Thursday, April 15, 2021

Neoliberal Jews are Worse than Neocons

The Biden administration looks to be amping up aggression against Russia. They're attacking the Russian economy now in what's more or less an act of war.

I'm not even going to pretend that it's something other than jews driving that agenda. It's jews: JEWS JEWS JEWS in the biden administration that have some long standing ethnic beef with Russians. I am sure, by now, the Russian people don't give two shits about their country being hijacked by commie jews back in the 1900s. The Jews however, seethe forever about this stuff. They're angry about things that happened thousands of years ago, or hundreds of years ago.

Mom and pop america have nothing to do with the beef that the neoliberal jews have with Russia. The jews in the US who want a war with russia over Ukraine, a country nobody in the US gives a fuck about, should go buy some M-16s, suit up and head over there.

Instead they'll use national US resources to advance the agenda of tiny clique of people who live in a handful of neighborhoods across the United States. The US is a pathetic husk run by bribed and blackmailed scumbags and a dementia patient president.

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