It's eye opening to read about the initial interactions between european settlers and the tribes in the Americas. The europeans got the Indians hooked on money and luxury goods in no time at all. The europeans, of course, had been hooked on luxury goods for thousands of years by that time. It's a trope to scorn the people who traded Manhattan for some beads and blankets, even though 99% of us trade our life for digits every day.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Democrats are the Globalism Party
Globalism is the British Empire/Corporate system. The sales pitch to adopt that system in the United States started in the 1970s. The coke ads showing all the kids drinking coke in their national dress was propaganda for it. All through the 70's, 80's and especially the 90's policies and laws were changed to transform the united states from a state/national economy into a global corporate economy.
The Democrats are now the globalism party. The socialist component of the democrats dovetails nicely into the corporate part of the party--when all the jobs are shipped overseas to slave labor populations then social benefits--provided and administered by more corporations--are needed for the disenfranchised people in the host nations for globo-corps.
The national/state economy of prior eras was heavily regulated by the 40s. It was possible to raise a family on a single income from a man working at a blue collar job. Eventually that system became pretty corrupt and infiltrated by parasites like the mob. Similarly, by the 2000's the globalist system was riddled with corruption and parasitism.
The smiley coke-ad version of Globalism that was sold to the American people in the Bush/Clinton era has shown its true face and is being rejected. There's really no new system or idea to replace it. The democrats are still selling it, but it's like trying to sell asbestos.
Friday, June 28, 2019
"White" Flight Scenarios in the USA
Trump's election and Brexit were unofficial referendums on globalism. The negative consequences of that system only began coming to light in the past few years--unchecked migration and the transformation of day to day life into a rat-race job and the transformation of everything into crap. Even the ostensible beneficiaries of globalism--people in the West--see that it sucks balls. Globalism is good for oligarchs and corporations, and bad for everyone else in the western world. Real life, families, etc... have been replaced with a corporate world, and it sucks. Flat screen TVs are a shitty substitute for what was lost.
The 2020 election will be an even more in-your-face version of that referendum. The democrat candidates pander to spanish speakers and want a no borders world. They've totally abandoned the middle class and working class white and black people who were their former constituents. Those clowns represent oligarchs and non-citizens.
Many commentators cite California as the model for the globalist state of the future. Some super wealthy oligarchs live in oases while retard technocrats oversee the demise of cities. "White" flight is taking place in LA county, for example, while the economy is doing well, ostensibly. The county had a net outflow of population in 2018--about 1%--as it becomes, by all reports, a third world scenario with bubonic plague and typhus breeding in piles of garbage.
"White flight" is my model for how the United States evolves over the next decades. The way to beat globalism is to abandon it. It's an absurd system.
I see that happening where I live. While we have a shit box Wal Mart and other big retailers in our town, we also have a bunch of start up farms and small specialty businesses that do very well. The local economy grows and the quality of merchandise is much higher. Organic produce and meat, and even cured meats, are available through small family businesses.
The federal government is probably going to start falling apart and states will be more important. Who could have imagined such a thing happening in 1990?
The 2020 election will be an even more in-your-face version of that referendum. The democrat candidates pander to spanish speakers and want a no borders world. They've totally abandoned the middle class and working class white and black people who were their former constituents. Those clowns represent oligarchs and non-citizens.
Many commentators cite California as the model for the globalist state of the future. Some super wealthy oligarchs live in oases while retard technocrats oversee the demise of cities. "White" flight is taking place in LA county, for example, while the economy is doing well, ostensibly. The county had a net outflow of population in 2018--about 1%--as it becomes, by all reports, a third world scenario with bubonic plague and typhus breeding in piles of garbage.
"White flight" is my model for how the United States evolves over the next decades. The way to beat globalism is to abandon it. It's an absurd system.
I see that happening where I live. While we have a shit box Wal Mart and other big retailers in our town, we also have a bunch of start up farms and small specialty businesses that do very well. The local economy grows and the quality of merchandise is much higher. Organic produce and meat, and even cured meats, are available through small family businesses.
The federal government is probably going to start falling apart and states will be more important. Who could have imagined such a thing happening in 1990?
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Google's a Fraud. Trump's a Fraud.
Google's editorial decisions about search results is straight up fraud. It's lying about what's presented versus what is. It's pretty interesting to see a bunch of lefty corporate types get up in front of congress and lie just like any ostensible "republican" corporate or government ghoul from ages past. The idea that any of these people has moral high ground is absurd.
Similarly, whatever meager hopes I had for the Trump administration are over. At best he's an actor who isn't going along 100% with the script. At worst, he's playing a role that's meant to stir up chaos for Babylon Incorporated. A war with Iran on behalf of Saudis and Israel will make the United States despised abroad and will wreak havoc here at home. Most people are beyond sick and tired of the neocons.
Similarly, whatever meager hopes I had for the Trump administration are over. At best he's an actor who isn't going along 100% with the script. At worst, he's playing a role that's meant to stir up chaos for Babylon Incorporated. A war with Iran on behalf of Saudis and Israel will make the United States despised abroad and will wreak havoc here at home. Most people are beyond sick and tired of the neocons.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Emptying People Out
Groups as diverse as catholic nuns, marching bands, sports clubs, and secret societies, and the mafia have initiation rituals that are meant to mark the beginning of a "new life" for the adherents, and the death of their former self. In many cases, the end of the old life is symbolized by a dramatized death, where the initiate gets into a coffin, then emerges to the embrace of their cult brethren. Another common tactic is to humiliate and abuse the initiates. Hazing in frats, which sometimes turns fatal, is one example, but it's pretty common across every type of club.
The purpose of all that nonsense is to forcibly impose a shift in consciousness on the initiate. It causes the person to dissociate to some degree. It effectively empties them out--it pushes the mind out of the body. It's sort of similar to the exercise I described in an earlier post--of balancing on a log. The language part of the brain shuts down.
The second part of those rituals is to refill the initiate. After the humiliation, there's an embrace and camraderie.
Corruption works almost the same way, though the order is reversed. The initiate accepts a gift or bribe, but then owes a favor or faces severe punishment or humiliation. They can stay in the good graces of the group by abandoning their own will and sense of right and wrong, and get even more rewards.
This works on a mass scale through mass media too. It's possible to expose people to humiliation and rewards, and to stress and terror via TV or movies. The effect is probably less dramatic on individuals but the net outcome is more substantial because it impacts so many millions.
The purpose of all that nonsense is to forcibly impose a shift in consciousness on the initiate. It causes the person to dissociate to some degree. It effectively empties them out--it pushes the mind out of the body. It's sort of similar to the exercise I described in an earlier post--of balancing on a log. The language part of the brain shuts down.
The second part of those rituals is to refill the initiate. After the humiliation, there's an embrace and camraderie.
Corruption works almost the same way, though the order is reversed. The initiate accepts a gift or bribe, but then owes a favor or faces severe punishment or humiliation. They can stay in the good graces of the group by abandoning their own will and sense of right and wrong, and get even more rewards.
This works on a mass scale through mass media too. It's possible to expose people to humiliation and rewards, and to stress and terror via TV or movies. The effect is probably less dramatic on individuals but the net outcome is more substantial because it impacts so many millions.
Finally Degoogling
I started to close all my silicon valley globo homo corpo accounts a few years ago. It's taken quite a while, though. They've really weaseled into many nooks and crannies of day-to-day life. I am finally getting around to closing all my google accounts and "deleting" my data from their services and going back to the old school way of doing things. I'll buy a new tower PC to store data in my own "cloud".
Google's a clown world corporation. If you read any articles on them, the company is overflowing with useless people in political commissar jobs. It must be pretty hellish to work there unless you're a clown.
This blog is on a google site, unfortunately. Nobody reads it anyway, though, and it certainly costs more than it brings in, obviously, so I don't feel too motivated to close this thing down.
The phone is going to be harder to get rid of. Crapple and Gulag are a duopoly. There's no alternatives out there. I'll probably go back to a flip phone and a separate data service modem through Verizon, which is just another mega-corp. It's redonk.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
The Mask Comes Off
The "cold civil war" is definitely going to step up. Google is a traitor company. I think they just wandered into some very dangerous territory. The project veritas video exposing how blithe they are about hijacking the 2020 election shows how completely delusional they are. They waddled into the political arena. I think they're going to pay a pretty heavy price.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Babylon Incorporated
A pretty common trope in the alt-media is the "jews" are a coherent group of people with a common set of beliefs and a common agenda but there are probably as many different versions of Judaism as there are Christianity and there are, of course, a few distinct racial/ethnic groups who are adherents of that group of religions. Even among the Amish, there are several different groups that might dress and even look the same, but actually have different beliefs.
I don't think "the Empire" or the NWO or whatever you want to call it is really "jewish" at all--I think it's actually Greek more than anything, and maybe what we call "Greek" or Hellenistic just goes back some root Empire cilization. Call it Babylon or whatever. The Bible was written by, apparently, a bunch of people who didn't cotton to Empire and saw it as Demonic. Those people would not be at all out of place with the critics of Empire today. They'd be right at home on The Internet.
The alt media is really pretty similar. It's actually pretty wild to see a bunch of people in the alt media--in the sort of distributed consensus forming method of the Internet--start moving toward ideas of natural law, and looking for a sense of order and perspective in The Bible. I'm starting to do that myself.
I think the Empire never died. It just moves from place to place as one nation rises, then chokes on it's own corruption and vomit and dies, the Empire moves onto the next victim. Babylon Inc. is at its zenith in the Western World today. That old freak whore is starting to look pretty raggedy ass right about now in the United States. It's freak servants are a bunch of old husk men who survive on child blood.
I don't think "the Empire" or the NWO or whatever you want to call it is really "jewish" at all--I think it's actually Greek more than anything, and maybe what we call "Greek" or Hellenistic just goes back some root Empire cilization. Call it Babylon or whatever. The Bible was written by, apparently, a bunch of people who didn't cotton to Empire and saw it as Demonic. Those people would not be at all out of place with the critics of Empire today. They'd be right at home on The Internet.
The alt media is really pretty similar. It's actually pretty wild to see a bunch of people in the alt media--in the sort of distributed consensus forming method of the Internet--start moving toward ideas of natural law, and looking for a sense of order and perspective in The Bible. I'm starting to do that myself.
I think the Empire never died. It just moves from place to place as one nation rises, then chokes on it's own corruption and vomit and dies, the Empire moves onto the next victim. Babylon Inc. is at its zenith in the Western World today. That old freak whore is starting to look pretty raggedy ass right about now in the United States. It's freak servants are a bunch of old husk men who survive on child blood.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Iran Cyber Hacker Lies
Lol. How often do they trot this horse shit out? I think every year at least. Maybe it's time to buy some cyber begone defense spray to protect our "critical infrastructure".
Dissociation as "Transformation"
There's a handful of older transgender people who are speaking out against its promotion. Walt Heyer is particularly candid about it and he's got a bunch of interviews out there in the alt media. He claims it's a form of dissociation, that is a mental separation with reality.
Various methods of "transforming" people via trauma and abuse is a widespread trope among secret societies and the scuttlebutt about programs like MK Ultra or groups like Skull and Bones. It's a form of forced initiation and psychologically manufacturing a psychopath from a normal human being.
The Appeal of Natural Order and Simple Life
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I'm Going Doomer |
I think that's happening now in the United States. Unfortunately, many of the institutions in the country are perverted and parasitic--it's inevitable as the sunrise and sunset. The only way to fight back is to opt out and not surrender your will to it. Making a choice. Using judgement is unplugging from the Matrix.
I think the weirdness of the cultural moment is manufactured and is meant to break up the unity of the United States, and its actually working. But it's only working because it follows the natural order of things. As competent and intelligent people abandon the institutions that formalize the system with laws and contracts because they're a freak show, the whole thing will collapse piece by piece.
The collapse of Rome is often attributed to outside forces, but by the time Alaric invaded the city, it had already been abandoned and left for dead.
It's pretty interesting that cities like Los Angeles or San Francisco and New York, cities that are the capitals of Corporate Consumer America turn into literal shitholes and start falling apart and become uneconomic at their very peak. It is really counterintuitive.
"33" Masonic Freak Show
I had a few twitter friends who were into the "tranny" conspiracy--the "elites" partake in a religion that lionizes transgenderism. I thought it was nonsense for quite a while. It's hard to analyze a photo or two and look for telltale signs that an actress is really a man pretending to be a woman. There's a YouTube genre that focuses on that.
I stumbled on a video analyzing Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol which made me think the theory is plausible. The idea that masons are a tranny worshipping cult, and that's their big "secret" seems unfortunately plausible to me.
"33", probably means a combination of opposites, in this case male and female. Pythagoras had a weird antipathy to the number "2". There's a short discussion of the union of opposites (when men were as gods) in a Platonic dialog--the one about the dinner party. Being cultured and sophisticated is really identical to believing the superstitions and ideas that came out of the Mediterranean world a couple thousand years ago.
Now, for some reason, they're really trying to push this secret joke into the public eye. Their cult revolves around butt sex and trannies? Is that it?
I stumbled on a video analyzing Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol which made me think the theory is plausible. The idea that masons are a tranny worshipping cult, and that's their big "secret" seems unfortunately plausible to me.
"33", probably means a combination of opposites, in this case male and female. Pythagoras had a weird antipathy to the number "2". There's a short discussion of the union of opposites (when men were as gods) in a Platonic dialog--the one about the dinner party. Being cultured and sophisticated is really identical to believing the superstitions and ideas that came out of the Mediterranean world a couple thousand years ago.
The sexes were not two as they are now, but originally three in number; there was man, woman, and the union of the two, having a name corresponding to this double nature, which had once a real existence, but is now lost, andthe word "Androgynous" is only preserved as a term of reproach.The baphomet symbol is really a symbol of the androgyne. The fusion of opposites. The "33" is the fusion of two triangles, man and woman, just like the human is the fusion of spirit and water. Anyway, I think basically my whole blog beats this point to death--that the ultimate irony of people who decry material limits and natural order is they are so superficial to imagine "gender" is really equivalent to appearance and by chopping off your dick and taking hormones makes a person into a woman.
Now, for some reason, they're really trying to push this secret joke into the public eye. Their cult revolves around butt sex and trannies? Is that it?
Friday, June 21, 2019
Iran War Scenarios
The story that Trump approved, then called off airstrikes, is a pretty weird one. It's probably just campaign lies.
I doubt there's any way the US can attack Iran without risking a major conflagration. I am still pretty skeptical it will happen, but the amount of propaganda in the "news" and even via alt-media shills like Infowars is pretty disturbing.
I doubt they'd do airstrikes without preparing for a regional war first, since it would escalate to that really rapidly. Maybe they're trying to provoke Iran to take the initiative in escalation, but I doubt that will happen too.
Why would any of the powers involved shift out of the proxy war/perpetual chaos model they've been following for years? That model could go on for centuries.
Cablefied YouTube and the Alt Media 2.0
YouTube will be a good test case of the "white flight"/"yeomanry flight" hypothesis. It seems like they're trying to restructure their systems and their business so they're essentially a cable channel with comments. There's a certain retard-logic to this move. The dumb advertisers liked the old media model. When their audience moved to YouTube and other streaming platforms I don't think they ever adapted and probably can't adapt. Since they're the source of YouTube's revenue, they're forcing YouTube into that old model.
The audience left cable for streaming platforms to get away from ads, and get away from the stupidity of corporate media. What happens when there's no audience for Cable YouTube and the audience moves onto alt-media 2.0? That's what I think will happen, by the way. YouTube might end up as a successful cable channel and still fail. Advertisers might not be able to spend enough money to make people watch their stupid shit. What happens when the shrieking rhetoric of mainstream media people and the hyperbolic smears of the alt media fall on deaf ears and their propaganda stops working?
I don't think "the market" really shape what entities like Google or Faceberg or financial institutions do. They're political entities first and they have a political agenda. This might become more apparent over the next weeks and months.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
War With Iran? We're Already at War.
Somebody is paying to fly Africans to South America so they can invade the United States. The usual suspects--the "jews"--that is oligarchs like Soros are probably one group. But why wouldn't China be doing that and other competing nations.
We had a really long period of peace and relative stability after WW2, especially in the US, but maybe that's actually coming to an end. If you read my blog, you probably are aware I'm not a doomer or an ethnonationalist or a warmonger, but it'd be a huge mistake to allow the 5th column in the United States to keep chipping away at the foundations.
I think we're wandering toward some new type of conflict in the United States. It's not a civil war or a revolution, more like a cold civil war.
We had a really long period of peace and relative stability after WW2, especially in the US, but maybe that's actually coming to an end. If you read my blog, you probably are aware I'm not a doomer or an ethnonationalist or a warmonger, but it'd be a huge mistake to allow the 5th column in the United States to keep chipping away at the foundations.
I think we're wandering toward some new type of conflict in the United States. It's not a civil war or a revolution, more like a cold civil war.
Trump Admin Going to Blame Iran for 9/11?
Trump made cryptic comments about 9/11 recently. He hinted "he knows who did it". If neocon shills start to blame Iran from 9/11 while Trump acts like a snowplow throwing out some open ended comments like "I know who did 9/11", then we'll know he's a blackmailed pile of garbage like every other president in my lifetime. I doubt people are stupid enough to fall for this crap now.
Pinky Gang Sign
The gesture Ilhan Omar is making is a pretty common gang sign. In the photo above it's obviously intentional. If you try to hold your hand in that gesture it takes some concentration. Anyway, I have no idea what this one represents and so far I haven't had much luck finding out who or what it's affiliated with.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
"Caleb Cain" Hamfisted Propaganda from the NYT and CNN
I watched a few minutes of the CNN interview with "Caleb Cain" (sure that's a real person), who was the subject of the NYT article about YouTube right wing radicalization. He read a bunch of talking points. He reminds me of those kids from "School Shooting The Musical" who went around the country talking about gun control.
The biggest threat to corporate media isn't the alt media, it's just real people making real videos. The authenticity of real people making media about things they actually care about draws a sharp contrast with corporate spokespeople. If you watch a person on YouTube who transitions from doing their own stuff to sponsored content, the shift in their tone is dramatic and obvious, even though you'd be hard pressed to point out the tell tale signs.
The word "enthusiasm" is derived from greek words meaning "inspired by the gods". Corporate enthusiasm is very obviously fake, like corporate sincerity. It's just lies. The will and soul of the presenter is gone.
Friday, June 14, 2019
Oberlin College Slammed With Maximum Punitive Damages
Oberlin College staff went mental in 2016 and attacked a local bakery--the nearest white middle class/working class people they could find apparently. They got sued and will probably pay out $33M after a series of blunders and gaffs by their staff and lawyers. Unfortunately their endowment is close to $1B, so there's probably not much hardship involved.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Iran War Likely? Nah.
Neocons have been agitating for war with Iran for decades. Maybe they're going after it now as the sleepy public is grumbling about their psychotic nonsense. Maybe they fear they'll get a firm boot in the ass after being entrenched in DC for decades. I won't be surprised if the Saudis, Iran, or Israel, or any other bad actor, including those in New York and DC launches some false flag attack on a civilian target or hits an oil installation or a military target in a sensitive area. Is there an all out war on the horizon?
I think all those groups listed above do well under high tension, minimal conflict/risk scenarios, where the money flows, oil prices are high, and it's easy to manipulate markets and make huge profits. They're all people who are driven by money and banal concerns rather than honor or principles.
The people who launched the attacks on the oil tankers today probably scored a huge windfall in the markets. Why risk an all out conflict, potential collapse of your Kingdom or Country, or loss of life of yourself and your family when you can cash in on saber rattling, terrorism and mercenaries?
There's probably no scenario for war with Iran that benefits the United States at all, and it would almost certainly be a Suez Crisis for the current iteration of that old evil whore Empire. It would only benefit the Saudis and they don't have anything to offer the United States that would tip the balance.
I think all those groups listed above do well under high tension, minimal conflict/risk scenarios, where the money flows, oil prices are high, and it's easy to manipulate markets and make huge profits. They're all people who are driven by money and banal concerns rather than honor or principles.
The people who launched the attacks on the oil tankers today probably scored a huge windfall in the markets. Why risk an all out conflict, potential collapse of your Kingdom or Country, or loss of life of yourself and your family when you can cash in on saber rattling, terrorism and mercenaries?
There's probably no scenario for war with Iran that benefits the United States at all, and it would almost certainly be a Suez Crisis for the current iteration of that old evil whore Empire. It would only benefit the Saudis and they don't have anything to offer the United States that would tip the balance.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Tech Companies are Like Candy Makers
Companies like Facebook and Twitter combined some existing techniques and technologies to provide social media services. They really didn't make anything new at all. The data centers where posts and photos pile-up and where the companies do data mining are just piles of hardware and software that's been developing for decades. In an older post, I thought a good analogy for these tech companies was the railroads, but I think a better analogy is candy companies.
Facebook and twitter just came up with recipes that people liked for a while. The barrier to entry to startup or replace companies like twitter and facebook is really low already, and gets lower every day. The injection of politics into their business is a really bad idea. As they alienate significant portions of their users, the vaunted "network effects" that supposedly make them valuable start to work against them. It's very easy for people to jump to new services. It's easier than buying a different candy bar than a Hershy's.
Facebook and twitter just came up with recipes that people liked for a while. The barrier to entry to startup or replace companies like twitter and facebook is really low already, and gets lower every day. The injection of politics into their business is a really bad idea. As they alienate significant portions of their users, the vaunted "network effects" that supposedly make them valuable start to work against them. It's very easy for people to jump to new services. It's easier than buying a different candy bar than a Hershy's.
Ideologies are Nonsense
As children progress through school, from elementary to secondary education and finally to college they learn over and over again that the world can be understood intellectually, i.e. with a toy, symbolic model. Ideologies are a description of those models. They're like a rulebook for dungeons and dragons, or a card game.
Often, the rulebooks and manifestos created by authors of ideologies are thousands of pages long. The ranting of a person who's tried to transcribe reality into a dead pile of letters can't keep up with reality, of course. No matter how much they write and stipulate all the details of life, they fall far short.
Ideologies are sometimes paired with violent cults. Some poor people wander into that maze of insane ideas and decide to try to live there. It's like basing your life on Magic the Gathering.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
When Bandwidth and Media is Almost Zero Cost
Network bandwidth gets cheaper every day. The factors that drive hard drive storage capacity and computing power drive network bandwidth, too. Network bandwidth really boils down to the number of computations a device can do per unit time, or the number of operations a device can do per unit energy.
The corporate broadcast media is being eaten up by the Internet the same way newspapers were by cable TV and the Internet. There's essentially no barrier to entry to produce and distribute video content, now.
The current ham fisted attempt to censor YouTube on behalf of legacy media firms will probably only succeed in fatally wounding YouTube. In recent days and weeks, the amount of content on competitors like BitChute has been booming. The factors that drove the rise of YouTube and the decline of the corporate media will propel YouTube's competition.
Tech firms might end up like a man who's job is to sell sand on the beach. For the past few years, the value of companies like Faceberg or YouTube has been derived from eyeballs, network effects, and critical mass. The theory was their positions were entrenched due to the large number of users on those sites. However, the user base of these corporations might be as ephemeral as a flock of birds on a wire. The cost to duplicate faceberg or YouTube drops by a factor of ten every few years.
I thought railroads were a good analogy for these companies, but maybe mass market candy is a better analogy. At first there are a handful of candy companies, then the market is saturated by 1000 different confections.
Monday, June 10, 2019
The Beast System
The world of man is the world of lies.
Man's task, apparently, as a creature of the middle. is to discover his place in a divine order and live accordingly. Since we're free, and we're very limited we make mistakes and are easily led astray.
The beast system, really any system, is devoid of human thought and choice. It's an upside down monster world. By making man's creation an idol, it keeps men thinking of lowly things.
Man's task, apparently, as a creature of the middle. is to discover his place in a divine order and live accordingly. Since we're free, and we're very limited we make mistakes and are easily led astray.
The beast system, really any system, is devoid of human thought and choice. It's an upside down monster world. By making man's creation an idol, it keeps men thinking of lowly things.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
That Time some Liberals Burned the Flag
My first year of college--either 1989 or 1990 I don't recall the exact time this happened--some kids were going to burn an American flag to protest a proposed amendment to the constitution to ban flag burning. Some counter protesters went to try to talk them out of it and I went to watch. I was sort of neutral on the topic and thought the amendment scheme was political bullshit. At the same time, I thought the left wing pro flag burning people were also frauds and hacks who were just acting out some drama--I knew some of the people personally, and that was my opinion of them as individuals.
The incident which resulted in Oberlin college paying millions of dollars in damages to a local bakery that their staff slandered after the Trump election brought the flag burning to mind today. I think the self righteousness of liberal frauds has such a bad stank because they are so feeble and weak physically that they're actually incapable of doing anything, so they're always play acting.
The pro flag burning "liberals" were women and gay men who were built like women. The counter protesters were athletic types. Physically it was like men versus children. That said, the incident unfolded according to some playground common-law understanding of property and the sanctity of individuals rather than a one sided beat down. Once the lefties actually lit the flag, it transformed from their property to garbage. At that point the flag was taken by the men.
One of the gay boys stole it back briefly, but he was too slow and weak to maintain possession. It's counter-intuitive, but the asymmetry in physicality kept the situation very calm. It would have been unseemly for the counter protesters to beat down women and little boys, and it's uncommon to find actual men who will actually bully small people, because they've been socialized against violence from a young age. On the other hand, it's really common to find psychopathic violence envisioning small and weak people.
Anyway, I think the "left", really just the same type of people who burned the flag at my college, keep begging to be beat to a pulp, but I think they aren't even capable of goading the "right", really just actual men, to do it. I think their freak out in 2020 if Trump wins the election will be spectacular, but just more of the same emoting and attention seeking crap that they're doing now.
YouTube and the 2020 Elections
In the 2016 election, leaked emails that showed how the MSM and the DNC are basically the same thing. At that time, the DNC and honchos of corporate media thought people in the United States were still paying attention to what they had to say, even though cable subscriptions had already dropped by more than 50% from 2000. Now in the prelude to the 2020 election they seem intent on turning YouTube into another cable channel.
It's somewhat surprising that Google/YouTube is going along with the plan, although it's basically confirmation that corporate "America" is a financial cartel rather than competing organizations.
I doubt it solves the fundamental problem of loss of credibility/exposure of mainstream/establishment institutions as opposed to the interests of the average American. I doubt it saves cable or corporate media either.
They'll probably start going after the alt-tech companies even harder than they were before. At some point violence might break out. The 2020 election is going to be weird.
It's somewhat surprising that Google/YouTube is going along with the plan, although it's basically confirmation that corporate "America" is a financial cartel rather than competing organizations.
I doubt it solves the fundamental problem of loss of credibility/exposure of mainstream/establishment institutions as opposed to the interests of the average American. I doubt it saves cable or corporate media either.
They'll probably start going after the alt-tech companies even harder than they were before. At some point violence might break out. The 2020 election is going to be weird.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
The Way Things Should Be
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Ducks on Slug Patrol |
We're really, really far from having a closed loop, "self sustaining" farm, but it seems plausible, and that's what I'm working toward. We're also pretty far from being able to produce large quantities of food that we could make a living selling. This year I'll probably just give away the surplus strawberries we'll have--maybe 50 quarts.
Unfortunately it's taken me many years, where many of the best years of my life were squandered on nonsense, to figure out this is what I want to do. It's embarrassing to admit how effective trash like the media, movies, and even works of fiction were in leading me down bad paths over and over again to yet another dead end.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
YouTube Harikari
The rise of alt-media and independent content creation over the past few years really put a crimp in the mainstream/corporate media propaganda machine. YouTube/Google's recent actions to censor and marginalize the people who really helped grow their viewership seems to indicate they aren't interested in business success, but are mainly political actors who are opposed to the interest of citizens of the United States and other western countries.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Lefty Takeover of Institutions and the Reformation
The "transgender" topic is the weirdest social phenomenon. Men with long hair or wigs are competing in girl's sports and blowing the fields away to the applause of some fringe nonsensical ideological movement. There's virtually no push back against it, just sort of a low grumble in the alt media and in comments sections. An inconsequentially small minority of people have attacked and overrun many large institutions in the United States and the western world in general.
Institutions like colleges and universities are eating up this ideological poison like it's candy and are falling more out of touch with the mass of people every day. Nonsense ideologies are an ideal vehicle for advancing a legalistic and institution ridden world. Developing a legally protected "identity" allows governments and other institutions to invade every nook and cranny of day-to-day life. In countries like the UK and Canada there are daily authoritarian-nanny-state horror stories where the 21st century version of the inquisition shows up to people's homes to monitor opinion or to enforce fringe ideologies.
Institutions like colleges and universities are eating up this ideological poison like it's candy and are falling more out of touch with the mass of people every day. Nonsense ideologies are an ideal vehicle for advancing a legalistic and institution ridden world. Developing a legally protected "identity" allows governments and other institutions to invade every nook and cranny of day-to-day life. In countries like the UK and Canada there are daily authoritarian-nanny-state horror stories where the 21st century version of the inquisition shows up to people's homes to monitor opinion or to enforce fringe ideologies.
The almost inexplicable affiliation of various groups of the clown world left reminds me of the intertwined relationships of various factions within catholic/feudal Europe as the reformation got started. The church was a pervasive arbiter of day-to-day social interactions, and was also connected to many aspects of economic life.
The "left" is basically the bizarro world version of that, today. Where the church's ideology was "conservative", that is pretending to be concerned with a moral order and opposed to things like sex outside of marriage, the left rages against anything that's opposed to hedonism and attacks anything natural that attaches individuals to a family or a community.
The "left" is basically the bizarro world version of that, today. Where the church's ideology was "conservative", that is pretending to be concerned with a moral order and opposed to things like sex outside of marriage, the left rages against anything that's opposed to hedonism and attacks anything natural that attaches individuals to a family or a community.
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