Saturday, June 6, 2020

Lavette's YouTube Channel

There's a great YouTube Channel on "astrology", really on alchemy and literature, by a woman named Lavette. I think I could listen to her videos 10 times in a row and still just barely understand all the information she presents in them. She's like a human version of the library of Alexandria. How many more people are out there in the world like that? They might not be famous, wealthy, or successful but are like an ocean of knowledge in one brain. Meanwhile, the people who are promoted to adore and follow are the lowest cretins and actors...

Anyway, I think she does a great job unpacking what astrology really is, or how it might really work. The nature of our world is fractal, so the same information and mechanisms are everywhere. The big is in the small, the small is in the big, etc... Another analogy for it is how the information in our DNA is present in many of the cells of our body over and over, so the plan for the whole is in the smallest part.

She also provides some deep insight into how a long-existing priesthood has been hacking and altering human consciousness and psychology for millenia.

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