Thursday, April 1, 2021

Think Twice If You're an Engineer Who's Building a Vax Passport App

Right now, there's a pretty good smoke screen and enough confusion about what the covaids bullshit is about that the average person who's thoughtlessly going along with it can plead ignorance. However, as it becomes more obvious to even the dumb people that it's essentially a pretext for a new type of invasion, there will probably be a lot less forgiveness.

After WW2, the people who collaborated with the Vichy government in France were humiliated, chastised, treated like garbage, or were murdered and brutalized. Thousands of people who had collaborated with the Germans were just shot or killed by their neighbors.

The people who plan to make a living by controlling their neighbors movements with systems like vaccine passport apps should think twice about where that seemingly innocuous choice might lead.

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