Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Pro-Tip: The Government Lies

 I think a pretty good chunk of the population is done with the covid scam. I think it's at least 10%, and that number is creeping up every day.

There's really no point arguing with the shitty government about double secret mutation, or the mask wearing farce. There's less point arguing with their dupes in the public. If you can't tell Fauci is a liar just by looking at him, there's no helping you.

The US government is infested with bribed and blackmailed lackeys and the agents of some fifth column organizations. I don't even pretend to know who these people really are. Jews? Masons? Communists? Oligarchs? Aliens? I don't really fucking know.

It's extremely obvious, though, that they have some bizarre pre-planned agenda. They're trying to impose some new really shitty government and economic system on all the people.

What this really shows is the current system is very arbitrary and stupid. The system they plan is equally, or maybe even more arbitrary and stupid. It seems like it's super duper central planning--which is the all time historical worst and deadliest form of government.

Governments have too much power. Corporations have to much power. Both should be kicked into the corner and shrunk down to negligible size.

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