Saturday, April 27, 2019

Leftists Opening the Door for Ethnic Politics in the US?

Back when I was in high school and college. "white power" figures and klansmen (or actors playing those roles) were regularly paraded on TV talk shows to be made fun of. They were a joke because the US is a country based on individual rights rather than ethnicity. That system of individual rights is manifestly better than racial and ethnic tribalism, which tends to degenerate to absurdity.

In a mega plot twist, a generation later, the far "left" are now the hyper racists and have embraced  KKK style ethnic politics. The commies did a search and replace on all their old rhetoric and changed "bourgeois" with "white people", and then professors doled out that new text as homework to students who went $100K in debt to get a _____ studies degree.

The woman who's directing Joe Biden's campaign, for example, is a proud racist who wouldn't be out of place with the villains of those 80's and 90's talk show sets, and she's a "mainstream" democrat. Not so surprisingly, the racists are also socialists, and they cast their resentment and hatred of white people as "justice".

The racist beliefs of the far left aren't really well known today and the people who hold those views, regardless of their race, represent a tiny sliver of the US population. Similarly, very few people who are fans of "socialism" in the US really know the gritty details of what that sort of economic system means. When these ideas are exposed to the slightest scrutiny, they don't hold up. It might be a temporary aberration and reaction to the loss to Trump that prompted the blue squad to embrace those ideologies.

It's actually pretty hard to understand why they did embrace those ideas when it's probably a losing position in the United States for a long time to come. The democrats are probably the american branch of the Globalist party, which for now, just seems anti white people.

The clown-world institutional collapse scenario is actually pretty frightening and would be very destructive if it happened along ethnic lines, rather than as a broad based political movement. If it happens gradually, power and the heavy armaments of the US government could be gradually dismantled, so all that's left in DC is a rump, sort of national level garbage pit of a corrupt machine politics that are similar to cities like Baltimore. If it happened rapidly, it might lead to an actual civil/ethnic war that was, quite ironically, the wet dream of the old white power talk show villains.

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