Thursday, June 13, 2019

Iran War Likely? Nah.

Neocons have been agitating for war with Iran for decades. Maybe they're going after it now as the sleepy public is grumbling about their psychotic nonsense. Maybe they fear they'll get a firm boot in the ass after being entrenched in DC for decades. I won't be surprised if the Saudis, Iran, or Israel, or any other bad actor, including those in New York and DC launches some false flag attack on a civilian target or hits an oil installation or a military target in a sensitive area. Is there an all out war on the horizon?

I think all those groups listed above do well under high tension, minimal conflict/risk scenarios, where the money flows, oil prices are high, and it's easy to manipulate markets and make huge profits. They're all people who are driven by money and banal concerns rather than honor or principles.

The people who launched the attacks on the oil tankers today probably scored a huge windfall in the markets. Why risk an all out conflict, potential collapse of your Kingdom or Country, or loss of life of yourself and your family when you can cash in on saber rattling, terrorism and mercenaries?

There's probably no scenario for war with Iran that benefits the United States at all, and it would almost certainly be a Suez Crisis for the current iteration of that old evil whore Empire. It would only benefit the Saudis and they don't have anything to offer the United States that would tip the balance.

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