Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Special Needs Feds Want More Nuke Plants

Maybe 10 years ago I watched a couple of shills from the nuclear power industry on youtube. They discussed how cheap nuclear power plants are and tried to explain why none are being built anywhere in the US or Europe. The shill story is the industry is really super great and successful and only fails all the time because of government regulation.

I thought that argument was pretty interesting, so I read some papers and brushed up on the history of nuclear power and saw it was a history of failure and mega expense and cost overruns all the way back to the earliest days--way before the public strongly opposed nuke plants.

My personal conclusion was nuke plants are like the pyramids in egypt. Why doesn't egypt build more pyramids, since they're such a big tourist attraction? Why doesn't greece build more parthenons, etc... They're basically impossible to build now. Nuke plants were a stretch to build when the US was at its peak industrial might, now the country is fag land run by lazy kind of dumb ass people with phony credentials.

The US just can't build more nuke plants just like a fat, out of shape 40 year old guy can't run a 5 minute mile. Neither can Europe. France can't operate its existing nuke plants. It's really pretty bizarre to see dumb ass government officials push hard for this fail-o-rama. To me it seems like evidence that they are controlled by some AI program, or aliens or some shit because it makes zero sense.

They can (and will) throw any amount of money at the problem and it just won't happen. The special needs federales want to build ~~~~98~~~~ more nuclear reactors in the US, according to one of the dumbest and least competent feds, Jennifer Granholm. (link) The stupid bitch cited the recently built Votgle nuke plant in georgia as a success story. Just multiply that immense failure by 98 and that's what's going to happen.

There's no need to protest or worry about 98 new nuke plants in the US. It is not going to happen. They might manage to build another one, but that's about it.

What is going to happen instead?

Pretend the US dollar system isn't on its last legs and the status quo continues indefinitely. If the feds try to build say 10 nuke plants simultaneously a bag of home depot concrete will cost $500. A bag of sand will be $300 and a piece of rebar will be $50. A construction worker will make $10,000 an hour and a welder will make $20,000 and hour. Mexico will have zero construction workers or welders because they'll all be in the US trying to build nuke plants. Mexico though, in spite of having no workers, will be a communist utopia run by a San Francisco commie jew lady--they just elected one which boggles my mind.

Obviously, shit's too stupid to continue, and it won't forever.

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