In the past few decades, an international oligarchy took control of the USA via the financial system. Now they seem to want to impose an authoritarian technocratic system on the country. The Covid nonsense is a preview of how they want to do that; they'll electronically track people and use government agencies and NGOs to interfere in mundane day-to-day life decisions.
The best strategy to "fight" is really to just walk away from all their systems and build new ones--which probably won't even be that difficult. I think that strategy is actually viable in the US. The oligarchs are a tiny portion of the population. They derive their living via a giant parasitic system.
A sustainable, regionally self sufficient system is anathema to globalists and globalism and even to banks.
I really hope there's a mass awakening across the nation, but I'm not holding my breath. I expect I'll have to hit the "Eject" button from the corporate consumer society sometime in the next 2 years--and I won't be alone; it'll probably be millions of people in a relatively short period of time.
My guess is some of the more draconian elements of the Covid plan will come through corporations first. The people who don't want a tracking app or a vaccine will just leave their jobs. It might be a rough couple years, but I think the potential for rebuilding, almost from scratch, is also pretty exciting.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Covid Mortality Rates in Perspective
In the worst hit parts of the country, the deaths per 100k is on par with "lifetime odds" of dying from a pedestrian accident. This is not an apples to apples stat comparison, but it's probably a reasonable rough-order-of-magnitude estimate. Interestingly, the NSC hasn't calculated a lifetime odds of dying from the 'rona, because according to them "it's too soon to know". That's a cop out. They could model the odds of a typical person based on the current data, which is pretty elaborately detailed. The odds of dying seems to really vary by demographic and state and health. I think they want to avoid doing that modeling because it would seriously undermine the bullshit scare narrative.
Huge Variation in Covid Mortality Across the US
As interest in race riot propaganda declines, media is brainwashing gullible people in a second "wave" of Covid hysteria. (If you look at google trends for Covid and George Floyd, you'll see that the terms are inversely correlated.)
There's a huge variation in death rate for Covid-19 across the country. The worst areas are in the East Coast Megalopolis region. There, deaths per 100k were over 600. In the rest of the country, Covid is about as lethal as a walk in the park.
Here's the stats per state:
Here's a map of the NYC hellhole:
Even within NYC, there's huge variation. Some parts are more like the rest of the country. Some parts look like they were hit with deliberate sabotage or a chemical weapon or something.
Anyway, the huge variation by region is similar within the rest of the states. More rural areas have 0 deaths attributed to Covid. Cities have it the worst. It seems like demographics and population density were the main drivers of the outcome.
There's a huge variation in death rate for Covid-19 across the country. The worst areas are in the East Coast Megalopolis region. There, deaths per 100k were over 600. In the rest of the country, Covid is about as lethal as a walk in the park.
Here's the stats per state:
Here's a map of the NYC hellhole:
Even within NYC, there's huge variation. Some parts are more like the rest of the country. Some parts look like they were hit with deliberate sabotage or a chemical weapon or something.
Anyway, the huge variation by region is similar within the rest of the states. More rural areas have 0 deaths attributed to Covid. Cities have it the worst. It seems like demographics and population density were the main drivers of the outcome.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Natural "Planning" Example
I've been working hard to improve our garden over the past few years, and I'm trying hard to apply some of the concepts I've been enumerating on this blog. How does "natural planning" work? In addition to the manual labor I've done and the building projects I've done, I spend a lot of time looking at the garden without really thinking about it verbally. Then eventually, maybe in days or weeks, I get what amounts to a "revelation".
For example, I've spent many days thinking about why the best area of the garden and the best plant was the result of random circumstances. Very often the converse is true as well--the least well performing parts of the garden took the most planning and labor. For example, over the past few years I've tried to grow corn--each season was pretty disappointing. Last year weather caused problems (too cool and rainy), the prior year, the garden soil was just not good enough. This year, it looks like the corn might do well---although the weather is starting to turn overly rainy and wet now.
Gardening or farming is an attempt to move some fairly large area of land out of a stable equilibrium condition--ideally to a new equilibrium that favors food crop plants or trees. I'm trying to do that gradually and consistently, so all year round the garden is growing something, even in the depths of winter, some living root is in the ground. Eventually, in the new equilibrium, the food plants and cover crops will completely out compete the weeds. (mainly due to mycrorrhizal fungi)
The reason the non-plan/"random" volunteer plants do so well is they're basically self-selecting or "finding" ideal growing conditions. Generally our plans--like prepping an area for corn--are an attempt to "optimize" some scenario, even though we have partial, incomplete or wrong information. For example, if you add a bunch of manure to some part of the garden, the assumption is the soil is "the best" for a given plant, while in reality, maybe small patches, or a some specific mix of plants in a small patch is 100x better than the newly prepared area with a monoculture. That will always be the case, because the potential combinations are infinite in even a small area, and the winning combination might be selected by weather conditions which are totally random and unknowable.
The "technique" then would be to set the stage for that self selection to happen each season and go with the flow. The Fukuoka Seed Ball is one example of that. An intermediate technique between random, nature selected planting of crops, and traditional methods is companion planting, or even just mixing up plants in beds--for example, mixing corn and beans, or potatoes, celery, tomatoes, all in some bed.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Covid Mass Hysteria and Lies
A link to the the chart has been circulating in the chats of various web sites; a few people have created the same chart from the same data and posted it around. It shows the mortality rate per 100,000 people in Sweden over the flu season since 1990/91. The rate is basically flat year to year. There's no massive spike from Covid-19.
The media is ramping up propaganda for additional "lockdowns". The states with the most corrupt governors, like New York, are enacting new measures based on this hoax, like requiring quarantine for people from Florida or whatever. The Media is lying about a "spike" in cases in various states, like Arizona, but the chart above shows hospitalizations are dropping for the dreaded 'rona.
It seems pretty likely this is a deliberate provocation and plan to incite a violent reaction from the general public. The best thing to do is ignore the hysterical people and ridicule the media.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Natural Planning
For the past several years I've been haunted by the idea that agriculture is humanity's original sin. It's quite possible that "Eden" was the Pleistocene world and the world of man, the Holocene, is really a sort of self-made hell. The attempt to escape the cycles of nature and natural systems that make life possible is maybe fundamentally flawed and futile.
If you leave a plot of land alone, it will move to a equilibrium condition that converts as much sunlight as possible to life. If you reformat that land into a garden or a farm, and eliminate most plants and animals from it, only a fraction of the sunlight that falls on it will be converted to life. In fact, you'll have to expend energy by weeding, tilling, or covering the ground to keep the land in a state of disequilibrium.
Farming, though, accomplishes a number of key things: it makes the harvest relatively predictable and labor/time efficient; and it becomes easier to build and use infrastructure near the land that's being worked so harvested food can be processed and stored. That's really the basis for our whole civilization: storing seeds or grain in a jar, or storing hay in a barn. "Wealth" was the province of the god Pluto--the king of the underworld, that is the winter and the dead, that is the stored life.
The dead world, the system world is conjured into existence and animated by men, but it has its own independent existence. It's a sort of parasite that's attached to the living world. It's a god or a demon. It is worshiped and served by some, and fed by many.
It's the eye on the top of the pyramid of the dollar bill; note how the capstone is not attached to the rest of the pyramid. It's basically in a different dimension or plane of existence. I think what's also depicted in that image is their god communicates to this world through the mind's eye and imposes its order through a harsh system. The pyramid is shaped stones piled up in a desert.
The system beast eventually becomes all consuming. We're at that point, today. The transhumanists want to go beyond that point; they are really trans-naturists. Their belief is a 100% engineered and controlled world is possible and desirable. That world is all underworld. It is illuminated by a Death Star.
If you pivot the view of the world 180 degrees and see systematic predictability as alien and draining and become life oriented rather than death oriented, the basis for agricultural planning and labor is so different that it's barely comprehensible. It's an attempt to build the mental wherewithal to participate in the complexity of nature, rather than the dull stupidity of death technology world (see Elf Tech).
The first picture in this post is an exemplification of natural planning--really there was no plan at all. The garlic grew accidentally amid the cover crops. It's the largest bulb by far of those I harvested this year, and it was also the most harmonious, peaceful, least weedy and beautiful corner of the garden so far.
There's something fatally flawed with the "plan to harvest" version of gardening--the death oriented version. The life oriented version requires plugging into a different mind's eye.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
The Prevalence of Bad Choices in History
There are special periods in history where the pattern of what's to come is not set in stone. When I've read about the "Old Northwest" frontier (Ohio prior to settlement), I had the distinct impression that people could have selected among several distinct outcomes. In the late 18th century as frontiersmen and adventurers made their way across the Ohio river into Indian territory, there was no set pattern for the region. The colonial, and then US government were very weak and had no authority in that area. The tribes could have set the tone, but they failed to do so.
The tribes failed to recognize the passing of their era, and their severe disadvantage. The frontiersmen and early settlers mostly lacked the long term vision to work with the tribes or to do anything different than transform the territory into a version of New England, which was a version of Europe, which was a version of the Eurasian Steppe.
The way of life of the Indians had valuable lessons for the settlers, and vice versa, but there was actually very little hybridization of their culture even though they were neighbors for centuries. There's a fairly compelling positive argument to be made for the tribes' methods of organizing territory along natural boundaries, like watersheds and managing natural areas compared to the settlers approach, which severely degraded vast regions. For example, in only about 30 years, the tiny population of settlers completely wiped out most game species in Northeast Ohio. The arbitrary grid-like division of the US versus a more natural approach is a fingerprint of the collective mind and ideas of the European people of the 18th century.
When confronted with a novel, or chaotic situation, people tend to fall into scripted roles. (This is a secret mechanism that small groups of oligarchs use to control masses of people.) A much better outcome might be achieved by a sort of game, where the scripts and archetypes are brought forth into the conscious minds of many people.
Most of the actions of the oligarchs that create chaos revolve around compelling people to adopt short schedules for changes. In the case of the Ohio territory, for example, land companies were created to "sell" territories that were "acquired" from Indians through bogus deals. The monetization of the land of the US created a project oriented time table so the investors could be paid back. That compelled settlers to do retarded things, like burn down all the trees on their land.
Such compulsion drives people to be retarded and make bad choices en masse on behalf of truly vile and evil people.
The tribes failed to recognize the passing of their era, and their severe disadvantage. The frontiersmen and early settlers mostly lacked the long term vision to work with the tribes or to do anything different than transform the territory into a version of New England, which was a version of Europe, which was a version of the Eurasian Steppe.
The way of life of the Indians had valuable lessons for the settlers, and vice versa, but there was actually very little hybridization of their culture even though they were neighbors for centuries. There's a fairly compelling positive argument to be made for the tribes' methods of organizing territory along natural boundaries, like watersheds and managing natural areas compared to the settlers approach, which severely degraded vast regions. For example, in only about 30 years, the tiny population of settlers completely wiped out most game species in Northeast Ohio. The arbitrary grid-like division of the US versus a more natural approach is a fingerprint of the collective mind and ideas of the European people of the 18th century.
When confronted with a novel, or chaotic situation, people tend to fall into scripted roles. (This is a secret mechanism that small groups of oligarchs use to control masses of people.) A much better outcome might be achieved by a sort of game, where the scripts and archetypes are brought forth into the conscious minds of many people.
Most of the actions of the oligarchs that create chaos revolve around compelling people to adopt short schedules for changes. In the case of the Ohio territory, for example, land companies were created to "sell" territories that were "acquired" from Indians through bogus deals. The monetization of the land of the US created a project oriented time table so the investors could be paid back. That compelled settlers to do retarded things, like burn down all the trees on their land.
Such compulsion drives people to be retarded and make bad choices en masse on behalf of truly vile and evil people.
Idiot White Liberals
Since the 1970s, the USA shifted from a gold based financial system and an industrial economy to a scam based financial system. Almost all subsequent gains in productivity were transferred to oligarchs. The average family has been struggling for decades while a tiny, tiny fraction of the population controls corporations and has immense paper wealth.
In the post WW2 era, gold protected the little guy from Wall Street conmen. Since the amount of gold in circulation grows very slowly, it's secretly a form of equity money. So productivity gains inflate the real value of labor and of that currency while it simultaneously reduces the importance of credit and banks in the system. After the 70's, in the scam based system, credit pulled out of a bankers asshole devalues the currency and everything else.
There's no dumber group of people in the USA than white liberals. The white liberal really dislikes, in theory, the outcome of the scam based system, especially for poor black people, or other groups they have been told to admire, but they can't even see the scam system or how it works.
The concept of "systemic oppression" or racism, for example, points a finger of blame at random middle class, and especially working class white people who have no power whatsoever. The typical white liberal functionary thinks himself or herself "better" than those theoretical white racists.
The typical white liberal is basically a mercenary for an oligarch or a cog in the machine of some corporation. The hollywood actor celebrity retards are prime examples of that, but there are probably tens of thousands of people who toil in day to day obscurity in offices all around the United States who think they're basically the same as some celebrity retard.
For whatever reason, the oligarchs seem very intent on taking total control of the United States, now. There's really not many of them, and I think their reach is actually pretty limited. They own the federal government, which is a corrupt pile of shit, but it's harder for them to take control of state and local governments. Piece of shit 0bama has been promoting nationalizing the police, which is a pretty good indication of what the overall plan of those faggots and money hoarders is.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
"Systemic Racism"
In the movie "They Live" the black main character and the white main character have a ridiculously long knock down drag out fight, until the black character finally sees that he's living in a world controlled by aliens. Then they get together and destroy the system that controls their world.
The attempt to racially divide and conquer the US is getting a little bit of traction, but not too much. The "leftist" retards who think they're fighting all the isms, like sexism, racism, etc... think there's some amorphous "white male" system that's oppressing them. They don't even contemplate the financial system, the Federal Reserve, or globalization, which is the thing that's the real poison for the United States.
White working class and middle class America has the same basic problem as black middle and working class america--it's financialization and globalization. The country isn't organized for them and their families to prosper.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
New Mexico Militia Playing Their Role to a "T"
I'm sure the video above will be taken down in a few more hours/minutes, but I'll leave the link anyway. It shows a scuffle between New Mexico militia and leftist retards over a statue. The confrontation goes from pushing and shoving to shooting in a a few minutes. It's not entirely clear what happened; it seems like one of the leftists attacked the militia man with a skateboard and tried to assault him with it, and the militia man shot him.
The police are not trying to maintain order, so the citizen groups like militias try to do it, but they're not trained and don't have the right equipment or manpower. This is all by design. The oligarchs who both the militia and the commie protesters despise are using them to further their agenda.
The outcome of all this chaos is uncertain. I think the left wing retards are acting out and LARPing, but are mostly disorganized and incapable of strategic action. The right wing militia men are also LARPing retards, and they're also incapable of strategic action. It's just mob versus mob.
Anyway, one of the philosophically interesting things about these protests is their attempt to "rewrite" or erase history has probably happened 1000 times in the past. We don't know who were are our where we came from because of it. The heroic aspect of US history is also phony. The pioneers kind of sucked. Our system sucks. Lionizing the Indians is also phony--they sucked too.
There's a handful of notable exceptions to the suck-fest. In fact, the most fertile and interesting periods of US history were the frontier days, when things could have gone any direction and groups and civilizations mixed... inevitably people made the wrong/horrible choice, but some individuals did alright. David Zeisberger is a great example to study, or Johnny Appleseed is another one.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Covid Lawsuits--That Took a Long Time
At least one state had their Covid lockdown measures contested in court and thrown out. Several lawsuits are pending in various states, including Ohio and now New York. Churches are suing the states over the arbitrary and nonsensical lockdown measures. In Ohio, amusement parks are suing the state. It took a surprisingly long time for this legal action to commence. Hopefully it ends up voiding the states arbitrary decrees altogether, rather than disputing them in a case-by-case fashion.
In Ohio, for example, wedding receptions of up to 300 people are somehow OK, but 301 is too many, and other types of gatherings are supposedly not "allowed" under these non-laws. Several county sheriffs, including my home county, have basically voided the decree of the governor for that reason--the rights of citizens take precedence over the governors edicts, and it seems like the day-to-day enforcement of these measures, even by private businesses is fading fast.
I do think they'll try ramping this nonsense up again in the fall, but I think it might not work this time around.
Just Muddling Along versus Perfectability
The notion of perfection or a just order that's knowable to man can impose a severe mental limit on a whole nation of people. They become incapable of change or adaptation and might not even physically survive the various shocks that nature throws at them.
I'm reading a great, concise summary of the history of the Technocracy Movement: Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick M. Wood. Quite a few political systems of recent vintage rely on some form of central planning to "perfect" society. The idea of perfecting man, either as an individual or a society is a religious idea.
The model of perfection really varies quite among people who adopt "perfection" as a goal. In prior ages, the strength and endurance of a man, and his capability as a warrior were the guide of perfection. In religious societies various attributes are thought to make a person "holy" or godly. Often in such societies there's an associated caste system.
The notion of "efficiency" is the guide of perfection of most modern "managerial" thinking. The technocrats saw nations as machines, and people as cogs. If the machine could be engineered correctly, it would create utopian abundance and comfort. Since people were a critical component of the machine they needed to be controlled and managed in every aspect of their life.
The notion of "equality" is a similarly invasive basis as a guide for perfection. The various communist schools of thought imagine they need to mold the mind of every person to achieve perfect equality, which then of course ushers in a utopian age for some reason.
The perverse irony of central planning and managed societies is they're far less productive and far less creative and adaptable than completely decentralized, unmanaged societies. We see the same phenomenon with corporations, too. It takes way more resources for Apple or Microsoft or Google to produce software than a bunch of small companies or the Open Source community. The Utopian/Perfection society is really, at its root about stopping people from doing things. It circumscribes action, mainly because such organizations really impose the will of "rulers" or elites. Corporations do the same thing in the name of efficiency.
One of the concepts I wrestle with on a daily basis is that Nature is far more productive than agriculture for the very same underlying reason. I experience this first hand every year. For example this year, my best garlic plant by far is an accident. It grew from a bulb that was too small to harvest last year and just sprouted up among a riot of cover crops. I barely even had to weed around it.
![]() |
my best garlic is an accident |
Sunday, June 14, 2020
There's Zero "White Power" in the USA, because "White" Americans Are Passive
Over many decades, but especially since the 1970s, white people replaced their capital, and means of making what they need to live with corporations. The corporations are owned and controlled by the oligarchs. Really, any institution in the United States that looks out for the interests and sets the agenda of the "white" people has been subverted, destroyed, or infiltrated by this alien group.
The oligarchs' efforts seem to be reaching a crescendo this year. It seems like their program is to replace or subordinate various levels of the government in the US with NGOs. The Covid-19 hoax is the prime example. The employees of Bill Gates were directing the nonsensical governmental response to the cold and flu season. Even though they did a really bad job: their models were bullshit, and all their recommendations were nonsense, their decrees continue.
There's a similar effort proceeding under the smokescreen on "Black Lives Matter" riots and acting out. Government authority in the ultra liberal urban centers, like Seattle, Portland, or most major cities in the US, will erode and allow NGO bodies to take a more active role in setting and carrying out "policy".
This alien oligarchy is basically rolling out its authority to the local levels of government in cities. The cities are much more vulnerable to a total takeover the states or even county governments.
The white people's belief in conformity, and comfort will be their undoing. They don't realize this alien oligarchy is completely hostile to their interests and their mortal enemy. They even work for it and help it.
There's even a more basic problem, though, the white people don't even have a cultural or world-view now. They've been drawn down the philosophical road of materialism for many years. Their folk culture has been blasted away by the trash corporate pop culture. We were an agricultural people for centuries, and turned into industrial people, which was many steps above the office-suburban minions that many are today. The will is gone. I think that's sort of good. We can ignite something good in that black-hole of the culture. It really is a total reboot.
It's also sort of sucky too. The life of the pioneers who settled the United States really was hard. Life in war torn Reformation Europe was really even worse. Unfortunately, that's probably what the fairly immediate future will look like for us in the western world.
The oligarchs' efforts seem to be reaching a crescendo this year. It seems like their program is to replace or subordinate various levels of the government in the US with NGOs. The Covid-19 hoax is the prime example. The employees of Bill Gates were directing the nonsensical governmental response to the cold and flu season. Even though they did a really bad job: their models were bullshit, and all their recommendations were nonsense, their decrees continue.
There's a similar effort proceeding under the smokescreen on "Black Lives Matter" riots and acting out. Government authority in the ultra liberal urban centers, like Seattle, Portland, or most major cities in the US, will erode and allow NGO bodies to take a more active role in setting and carrying out "policy".
This alien oligarchy is basically rolling out its authority to the local levels of government in cities. The cities are much more vulnerable to a total takeover the states or even county governments.
The white people's belief in conformity, and comfort will be their undoing. They don't realize this alien oligarchy is completely hostile to their interests and their mortal enemy. They even work for it and help it.
There's even a more basic problem, though, the white people don't even have a cultural or world-view now. They've been drawn down the philosophical road of materialism for many years. Their folk culture has been blasted away by the trash corporate pop culture. We were an agricultural people for centuries, and turned into industrial people, which was many steps above the office-suburban minions that many are today. The will is gone. I think that's sort of good. We can ignite something good in that black-hole of the culture. It really is a total reboot.
It's also sort of sucky too. The life of the pioneers who settled the United States really was hard. Life in war torn Reformation Europe was really even worse. Unfortunately, that's probably what the fairly immediate future will look like for us in the western world.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Children's Communism and the Reality of Gardening for Survival
Photos of the garden in the supposed "Autonomous Zone" in Seattle have been circulating the internet for a few days. Many people have been mocking the photos because they're absurd. The garden in the CHAZ is a very typical example of ideological virtue signaling, which is appropriate to that whole absurd situation. It's something a 12 year old might do. It shows why communists are dangerous and why that system ends up killing millions of people whenever it's adopted on a large scale. It's a system that appeals to psychotic mental children.
The vast majority of people in the United States and around the world are the descendants of farmers. Only a handful of decades ago, most people were employed in agriculture, and a century ago, people depended on their own farms and the local community farms for sustenance. Those people had a cultural knowledge base that had been acquired over thousands of years, and had a huge amount of infrastructure for farming and processing and storing food.
Today, that's mostly gone, so if you return to farming via gardening, the learning curve is surprisingly steep, and most of the knowledge that's needed is very subtle and not easy to acquire. The main obstacle that will defeat typical would-be homesteaders is farming/gardening success depends on understanding the particular climate and soil conditions of your property. The mountain of information that's available on the Internet, in books, and on YouTube doesn't yield a recipe that can be just applied anywhere. Trial and error and careful observation, and a good memory and mind are needed to succeed.
Also, gardening on even a modest scale requires quite a bit of infrastructure that most homes lack. A large part of "farming" is building structures and infrastructure. If you don't do it yourself, you'll probably go broke paying people to do it.
If you plant and harvest a year's worth of potatoes for your family, you need a place to store them that's safe from pests, and is dark and cool. In the prior era, most homes had a root cellar, now almost none do. Similarly, if you have a large crop of veggies or strawberries or blueberries you either have to sell them, and have all that setup, or can or freeze them, which requires other infrastructure.
Then, once you start a garden, it requires year 'round maintenance and planning. Anyway, the point is that attempting to start your own farm is difficult and it's relatively "expensive" to try to break away from the beast system and be more independent. I think it's a very good trade to convert fake money that sprays out of banks for that infrastructure though.
Chances are, you and your family won't be capable of supporting yourself with a garden. It would take you a few years of part time weekend work at the minimum to build up the infrastructure from scratch to obtain 1/10th of your calories.
Judah P. Benjamin and Orthodox History of the Civil War
Donald Netanyahoo's channel has a nice, short, straight to the point video on Judah P. Benjamin. (Link to Bitchute)
The official history of the Civil War omits the role of foreign powers in setting it up. Benjamin was certainly an agent of the "British" Empire and basically ran the Confederacy. He was a jew, and he was gay, apparently. (I didn't know that part)
Globohomo is the British Empire. It boggles the mind; it really seems to be true that the "globalists" are basically a troop of gay actors, many of them are jews. They have some bizarre skill of doing deep cover operations and whipping up chaos, destruction and death.
We've been laboring under their constant stream of propaganda for several decades, now. It seems to be reaching a crescendo. The United States is so brainwashed and bamboozled it will take divine intervention to change people's thinking.
The official history of the Civil War omits the role of foreign powers in setting it up. Benjamin was certainly an agent of the "British" Empire and basically ran the Confederacy. He was a jew, and he was gay, apparently. (I didn't know that part)
Globohomo is the British Empire. It boggles the mind; it really seems to be true that the "globalists" are basically a troop of gay actors, many of them are jews. They have some bizarre skill of doing deep cover operations and whipping up chaos, destruction and death.
We've been laboring under their constant stream of propaganda for several decades, now. It seems to be reaching a crescendo. The United States is so brainwashed and bamboozled it will take divine intervention to change people's thinking.
Friday, June 12, 2020
Contact Tracing Bill Sponsor Met With Gates Foundation Months Before the Rona
The Interesting stuff starts at 1:18:00 in the podcast.
August of 2019 there was a conference held in Rwanda sponsored by the aspen institute and who was at that conference? Representatives of the gates foundation, reps of partners in health, congressman bobby rush (sponsor of HR6666)
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Psychopaths as Alien Robots
There's been a handful of times where I willfully ignored the guidance of my inner voice and chose to do something that was blatantly wrong. Each time I immediately regretted it, and then paid a price for the transgression as the weeks and months rolled by. I think that's a pretty common experience.
Psychopaths don't have an inner voice at all. Psychopaths are rare in the overall population, but I think they make up a very large portion of the "ruling class". Perhaps their complete lack of inner voice makes it possible for them to basically receive a transplanted "consciousness", which is really just a corporate directive or program.
This concept might be the basis of the Sci-Fi trope of the "alien robot". The cylons in the rebooted Battlestar Galactica look like people, but really can't understand them. The series "Colony" has a group of aliens who are actual robots.
The bargain basement version of that corporate directive might come from the leadership of a violent street gang. The "elite" version might be received over a lifetime of schooling at establishments like Yale, or Eaton. Every once in a while one of these people is outed when they are caught committing a crime like raping a child, or distributing vile criminal pornography. The system will hand down an incongruously light sentence and return them back to the nest.
A normal person's inner voice is 99% non-verbal. The psychopath's corporate directive is 90% verbal--it's a script. Their simple psychological make-up renders them relatively easy to control. They're possibly easier to control than the average person.
It might be that the "elite" are a more slavish group than the vast flock of sheep who they despise.
How to Guide Yourself
I think every Empire is the same. It's basically a corporation that moves from capital to capital. It replaces the virtue of a nation with corruption through generations of psychological warfare. It replaces the struggle against nature and the forces of the universe with a contest for fake money. The main byproduct of Empire is confusion. Its growth and expansion leads to a mixture of people and a loss of guidance from nature. There's no possibility of reforming such a thing. The dissipation and dissolution of Empires are a one-way path.
The only way out of the confusion is for individuals to turn inward, which effectively hastens the decline of the central power. We already know what to do. It's necessary to find a quiet place and to quiet your mind, either through boring manual labor, like scrubbing a floor, or weeding a garden, or through deliberate meditation. When you have a fairly definite question to ask, eventually you might get an answer.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Destruction of Corporate America (Yay!)
One of the scenes in "I Pet Goat II" video, which I believe is about the turning of the age--is the higher self (jesus looking character) destroying corporation world.
The corporation/banker era is ending. In fact, maybe it already ended. How is that happening?
The turning of the ages is really a change of human psychology and motivation. The astrologers, like Lavette think it happens because of a change in the configuration of the stars and planets which sort of rewrites the operating system of the world (the age). Maybe it is. It's also possible that it's due to a change in language and in the stories that form human personalities.
You can see it happening in real time today as corporations virtue signal about George Floyd's murder or Coronavirus nonsense. The virtue signalling of life long greedy, habitual hoarder corporate executives is like ringing a lead bell. The striker lands with a thud. The executives of companies assume they have much more control over their employees than they really do. Their virtue signalling reminds the employees that they're really not necessarily on the same page, or working toward any good end in their day-to-day job.
In the "I Pet Goat, II" video, the main character is the slumbering higher self who suddenly awakens near the end of the video. He annihilates a bunch of institutions and the pyramids--the systems of control. In the video when the corporations are destroyed, he's still asleep, which is pretty interesting.
I think this year we'll see corporations create a critical mass exodus from the corporation system. I've been writing about this for a while (see White Flight from Corporations). The reason it will happen is because corporations are paper dolls animated by fake money. The money is a lie. The higher self knows that.
How does the higher self knowing come to replace the habits of generations trained by bankers? We see extremes and confusion every day now. The external world is pure nonsense. The covid hoax is a ridiculous sham. Racial politics in the united states is a ridiculous sham. People with any ability to think or reason will turn inward to the higher self as a sort of beacon of light to follow.
The entities like the corporations are of this world. This age. They will be making less and less sense as the year goes on. Their demands will seem more and more foolish. The money will seem less and less real. The fear of losing a job will flip around to the dread of keeping a job. The fear of losing an "income" of fake money will become the shame of chasing after fake money.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
There's No "White" System in the United States
White people in the United States are passive and slavish, now.
There's no "white system". The whole thing's been taken over by an oligarchy that's mostly corporate and has a hugely disproportionate number of jewish people in decision making positions--that said, I don't think it's ethnically jewish at all--it's something else. I don't even know what.
White people in the US don't even know what their group interests are. They might not really have any, because there's really no extended tribal family of white people. There's a bunch of generations of immigrants from Europe. 99% of those people left their "tribe" behind many, many years ago. They left their ersatz "nationality" behind too.
My family is a good example. On the paternal side we're German--Swabian specifically. That's an identifiable tribe that goes back 2000+ years. On the maternal side we're Finnish and Hungarian (Magyar). So, we're a genetic mix of Germanic peoples who migrated eurasia after the collapse of the Roman empire.
I'm not sure my ancestors ever derived much identity from their "tribe". Maybe they really disliked it? I have no idea. I assume if it were a really positive, and loved thing, they would have retained it. My gut feeling about my ancestors who left Europe is they really disliked the rulers of their day, and probably disliked their national identity, too, because they discarded that. They came to the United States for a new start.
Now the US is a corporate empire, run by an oligarchy. It's a big pile of paper animated by fake money. The white people have become a target for consumption and destruction not because they're "racist", which is just a propaganda term, but because they, by historical effort, control a lot of resources in the US and are the biggest consumer of resources in the US. The oligarchy wants all their stuff and wants to pauperize them and actually snuff them out.
If you want some perspective on what's happening, take a few minutes and read the wikipedia article on the Reconquista of spain. The white people are basically the moors. Ironically, the jews are like the Kingdom of Asturias in this scenario. It took the "Spanish", really the Visigoths, almost 800 years to conquer the peninsula.
If you're white and reading this article, you might not think you're at war with anyone, but it's pretty clear they're at war with you.
There's no "white system". The whole thing's been taken over by an oligarchy that's mostly corporate and has a hugely disproportionate number of jewish people in decision making positions--that said, I don't think it's ethnically jewish at all--it's something else. I don't even know what.
White people in the US don't even know what their group interests are. They might not really have any, because there's really no extended tribal family of white people. There's a bunch of generations of immigrants from Europe. 99% of those people left their "tribe" behind many, many years ago. They left their ersatz "nationality" behind too.
My family is a good example. On the paternal side we're German--Swabian specifically. That's an identifiable tribe that goes back 2000+ years. On the maternal side we're Finnish and Hungarian (Magyar). So, we're a genetic mix of Germanic peoples who migrated eurasia after the collapse of the Roman empire.
I'm not sure my ancestors ever derived much identity from their "tribe". Maybe they really disliked it? I have no idea. I assume if it were a really positive, and loved thing, they would have retained it. My gut feeling about my ancestors who left Europe is they really disliked the rulers of their day, and probably disliked their national identity, too, because they discarded that. They came to the United States for a new start.
Now the US is a corporate empire, run by an oligarchy. It's a big pile of paper animated by fake money. The white people have become a target for consumption and destruction not because they're "racist", which is just a propaganda term, but because they, by historical effort, control a lot of resources in the US and are the biggest consumer of resources in the US. The oligarchy wants all their stuff and wants to pauperize them and actually snuff them out.
If you want some perspective on what's happening, take a few minutes and read the wikipedia article on the Reconquista of spain. The white people are basically the moors. Ironically, the jews are like the Kingdom of Asturias in this scenario. It took the "Spanish", really the Visigoths, almost 800 years to conquer the peninsula.
If you're white and reading this article, you might not think you're at war with anyone, but it's pretty clear they're at war with you.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Lavette's YouTube Channel
There's a great YouTube Channel on "astrology", really on alchemy and literature, by a woman named Lavette. I think I could listen to her videos 10 times in a row and still just barely understand all the information she presents in them. She's like a human version of the library of Alexandria. How many more people are out there in the world like that? They might not be famous, wealthy, or successful but are like an ocean of knowledge in one brain. Meanwhile, the people who are promoted to adore and follow are the lowest cretins and actors...
Anyway, I think she does a great job unpacking what astrology really is, or how it might really work. The nature of our world is fractal, so the same information and mechanisms are everywhere. The big is in the small, the small is in the big, etc... Another analogy for it is how the information in our DNA is present in many of the cells of our body over and over, so the plan for the whole is in the smallest part.
She also provides some deep insight into how a long-existing priesthood has been hacking and altering human consciousness and psychology for millenia.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Covid-19 Was a Hoax
Fortunately, my job is pretty unaffected by the coronavirus insanity, and I've been mostly unaffected in my day to day life as well. That said, my employer is just starting to implement Covid-19 policies, which is stupid, because it's more apparent than ever that Covid-19 was a mirage.
It gets clearer every day that the government reaction to it was either planned for some nefarious purpose, or was the response of incompetent retards to a massive hoax perpetrated by people like Bill Gates and that Fauci cretin. People in Italy are apparently waking up to that fraud en masse. Lots of people in the US are still completely bamboozled and brainwashed, though.
American's credulity and mental inertia will be on full display for the next few months of this fraudulent election process. Super corrupt, woman abusing, creamed corn brain Joe Biden will take on reality TV actor Trump in a contest fit for the nadir of the Roman Empire.
American's credulity and mental inertia will be on full display for the next few months of this fraudulent election process. Super corrupt, woman abusing, creamed corn brain Joe Biden will take on reality TV actor Trump in a contest fit for the nadir of the Roman Empire.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Fake Riots, Real Martial Law From Trump the Chump ass Actor Bitch?
Holy shit.
Well, it looks like very bad days are ahead for the United States, and frankly the world. We're all ruled by some shitty oligarchy that runs fake political systems.
Trump claims he is going to deploy the US military into the United States to oppose the riots that are fomented by CIA, etc...
We're very fucked if that happens. The writing is on the wall in 50 foot letters. The oligarchy is going to fuck americans financially--that much is for sure. If they have plans beyond that--they're common thieves primarily--I'm not sure.
Well, it looks like very bad days are ahead for the United States, and frankly the world. We're all ruled by some shitty oligarchy that runs fake political systems.
Trump claims he is going to deploy the US military into the United States to oppose the riots that are fomented by CIA, etc...
We're very fucked if that happens. The writing is on the wall in 50 foot letters. The oligarchy is going to fuck americans financially--that much is for sure. If they have plans beyond that--they're common thieves primarily--I'm not sure.
Mesmerized By the News
The old system is done. It's a bad habit to be mesmerized by the shitty news reports and videos of cities falling apart as black people riot and loot while police stand by doing nothing.
The system the oligarchy wants must really suck. It's taking a big smokescreen of bullshit to install it. The federal and state governments are hostile outposts of the oligarchy with a handful of exceptions.
If you're in a city, I'm going to urge you again for the Nth time to GTFO. If you're a corporate drone with no other skills, start learning to do at least one ordinary useful thing... you might have some months to get yourself ready.
It looks like there's a real chance that the food supply in the US is going to be disrupted this year. If you're in a city, you completely depend on a system that's 100% controlled by people who hate your existence. If you're outside a city, those people have much less control over it.
The largest task, though is to imagine a better world. The psychopaths who want to replace the US system with a centralized, technocrat, computer controlled POS already have their scheme in mind. The normal people don't have any system in mind.
The system the oligarchy wants must really suck. It's taking a big smokescreen of bullshit to install it. The federal and state governments are hostile outposts of the oligarchy with a handful of exceptions.
If you're in a city, I'm going to urge you again for the Nth time to GTFO. If you're a corporate drone with no other skills, start learning to do at least one ordinary useful thing... you might have some months to get yourself ready.
It looks like there's a real chance that the food supply in the US is going to be disrupted this year. If you're in a city, you completely depend on a system that's 100% controlled by people who hate your existence. If you're outside a city, those people have much less control over it.
The largest task, though is to imagine a better world. The psychopaths who want to replace the US system with a centralized, technocrat, computer controlled POS already have their scheme in mind. The normal people don't have any system in mind.
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