Friday, June 28, 2019

"White" Flight Scenarios in the USA

Trump's election and Brexit were unofficial referendums on globalism. The negative consequences of that system only began coming to light in the past few years--unchecked migration and the transformation of day to day life into a rat-race job and the transformation of everything into crap. Even the ostensible beneficiaries of globalism--people in the West--see that it sucks balls. Globalism is good for oligarchs and corporations, and bad for everyone else in the western world. Real life, families, etc... have been replaced with a corporate world, and it sucks. Flat screen TVs are a shitty substitute for what was lost.

The 2020 election will be an even more in-your-face version of that referendum. The democrat candidates pander to spanish speakers and want a no borders world. They've totally abandoned the middle class and working class white and black people who were their former constituents. Those clowns represent oligarchs and non-citizens.

Many commentators cite California as the model for the globalist state of the future. Some super wealthy oligarchs live in oases while retard technocrats oversee the demise of cities. "White" flight is taking place in LA county, for example, while the economy is doing well, ostensibly. The county had a net outflow of population in 2018--about 1%--as it becomes, by all reports, a third world scenario with bubonic plague and typhus breeding in piles of garbage.

"White flight" is my model for how the United States evolves over the next decades. The way to beat globalism is to abandon it. It's an absurd system.

I see that happening where I live. While we have a shit box Wal Mart and other big retailers in our town, we also have a bunch of start up farms and small specialty businesses that do very well. The local economy grows and the quality of merchandise is much higher. Organic produce and meat, and even cured meats, are available through small family businesses.

The federal government is probably going to start falling apart and states will be more important. Who could have imagined such a thing happening in 1990?

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