Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Ongoing Revelation

The government of Oregon is probably going to join other super lefty states in banning the sales of new internal combustion engine cars by 2030. Governments are trying to force a transition to the electric transportation network that doesn't exist and probably won't exist any time soon. This is central planning madness at its worst.

For some unknown reason the "left" seems to be going bonkers, like religious zealots. Maybe it has something to do with the Trump election in 2016. Maybe they felt their stupid schemes were threatened by the general public briefly trying to assert themselves politically, so now they're putting their foot to the floor so the societal clown car can careen off the road and fly over the cliff.

It's getting easier to see how brainwashed that portion of the US population is. They're a big cult whose thinking has been shaped by propaganda. It's interesting that the "the science" cult is composed of both ostensible "scientists" and also people who maybe have a degree in Communications or psychology.

I'm not opposed to electric vehicles at all, by the way, but it's really obvious that this agenda has nothing at all to do with "CO2" emissions or the nonsense models of the climate. It's also very obvious that the current generation of batteries and electric cars are sub-par. They're much worse than a 1998 Camry from the point of view of "environment protection". An electric car purchase is even dumber financially than buying a brand new car since the batteries cost so much and eventually go bad. Old Teslas that were six figures new, for example, are pretty close to worthless when they're old. They're as bad as buying a Jaguar.

Anyway, whatever is driving the attempt to convert the transportation fleet to electric power is something very weird. It's a rando plan of some clique of asshole oligarchs. They're not capable of planning how you or I should live. Their choices are completely arbitrary, or are based on utter religious nonsense.

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