Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Psychopaths as Alien Robots

There's been a handful of times where I willfully ignored the guidance of my inner voice and chose to do something that was blatantly wrong. Each time I immediately regretted it, and then paid a price for the transgression as the weeks and months rolled by. I think that's a pretty common experience.

Psychopaths don't have an inner voice at all. Psychopaths are rare in the overall population, but I think they make up a very large portion of the "ruling class". Perhaps their complete lack of inner voice makes it possible for them to basically receive a transplanted "consciousness", which is really just a corporate directive or program.

This concept might be the basis of the Sci-Fi trope of the "alien robot". The cylons in the rebooted Battlestar Galactica look like people, but really can't understand them. The series "Colony" has a group of aliens who are actual robots.

The bargain basement version of that corporate directive might come from the leadership of a violent street gang. The "elite" version might be received over a lifetime of schooling at establishments like Yale, or Eaton. Every once in a while one of these people is outed when they are caught committing a crime like raping a child, or distributing vile criminal pornography. The system will hand down an incongruously light sentence and return them back to the nest.

A normal person's inner voice is 99% non-verbal. The psychopath's corporate directive is 90% verbal--it's a script. Their simple psychological make-up renders them relatively easy to control. They're possibly easier to control than the average person.

It might be that the "elite" are a more slavish group than the vast flock of sheep who they despise.

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