of retards is the obvious way to go. It's probably almost good enough to just be a contrarian and go against the prevailing ideas, because those ideas are almost certainly insane and cultivated as part of some scam.

Monday, August 12, 2024

EVs and Power Outages

A line of severe storms swept through Northeast Ohio last Wednesday afternoon. Very high winds and very heavy rain took down trees all over the place and knocked out power over a wide area. I rode my bicycle through some of the heavily affected neighborhoods today, four days later, and I could hear generators running all over the place and literally dozens of utility trucks from all over the region were fixing power lines and clearing trees.

I passed a young couple who were carefully maneuvering a Tesla along a road that was littered with debris, and was down to one lane because a huge cottonwood tree was down across half the road. They both looked pretty stressed and annoyed.

"Just plug it in" to recharge unless the grid is down for several days in a row. Home EV chargers consume between 3-17 kWatts. My whole house consumes about 13 kWatt at peak consumption. That's everything running at once: A/C, the oven, dryer, water pump, water heater, and numerous lights and computers. We sized our home generator to handle that peak load; in retrospect we should have gone one size larger, but I'm not sure the natural gas supply to our house could handle that. (the generator is natural gas fired)

I think most EV owners probably just get a second generator for the EV if they already have one for the house. That's not such a big deal, I guess, but would still be somewhat of a pain to store and service periodically. A cheap ~20 kWatt portable generator is huge, heavy (~500 pounds), and about $4000, and is probably kind of janky. You either need a nice flat concrete driveway to roll it around on, or some heavy machinery to help move from the shed to the car.

Every technology solves one problem, but causes others, EVs are no exception to that, and are probably more infrastructure intensive and dependent than gas or diesel fired vehicles, since gas and diesel are very concentrated forms of energy that are easily stored.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Will Americans Get Suckered into another Jew War with Iran?

The average mom and pop "jewish" person has nothing to do with "Jew Incorporated", just like the average person in Iran has nothing to do with their awful government, and just like the average American has very little to do with their crappy government.

Jew Incorporated is trying pretty hard to get the US to wage war on Iran, or at minimum to support Israel in yet another Jew War.

I'm not sure Americans are dumb enough to get suckered into yet another Jew Incorporated war though. I see some signs that people in general are somewhat wiser about the typical scams and schemes that Jew Incorporated uses to get despicable national governments involved in wars.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are fresh in people's memories. Both those ended in abject disaster.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Great Video on Likely Doping in Olympic Swimming

 I caught an interesting video about likely blood doping in olympic swimmers. Here's a link to the video:

The video producer did a great job explaining it, so I'm not going to repeat here.

Doping in pro sports is a great example of how the people and the "elites" are really mirror images of one another. The public demands fairy tale stories. They want the lies. They want to believe their sports heroes are all natty. I think zero are. The elites basically emulate what the public wants. They keep up a lie/story about the pro athletes so they can sell crap to them.

Sports is a branch of the entertainment industry. The athletes do superhuman things. Some are probably natty, but most aren't, and those people are just living a lie 24/7. Pro cyclists were doing it for years while I was following the sport. All the gory details of doping came out and it was quite clear they all were doing it, except maybe a handful of guys that you hardly ever heard of.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Crazy People Want to Build a New Temple to Jew Zeus

For years some group was breeding cattle to meet the requirements of some crazy jew "prophecy" about a red heifer. The details are absolutely unimportant, but supposedly, they achieved whatever dumb ass thing they were trying to do. Then these religious zealots will go sacrifice it in some bizarre ritual from the stone age or whatever these fucking retards believe, and then they can rebuild their temple to Zeus the jew sky god.

Of course the supposed site for their Zeus temple is currently occupied by a building that's "sacred" to muslims, so the jews would have to raze that to the ground and then build their new temple to zeus. I have no idea how much influence religious nutball jews have in "israel", so I don't know how plausible it is that those lunatics will get their way. Obviously if they do they will kick off a major war in the assholeyland.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Techtopian Plans are Insane

A couple of days ago a line of severe thunderstorms swept through my area. A couple of weak tornadoes possibly touched down in a couple of places and did major damage to trees and some property. The power was out at my house for about 30 hours, and whenever the power goes out here, we lose our wired Internet connection, and apparently the 5G network uses the same network infrastructure because that goes down too.

We have a fancy natural gas fired generator that kicks on automatically when the grid goes down, but all our entertainment and gadgets won't work without the Internet, so it's like living in 2006 or something. I can't do my job because that's all over the Internet, and in the evenings we watch DVDs instead of streaming.

The local stores that rely on networks can't function. The stores that have no backup for their credit card networks don't really function. The grocery store has to throw away all their cold and frozen food. It's a big mess.

When the power goes out like that, it's very obvious that the idea of smart cities and more tech infrastructure dependent systems is just stupid and lots of the plans aren't even remotely viable. For example, there will supposedly be time synced (down to the microsecond) distributed networks that transmit video from moving cars to a data center, where centralized "AI" self driving systems will control traffic.... yeah, no. that's not going to happen in real life. It might work in some controlled lab environment, but in the real world, it's just not going to work at all.

Maybe top level engineers can keep such a system working under ideal conditions, but the average people who will actually be trying to maintain and operate those systems won't be able to and the conditions will depart significantly from ideal.

It doesn't seem feasible or economical for wireless telecom companies to provide very high reliability networks like the phone company used to back in the old days. The whole wired telephone network was backed up with battery power, for example. My network provider removed the battery backup from all their switches and repeaters many years ago because the cost to maintain all that was too high. They obviously don't have generators on standby throughout their network either.

I work in the telecom industry, and it gets more obvious with every passing year that tech is going to go through a long painful period of contraction and restructuring. People don't really want or need the systems the tech industry is trying to sell.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

"Woke" is just "Idiocracy"

 There's a "controversy" that two male boxers in the Olympics are men and not women, as they claim. The male boxers have been slapping around some women olympians in a very predictable fashion. Now the international boxing association says the obvious "they're dudes." But of course the olympics is run by hyper left wing retards, so to be a woman all you have to do is say you are a woman.

"Woke" is just idiocracy. I saw a picture of these guys, and I know they are men because I can use my own brain and eyeballs. The vast majority of people can't think or even see, they just repeat what they are told and for whatever reason the people that tell them what to think are gay or whatever. The "controversy" is really just an argument about how brainwashed the mass of people are.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Geology Versus Religious Beliefs

Geologists decoded the physical evidence about the ice ages about 100-200 years ago. Some of those guys were alive at the same time my Great Grandmother was in the late 1890s. The evidence is actually pretty obvious and easy to interpret. One example of decoding that evidence is the reconstruction of the history of terminal moraines of the last glacial event in Ohio around 18,000-14,000 years ago. In some places on the ground they're "obvious" but in most places, they're really only discernible in maps. They're very obvious in satellite elevation data.

From the perspective of a satellite in space, the moraines look like the ripples on sand at the beach, or look like piles of leaves left behind after rain pours across a driveway in the fall or numerous other similar phenomenon. Anyway, people noticed those very subtle landforms, made more measurements of the composition of piles of dirt left behind by the ice ages, sent out teams of people to check it out in more detail, and reconstructed the ice age history of the US, and states like Ohio in detail.

My property is in the middle of one of the moraines from 14,000+ years ago. Part of my property was actually under water for a very long time in an earlier episode of ice ages which came and went over the past hundreds-of-thousands of years.

One of the lessons from geology is human civilization is not very important. We live in the shadow of forces that are much more powerful than humanity's tools and knowledge. Religions put humanity near the center of the universe, basically orbiting around some "god" character. Nope, we're just another animal on earth that will come and go and probably won't last even as long as animals like possums.