Tuesday, August 8, 2017

White Flight From Corporate America

The Senior Software Engineer at google who penned this rather thoughtful email on some really well worn, pretty tired out culture war opinions got fired for expressing those opinions because they conflict with the orthodoxy of the day. The red guard in America will be a corporate version, and I think they're just getting started in making corporate jobs more ideological. The rhetoric of social science and derived identity politics bullshit is mostly aimed at whitey, really white (64%) men (53% x 64%) who are also the bulk of the corporate workforce in the United States. Clearly, that ideology can't be combined with that group of people, especially in the United States, where men aren't total pussies and aren't totally beat down by yapping commies.

What happens if corporate america does go full 'tard red guard and whitey leaves to do his own thing? It's happened again and again in various ways over the decades. White flight from city centers to the burbs is one great example. The cities left behind are disfunctional ruins.

If corporate america turns into a gulag seeking economic leverage to coerce some belief people will bail. There's nothing magic about corporations--they don't exist without their employees obviously, and many talented employees look for any excuse to ditch their jobs. The US financial system in its current form doesn't really exist without corporations. The federal government doesn't either.

Stoking racial animosity toward white people in the United States is a pretty good way to destroy most of the current institutions of the country.

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