Sunday, June 2, 2019

Lefty Takeover of Institutions and the Reformation

The "transgender" topic is the weirdest social phenomenon. Men with long hair or wigs are competing in girl's sports and blowing the fields away to the applause of some fringe nonsensical ideological movement. There's virtually no push back against it, just sort of a low grumble in the alt media and in comments sections. An inconsequentially small minority of people have attacked and overrun many large institutions in the United States and the western world in general.

Institutions like colleges and universities are eating up this ideological poison like it's candy and are falling more out of touch with the mass of people every day. Nonsense ideologies are an ideal vehicle for advancing a legalistic and institution ridden world. Developing a legally protected "identity" allows governments and other institutions to invade every nook and cranny of day-to-day life. In countries like the UK and Canada there are daily authoritarian-nanny-state horror stories where the 21st century version of the inquisition shows up to people's homes to monitor opinion or to enforce fringe ideologies.

The almost inexplicable affiliation of various groups of the clown world left reminds me of the intertwined relationships of various factions within catholic/feudal Europe as the reformation got started. The church was a pervasive arbiter of day-to-day social interactions, and was also connected to many aspects of economic life.

The "left" is basically the bizarro world version of that, today. Where the church's ideology was "conservative", that is pretending to be concerned with a moral order and opposed to things like sex outside of marriage, the left rages against anything that's opposed to hedonism and attacks anything natural that attaches individuals to a family or a community.

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