Monday, June 24, 2019

Babylon Incorporated

A pretty common trope in the alt-media is the "jews" are a coherent group of people with a common set of beliefs and a common agenda but there are probably as many different versions of Judaism as there are Christianity and there are, of course, a few distinct racial/ethnic groups who are adherents of that group of religions. Even among the Amish, there are several different groups that might dress and even look the same, but actually have different beliefs.

I don't think "the Empire" or the NWO or whatever you want to call it is really "jewish" at all--I think it's actually Greek more than anything, and maybe what we call "Greek" or Hellenistic just goes back some root Empire cilization. Call it Babylon or whatever. The Bible was written by, apparently, a bunch of people who didn't cotton to Empire and saw it as Demonic. Those people would not be at all out of place with the critics of Empire today. They'd be right at home on The Internet.

The alt media is really pretty similar. It's actually pretty wild to see a bunch of people in the alt media--in the sort of distributed consensus forming method of the Internet--start moving toward ideas of natural law, and looking for a sense of order and perspective in The Bible. I'm starting to do that myself.

I think the Empire never died. It just moves from place to place as one nation rises, then chokes on it's own corruption and vomit and dies, the Empire moves onto the next victim. Babylon Inc. is at its zenith in the Western World today. That old freak whore is starting to look pretty raggedy ass right about now in the United States. It's freak servants are a bunch of old husk men who survive on child blood.

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