Saturday, June 8, 2024

California Implosion

There are several youtube channels dedicated to documenting the rapid decline of California cities like LA or San Francisco. One channel is "metal leo". He walks up and down streets in the city centers and shows all the closed and boarded up commercial properties and homeless people camping on sidewalks and in doorways. The rapidity and scale of the failure of those cities is mind boggling.

I saw some of that first hand when I was in LA for work a few months ago. The number of homeless people there is astounding. I was in a pretty nice suburb of LA, but many if not most of the side streets were makeshift homeless camps with tents, cardboard box houses and derelict RVs and other vehicles taking up all the parking places. Residential areas with nice clean, expensive houses were maybe one or two blocks away from that mess.

The rust belt cities collapsed because of two things: the main issue was de-industrialization, then "racial" problems in the 1960s turned large areas of cities like Cleveland or Detroit into burned out ghettos. California cities have a human toxic waste problem, both with the homeless populations and the governments which are loaded with insane, corrupt left wing 'tards.

CA cities also have a cost problem. All the funny money printing that funded the tech industry since the 1980s raised the cost of rents and real estate in CA to absurd levels. Plus CA taxes are the highest in the nation. It seems like the homeless zombie army, and the "investors" that own buildings in CA cities are going to turn them into the west coast version of the rust belt cities like Detroit. Once a city enters the doom spiral it takes very little time for it to completely crater.

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