Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Getting Suckered into War

Recently, munitions from the US blew up some Russian civilians on the beach in Crimea. That carnage spilled over from the war between Ukraine and Russia, which is really a proxy war between neocon jews in the US government and Russia.

Most of the wars I can think of over the decades I've been alive resulted in overall failure. I'm most familiar with the ones the US engaged in, but the handful I can think of that involved other countries failed as well. The US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are epic failures for example. The war in Ukraine looks like an enormous waste and failure for both "sides".

It's unfortunate the civilian population keeps getting suckered by mafiosi politicians. It's also unfortunate the military keeps going along with terrible advice from psychopaths, not only in the US, but around the world.

What could either side in the Russia/Ukraine war achieve through a "win" that will offset the massive economic and physical damage incurred by the war? The upside for the US is even murkier--what would an average American get from "victory" in that war? It's not like the US is conquering territory and reaping new material riches. The only possible outcome for the US is more debt and corruption.

The US is at the end of a big economic and political cycle--it's pretty clear that the neoliberal corporatocracy is a busted piece of shit and the next step for the thing, if it's allowed to continue is gross corporate tyranny where government micromanages everyone's life on behalf of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. The government wants to dictate how you spend your money, and what you must spend it on. The government wants to orchestrate the economy so non-viable companies can continue to operate for decades by putting up stiff trade barriers for example.

I hope the US public is at least smart enough to realize the government is not their friend and that any push for general war is retarded, but I have my doubts. Any September 11 style massive attack is almost certainly some fraud meant to drag people into total destruction, like the meatgrinder consuming russians and ukrainians.

When the government tries hard to sell a war, the appropriate thing for every civilian to do in every country of the world is to chuck its government in the trash and start over.

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