Tuesday, April 13, 2021

End of the Middle Class? Good.

Maybe it's not such a bad thing if the middle class disappears. If it gets replaced with world-wide serfdom and a technocratic dystopian hellscape, that's horrible, but if people just bail on the current system and start over without participating in the con games that keep them on the "middle class" treadmill, that's a great thing.

The middle class treadmill is based on scams and schemes that keep people trapped and working like drones, really so the scumbag executives and scammers in the financial system, who are trapped and working like drones can maintain their depraved and retarded lifestyle, which is just a much more lavish version of the middle class consumer's lifestyle... The executives aspire to be making payments on yachts and private jets instead of jet-skis and coach-class tickets to vegas, but it's the same mentality.

My wife knows a middle class woman who's working 2 simultaneous full time jobs, like something out of a sitcom, so she can support her family's upper middle class lifestyle. What's the point of that? If you flush all your time down the toilet on some paper pushing jobs so you can maintain a "lifestyle" of appearance, what's the appearance even worth?

Middle class people go on vacations where they spend a couple months worth of their gross income in a week or two, really to pretend like they're idle rich people with vacation islands and passive income from financial assets, but then they have to go back to the grind to try to catch up on their savings... then they worry everyday about their retirement plans. It's extremely insane.

There are now 84 and 96 month car loans. If you buy a car using those terms, it's worse than a lease, or rental. You are underwater on the loan the minute you sign it and you've implicitly signed up to 8 years on the treadmill. By the end of the loan, the car will be almost worthless. You can buy an 8 year old low mileage used accord or civic for a few thousand dollars and sell it after a couple of years for a few thousand dollars.

The corporation executives and the financial parasites need people to engage in this stupid behavior at an ever increasing pace, mainly because of the way the financial scam operates.

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