Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Almost Everyone Dislikes the Civilization

There's an ocean of movies and TV shows that critique our civilization. I think The Matrix lays the critique out really clearly, the the same themes are present in Star Wars, or even a movie like Point Break. A similar thread runs through Lord of the Rings and even Game of Thrones.

The Jedi in Star Wars are basically the same as Neo in the Matrix. They can interact with the forces of the universe using their natural body and spirit and don't really need technology. Then of course Agent Smith in the Matrix is similar to Darth Vader. Smith is a henchman of the system itself, just like Darth is an agent of "The Empire", which is the stand in for our technological/bureaucratic civilization.

The Game of Thrones army of the dead and king of the dead is a pretty recent depiction of the same concepts that are also present in Lord of the Rings. The Orc Army and Sauron basically the same thing.

I think the movie Dune (at least the one directed by David Lynch) touches on similar themes and has a Neo type/Jedi type character. The concept there was a highly trained, selectively bred person could become superhuman basically.

Anyway, it's a widespread theme that something is pretty wrong with our civilization. The problem described in the prior post about how the system expands and demands a bigger aggregate price with every single attempt to escape natural necessity is really the crux of the problem.

The features of the "new model human" depicted in all those movies that critique this alien system are: he's all natural; he doesn't need technology; he's self sufficient and an individual.

I think the author/farmer Masanobu Fukuoka provided one potential real world version of that, or showed how that might potentially work in real life.

Anyway, I just wonder how close people are to bailing out on this whole civilization thing en masse. It always is happening at the periphery of every civilization, but when does it happen to masses? Like when do all the workers at amazon warehouses just bail? It's not hard to imagine that happening.

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