Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Paradox of Productivity

I've been working a lot on my drone-mapping project. I'm getting to the really gnarly and interesting parts of the project. In short--when the drone takes a photo of the same spot on the ground from different vantage points, that point appears at slightly different locations in the array of pixels that make up the image based on elevation of the ground at that point and the distance to the drone.

It's possible, though, to correct the apparent location based on the relative elevation of the points. A state like Ohio provides high resolution (7 feet per pixel) LiDAR maps. They're pretty cool. Here's one of the lidar maps of my neighborhood. The relative elevation is depicted as a gray level. The "black" pixels are water. You can really see how this particular area was glaciated 14,000-ish years ago. The higher ground at the south end of the image is the furthest advance of the last glaciers in this area, and of course there's a bunch of rocks and sand right there where they melted. Pretty nifty. You can also see buildings and tree cover if you zoom in on the image.

The drone GPS is pretty great as-is, but it's even possible to post-processing correct the GPS data down to the sub inch/cm level, apparently. I did not know that, but need to investigate further. Even without the correction, there's remarkable correspondence between the LiDAR data and the drone position data.

So in theory, I should be able to produce a map that's really at least as good as anything that huge corporations or government agencies can produce with my $2000 drone and my jack-of-all-trades knowledge.

We're in a time where individuals and people in cottage industry mode can do what a giant corporation can do because technology is so cheap. The individuals aren't dragging around a load of useless overhead, nor are they supporting a hoard of financial parasites. I am extremely skeptical, now, of concepts like "economy of scale". There's no such thing... once there's any "scale" there's so much corruption that any notion of economizing disappears. Also, it's obvious that at least as much expense and effort goes into vain attempts and makework "management" as it appears to "save".

Nor do corporate organizations have any superlative and unique ability to tackle complex projects. The open source software community demonstrates that in spades.

It's really not a surprise that the oligarchy is trying to entrench itself in laws and cultish religious zealotry. It seems like their ideal outcome is a sort of North Korea version of the western world... which will obviously kill the goose that lays the golden eggs for them. The people who are pushing the global warming scam, the covaids scam, and complete and utter nonsense like trannies and pronouns, and white guilt are total trash walking human gibberish.

I hope what happens is that we replace that oligarchy and all their scam systems and unleash the individuals, and I hope people just do it en masse with no plan, and of course with no violence. Just exit this current system by ignoring it and go do something else.

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