Monday, June 3, 2024

Trump Verdict--Fake BS

I ignored the Trump trial in spite of google and other media companies trying to force feed me "news" about whatever that mess was supposed to be about.

Now media liars and government officials are warning over violent outcomes from trump supporters. "Yawn."

I hope people aren't stupid enough to act out violently in support of "Trump". This shit is so obviously contrived, I guess to destabilize the country and allow the feds and other government scumbags to crack down on all forms of dissent or alternative information.

They could execute trump with a firing squad and I wouldn't give a shit. The government is trash. I don't care which bozo is the president, the outcomes are going to be the same until the government is utterly destroyed and rebuilt. The system is corrupt. the government stooges are incompetent/and or puppets.

Hopefully people aren't going to get whipped up about "warp speed" Trump who allowed Fauci and a handful of zealots fuck the economy up and force people to take some experimental medication.

I think the trump administration was better than Biden, but just barely. Trump didn't start new wars and our taxes were slightly lower for like two years, but that's about it. The US is fucked 99 different ways and Trump or Biden aren't going to change problems that have been festering for 50+ years.

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