Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Free People versus the Oligarchs: Disposition of Forces

The US is experiencing an invasion-by-fraud right now. A small clique of people are attempting to install a new system of government that's extremely bad for the average person in the US via a campaign of propaganda and through control of puppet players in the government, probably through bribery and blackmail.

That clique of people is really small. Maybe it numbers in the dozens to hundreds. Their lackeys and cronies and employees probably number in the 10,000s. I think they might fill a football stadium--Let's tally their number at 100,000 for the sake of simplicity. They're people in academia, the media, corporate executives, NGOs, and people in government. They're primarily a force of administrators and bureaucrats and they're basically in what amounts to a religious cult. While those people might fill a football stadium if they were all in one place, they're really scattered all over, so they're more diffuse than a fog. I'm not even sure what label to apply to them. Oligarchs, globalists, communists?

The second group is the free people. I'd say that group is 10% of the population of the US. It's probably a similar proportion of the population in various other western countries. That group is probably really diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, age, etc... They're similarly spread out across the whole country, but 10% is still a significant fraction of the overall population. They outnumber the oligarchs and their minions by a large number. The oligarch minions number around 30/100,000, while the free people are 10,000 per 100,000.

The third group is the mass population who don't have any opinion about whether they'd rather have their life completely controlled by the oligarchy or if they'd rather be free. If they could understand the tradeoffs involved, or could think about the consequences of being free versus being controlled, they'd probably choose freedom, but alas, they can't. They just believe whatever they're told.

The only two active groups are the freedom people and the oligarchs. The freedom people are only just becoming broadly aware of the oligarchy problem via the covaids fraud. A select few people have been preaching against the oligarchy for years, but they were voices in the wilderness and were preaching against the potential of an oligarch takeover in the distant future. It seems like that future is arriving.

The oligarchs seem to have some jurisdictional limitations. For example, for some reason they really seem to exert a lot of influence and control over airline travel. It seems like they'd like to control many more things, but don't really have the ability to even though the governments are loaded with their employees and puppets. The vaccine passport concept is an obvious attempt to extend their reach. Electric cars are also. The idea of controlling people's lives via corporations seems to be their current game plan.

There's two obvious options for the free people. Option A is destruction of the oligarchy through violence, aka civil war. It's a similar situation to the reformation in Europe. The reformation was extremely destructive and violent. It'd be really difficult for the free people to get to the oligarchy even though they outnumber them by orders of magnitude. Their group is small and diffuse and might even be anonymous. They're all over the planet. Also, it's a misunderstanding of the problem.

The real problem is we allow systems to control our lives. We're really ruled by those systems. The oligarchs are too. They're just enmeshed in the control mechanisms of those systems.

The Amish are the really great example of a strategy and approach to living free that would actually work. It's really necessary to rebuild the destroyed culture and to restructure the economy as part of that to exclude the corporations and especially the banks from participation.

It might be necessary to fight at some point, but I think that should be a very last resort, and if it does come to that,  hopefully it'd be the freedom people versus the oligarchs rather than a mass civil war where a bunch of dumbasses kill each other while the oligarchy just laughs about it.

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