Friday, June 21, 2019

Cablefied YouTube and the Alt Media 2.0

YouTube will be a good test case of the "white flight"/"yeomanry flight" hypothesis. It seems like they're trying to restructure their systems and their business so they're essentially a cable channel with comments. There's a certain retard-logic to this move. The dumb advertisers liked the old media model. When their audience moved to YouTube and other streaming platforms I don't think they ever adapted and probably can't adapt. Since they're the source of YouTube's revenue, they're forcing YouTube into that old model.

The audience left cable for streaming platforms to get away from ads, and get away from the stupidity of corporate media. What happens when there's no audience for Cable YouTube and the audience moves onto alt-media 2.0? That's what I think will happen, by the way. YouTube might end up as a successful cable channel and still fail. Advertisers might not be able to spend enough money to make people watch their stupid shit. What happens when the shrieking rhetoric of mainstream media people and the hyperbolic smears of the alt media fall on deaf ears and their propaganda stops working?

I don't think "the market" really shape what entities like Google or Faceberg or financial institutions do. They're political entities first and they have a political agenda. This might become more apparent over the next weeks and months.

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