Thursday, June 27, 2024

Extrapolating an Obvious Pattern to the Future

There are lots of youtube videos out of places like NYC or LA that show broad daylight thefts going on at grocery stores, big box retailers, boutique shops, etc... The thefts are so common that stores close up and move away.

That doesn't happen where I live at all. Is it because we have a "good" state or local government and criminals are put in jail and there are plenty of police? No, obviously not. It's really because the population here is somewhat disciplined and adheres to age old codes of fair play. Also there are not that many poor people, and almost everyone here is white. This area passes the shopping cart test--go to almost any store any day of the week and all the shopping carts are put away nicely, and when someone is a slacker and leaves a cart out, another rando citizen will put the cart away.

Large areas of the US resemble my town. Those communities will continue to function for years to come while the rot in places like California or New York state will turn those places into very small islands of function surrounded by an ocean of dysfunction. Also, paradoxically, many of the turbo-decline areas are super wealthy high cost regions too.

I complain about "the matrix" in almost every single blog post, and the matrix really is white people living in a disciplined way that mainly serves the system that feeds off their time and energy. However, the chaos and dysfunction of ghettos is not an improvement at all. In fact, it's pretty easy to see that people stealing a shopping cart of junk food from a grocery store are way more dependent on the system than the typical corporate drone who's slaving away at a dumb corporate job like I do. Also the dysfunctional people are hyper entitled and believe a whole new bible of bullshit about themselves, and a parallel universe history book about their victim status and entitlement. They're not more in tune with the natural cycles and the like because they're not key cogs of the corporate matrix world. They're more like the rust on the machinery of the matrix world.

Over the next decades, the US is going to break up. That process will be turbocharged by big changes around the world, like loss of US financial domination. If US companies have to compete toe to toe with Asian companies to survive, cost of living of workers and "elites" will have to plunge. The current crop of entitled US "elites" thinks they can basically cordon off their own private markets from competition. I don't think that's going to work.

Similarly, US families and individuals will have to adopt a new philosophical mindset to thrive and survive. Christianity is not going to work, neither will other various flavors of jew mythology and ideas which pose as universal but advance the cause the jew priests.

Low cost regions with smart people with access to low cost access to international shipping and commerce should be able to kick ass. Lots of areas in the US also have abundant resources and low population density.

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