Monday, June 8, 2020

Destruction of Corporate America (Yay!)

One of the scenes in "I Pet Goat II" video, which I believe is about the turning of the age--is the higher self (jesus looking character) destroying corporation world.

The corporation/banker era is ending. In fact, maybe it already ended. How is that happening?

The turning of the ages is really a change of human psychology and motivation. The astrologers, like Lavette think it happens because of a change in the configuration of the stars and planets which sort of rewrites the operating system of the world (the age). Maybe it is. It's also possible that it's due to a change in language and in the stories that form human personalities.

You can see it happening in real time today as corporations virtue signal about George Floyd's murder or Coronavirus nonsense. The virtue signalling of life long greedy, habitual hoarder corporate executives is like ringing a lead bell. The striker lands with a thud. The executives of companies assume they have much more control over their employees than they really do. Their virtue signalling reminds the employees that they're really not necessarily on the same page, or working toward any good end in their day-to-day job.

In the "I Pet Goat, II" video, the main character is the slumbering higher self who suddenly awakens near the end of the video. He annihilates a bunch of institutions and the pyramids--the systems of control. In the video when the corporations are destroyed, he's still asleep, which is pretty interesting.

I think this year we'll see corporations create a critical mass exodus from the corporation system. I've been writing about this for a while (see White Flight from Corporations). The reason it will happen is because corporations are paper dolls animated by fake money. The money is a lie. The higher self knows that.

How does the higher self knowing come to replace the habits of generations trained by bankers? We see extremes and confusion every day now. The external world is pure nonsense. The covid hoax is a ridiculous sham. Racial politics in the united states is a ridiculous sham. People with any ability to think or reason will turn inward to the higher self as a sort of beacon of light to follow.

The entities like the corporations are of this world. This age. They will be making less and less sense as the year goes on. Their demands will seem more and more foolish. The money will seem less and less real. The fear of losing a job will flip around to the dread of keeping a job. The fear of losing an "income" of fake money will become the shame of chasing after fake money.

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