Sunday, June 7, 2020

There's No "White" System in the United States

White people in the United States are passive and slavish, now.

There's no "white system". The whole thing's been taken over by an oligarchy that's mostly corporate and has a hugely disproportionate number of jewish people in decision making positions--that said, I don't think it's ethnically jewish at all--it's something else. I don't even know what.

White people in the US don't even know what their group interests are. They might not really have any, because there's really no extended tribal family of white people. There's a bunch of generations of immigrants from Europe. 99% of those people left their "tribe" behind many, many years ago. They left their ersatz "nationality" behind too.

My family is a good example. On the paternal side we're German--Swabian specifically. That's an identifiable tribe that goes back 2000+ years. On the maternal side we're  Finnish and Hungarian (Magyar). So, we're a genetic mix of Germanic peoples who migrated eurasia after the collapse of the Roman empire.

I'm not sure my ancestors ever derived much identity from their "tribe". Maybe they really disliked it? I have no idea. I assume if it were a really positive, and loved thing, they would have retained it. My gut feeling about my ancestors who left Europe is they really disliked the rulers of their day, and probably disliked their national identity, too, because they discarded that. They came to the United States for a new start.

Now the US is a corporate empire, run by an oligarchy. It's a big pile of paper animated by fake money. The white people have become a target for consumption and destruction not because they're "racist", which is just a propaganda term, but because they, by historical effort, control a lot of resources in the US and are the biggest consumer of resources in the US. The oligarchy wants all their stuff and wants to pauperize them and actually snuff them out.

If you want some perspective on what's happening, take a few minutes and read the wikipedia article on the Reconquista of spain. The white people are basically the moors. Ironically, the jews are like the Kingdom of Asturias in this scenario. It took the "Spanish", really the Visigoths, almost 800 years to conquer the peninsula.

If you're white and reading this article, you might not think you're at war with anyone, but it's pretty clear they're at war with you.

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