Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Great Story for People Who Don't Like Governments

 I never heard of this guy until I watched the movie on Netflix. He formed an independent state inside the confederacy during the Civil War.

The "20 Negro Law"

It's amazing to me that soliders just don't take up arms against the politicians that send them to die, especially when things like the "20 Negro Law" exempt rich assholes from "service". I never heard of this. It's amazing.

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Insanity of Political Partisanship

When I was growing up, there were a sequence of political scandals and financial scandals that demonstrated politicians are scumbags. For example, a bunch of politicians were involved in the Savings and Loan Crime wave of the early 1980's... There was the house post office scandal. There was some sort of gay sex scandal with the congress involving college aged assistants. Then, roughly at the same time in corporate America, things like the Love Canal pollution crimes were happening. Anyway, it was pretty easy to conclude that lots of the institutions in the US were utter frauds.

I don't think I consciously embraced the philosophical Cynic perspective until roughly 2008, though. I fell for the Red/Blue party scam briefly as a first time voter, but realized when Obama was elected that the system itself is broken and corrupt. Obama gave billion dollar contracts to inept cronies, and sold the American people on Obamacare, which was just another corporate scam, plus continued the Wall Street bailouts and crime wave.

In general the corruption and incompetence have gotten considerably worse since then. It's bizarre to me that there are any political partisans. It's dopey and infantile, but I have many friends and family members who are full on partisans for either the red or blue squad.

What will make people seek wisdom? I wonder about that on a daily basis. A bunch of words won't. Maybe harsh life experience will?

Friday, December 20, 2024

Governments: Always the Worst People

It seems like people in Geauga County do a good job, on average, taking care of their dogs, but when they can't and the dog ends up in the shelter, it's usually a happy ending. The dogs are well cared for by the staff and volunteers, and typically end up adopted in a week or two. The dog shelter even imports dogs from other places from time to time.

Weirdly though, in recent weeks the Trustees and Sheriff decided the Sheriff needs to take over the dog shelter. One of the possible motives for a bizarre power trip by douchebag local politcal cretins is the wife of the auditor is on the board of the "Rescue Village" and maybe the lady doesn't want "competition" from the Warden for her pet organization? Who fucking knows?

Anyway, it's just more evidence that politicians are the worst human garbage. They are defective weirdos who should be shunned and ridiculed. Imagine wanting to sit in regular meetings about roads and septic systems for years on end so your name might end up on a plaque hanging on a building that wasted millions of dollars of tax money. Ambition is absurd.

Governments are only capable of proscriptive negative action on behalf of cronies and self-interested weirdos, but many people look to the government to solve all their problems as if it were magical.

It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. The dog shelter is quite popular and many people have first hand positive experience with the facility and staff. Hopefully the cretin politicians involved get their careers vaporized.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Wisdom versus Vigilantism

The assassin character was ultimately revealed in the CEO assassin story. The guy's name was Luigi Mangione or something like that--it doesn't really matter. The story could be real, or fake and staged. It's impossible to know.

Is the predatory, parasitic system going to change because a single CEO was murdered? Probably not. If a bunch of similar incidents happened, let's say 20, maybe there would be a change for a while, but eventually it would revert back to its current predatory, parasitic path.

The only thing that would really change the whole system would be a change in the people. People are so stupid and foolish now that I'm not sure "the system" can even continue to function. Routine maintenance on basic infrastructure will soon become impossible because of a lack of competent people to do basic things like fix water and sewer lines.

"AI" and "robots" are a MacGuffin that will never really come to fruition.

Unfortunately, I think only hardship will make people wise up.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Nobody Gives a Shit about UHC CEO

It's interesting to read YouTube comments sections on a "hot topic" where people haven't been groomed to believe bullshit about a given subject.

The CEO that was murdered is not receiving an iota of sympathy in comment sections on even mainstream videos about his assassination. That's really pretty rare--usually at least some fraction of the comments will provide a poseur, scripted response on any given topic, but not this time. The people who want to post a comment on the subject are unanimously condemning the greed of health insurance corporations and aren't feeling a shred of empathy for a guy they consider a crook.

Syria/Russia Lose War

The neocons, aka jews, destroyed Syria, like they destroyed Iraq. I think their theory is Israel's jews will use US resources and manpower to dominate the chaotic, wrecked country and will eject Russia's naval base to score a "victory". It's pretty mysterious what the US gets out of any of his activity--more debt mainly.

I think the scenario really isn't much different than Iraq--one government gets replaced by another one but the population and culture remain largely the same and the lopsided demographics of the area don't change to favor the tiny jewish enclave in Israel.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Paying People Like It's 1970

US wages and productivity grew at the same rate in the post WW2 economy era, then diverged in the "neoliberal" era, aka the era of financial theft. It's not some huge mystery why it happened. The system is setup to do exactly that. The guy who just assassinated the United HealthCare CEO maybe will end up being the shot heard 'round the western world.

In the era of at least a nominal gold standard, money was essentially a token of productivity, or represented a share of the whole economy. In the funny money neoliberal era, the people who get money first benefit most from it, then its value declines every time it changes hands basically because there's always brand new monopoly money spewing into the system and acquiring ownership of corporations or property, or whatever.

The people who run this system want to transform what's nominally a "free market" (it's really not because of the monopoly money) into a command and control, two tier dictatorship, which is basically already is.

In the US, it's pretty obvious the system is breaking down. I see it in my day to day life. The local parks district now does a bad job grooming the ski trails--they used to do a good job just five or ten years ago. Why is that? The parks can't afford to pay people, I guess, so they get inexperienced crew members and can't keep them, and maybe can't find help in the first place.

To get competent people to do some job like putting shingles on a roof costs a lot today. Not all that long ago it was maybe $5000 to redo a house like mine, now it's more like $15-20,000. 

Unfortunately, there's no way to fix this system. Who's going to wait 50 years for the neoliberal system to be "reformed" gradually? Why would someone in his 20s sign up for a series of shit jobs to make slave wages, not afford a home, etc...? To that person the USD is already valueless. When a new car costs $40,000--plus the car sucks because the car makers can't afford to hire any good people to build them and dealers won't pay anyone to maintain them, the $40,000 is already trash.

The idea that robots and AI are going to magically fix the economy is sci fi retardation. I think the pie in the sky automation concepts will actually turbocharge the clusterfuck scenario.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Health Insurance CEO Whacked!

A few days ago the CEO of "United Healthcare" an insurance company was gunned down in the street by an assassin. The motives are unknown at this time. It could be a personal thing, like conflict with a spouse or friend or whatever, or some dirty corporate dealings, or a political thing--the assassin decided to take out the trash, basically.

I'm surprised this kind of thing doesn't happen more often, really. Insurance in general is a scam, but the health insurance industry in particular is gross.

I think it's appropriate that it happened as the neoliberal system is falling apart.

Snow Belt People

The first heavy snow of the year left about 8" of snow on the ground in my neighborhood, but it's compacted down a lot in subsequent days since the ground is still so warm so it's only about ankle deep in lots of places. We're south east of Lake Erie, and the wind that dumped the lake effect snow in northeast Ohio was out of the west south west, so areas like Madison and Ashtabula got hammered with multiple feet of snow and accumulation.

My wife and I walk the dogs at the park every single afternoon. I don't think we've missed a day this year. We go in the rain or snow, but we wouldn't go in severe weather like a thunderstorm or extreme wind. Anyway, we're not alone there even on the bad weather days. There's a younger guy probably in his 20s who runs the trails even with snow on the trail and there's a woman who walks every day no matter the weather. She probably puts in 5-10 miles of walking per day even on the snowy trails.

It's good to have a certain dose of adversity in life and to face some natural difficulty. Without that, functional strength, mobility, fitness and bone density vanish especially when 40+ years old, then a single random event can be devastating. I wiped out yesterday when cross country skiing, the left ski hit an ice patch and I flopped onto the snow, which is a really forgiving surface obviously, but even so there's a pretty significant jolt to the body from it which is beneficial.

Walking a couple of miles in deep snow or on trails with irregular compacted snow is great for balance and strength and mobility, plus it's extreme cardiovascular exercise. It's difficult to replicate those real world scenarios in a gym, or by doing a narrow range of motion exercise like riding a bike or running, which is probably even more limited.

Anyway, lots and lots of people feel "lucky" to avoid manual labor or severe exertion, but end up like a brittle sack of bones even at a young age. It's a lot easier to recover from a significant injury when all the surrounding muscle and bone is in good shape, and that also allows one to be adaptable.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Woke "Engineers"

The feds are trying to push the "Rust" language for systems programming. The "Rust" language is infested with woke lefty retards. It's not such a surprise that tech has gotten completely infested with fags and women in its "power structure" because the typical engineer goes along to get along, and will just walk away rather than get involved in some mud wrestling match with dopes. The institutions, like corporations and standards bodies, etc... don't really matter much. It would be nice if they "functioned", but when they become dysfunctional the actual productive people will just move on and do something else.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Trump Tariffs and Ozempic

I saw a few different headlines about Trump's tariff plans. It sounds stupid and lazy and will backfire. The idea is that the US can bring manufacturing back onshore via a couple simple policies, like high tariffs, even though the present US position is the result of decades of laws, corporate action, educational choices of millions of people, etc...

Can the US outcompete China? Probably, but it would be a huge effort, and nobody wants to make that effort because people are dumb and lazy and corporations are greedy and lazy. It reminds me of "ozempic", which is a diabetes drug, but can also be used as a weight loss drug--but it has horrible side effects and doesn't actually make a person healthy. It's not going to increase VO2 max, or muscle mass or anything salutary, plus it has potentially horrible and deadly side effects.

Gen Z -- Why Get a Job?


The average starting salary for Gen Z is only $42,000! What the fuck?! That's around what I made at my first job out of college when the first season of Walker, Texas Ranger was on the air. $42,000 today was the equivalent of $21,000 back then. I had college temp jobs where I made the equivalent of $21,000 doing trivial, easy tasks. A salary of $42,000 now in many areas of the US is poverty wages. It'd be impossible to even rent an apartment in major metro areas with that kind of income. You'd have to be insane to throw away 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year for that kind of money.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Amish "System" as a Model

When I was in high school my friends and I would sometimes laugh at the inconsistencies on display in the nearby Amish community, like the Amish businesses had phones but the phone was outside the premises. Or the Amish can ride in a car but can't drive it, etc... I still think a lot of those "rules" are nonsensical, but now see that the inconsistency is a byproduct of how their "system" works. Their leadership apparently looks at things on a case by case basis, so it's all a hodgepodge. They aren't striving for thematical consistency, but are trying to protect their way of life.

Some local Amish families use battery powered scooters, for example, but they don't ride e-bikes or bicycles in general. (There are communities of Amish that do.) I do a bike ride that follows a road that passes through miles of Amish farmhouses (and some non-Amish live there too). If I'm just riding an easy tempo though there, sometimes Amish kids will pass me on the scooters going maybe 15-20 mph.

Why is the scooter allowed and not a bicycle? I have no idea what the reasoning is, but there's at least some attempt to consciously pick and choose which technology and activity will maintain an overall way of life.

I'm not a fan of the rule-based, and hierarchical culture that implements those choices, but still it's good that an effort is made. The larger western society has a predatory system where access to any contrary wisdom or feedback is inhibited and children are trained to be a cog in the machine in the school system--or they're trained to be a predator.

It's actually pretty gross and weird. For example, girls are propagandized by the wedding industry and the diamond industry via popular culture, but there's no critique of the associated financial choices in the mainstream. There's young people who go into debt $30k for a wedding, which is nuts seemingly from "free choice", but it's really just a byproduct of grooming and propaganda.

It'd be good to just provide an active critique to so much of that poison to kids, but lots of parents and the school systems would be terrified to even think about such a thing. I guess there is some form of critique of societal insanity and the predatory behavior of corporations and the financial system, but it'd be rare for a young person to stumble into that sphere of info, I think.  

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Local Politician Crime Spree

My rule of thumb is the governments of the world are composed of all the worst people in each jurisdiction. Whenever I imagine this rule might be faulty, some new story will pop up in the local paper that cements the idea in my mind again, However, I don't think anecdotal evidence is necessary to support this concept. There's much more basic and obvious evidence provided by the politician jobs themselves: who would want to do that boring shit and what would the motivation be to run for office to obtain such a position?

Let's take the example of township trustee. There are some localities in the US who can't find anyone to run for such offices, so they faux elect a dog or something but their roads get paved and the trash is collected anyway. In my township there's a professional staff that actually does all the road maintenance and contract management, etc... They have to be knowledgeable, professional people with a background in construction and management of construction projects while the trustees are often randos with no relevant experience, and a dog could do the job of trustee because the professional staff does all the actual work.

Trustees and other low level politicians or officers in the government frequently find some way to steal millions of dollars from taxpayers. It's usually discovered relatively easily through audits, but I'm not sure how much money is ever recovered. For example, in Chesterland Township, Ohio the clerk (elected office) embezzled $4 million dollars in the late 1990s through early 2000s, but I can't even find any news stories about how much money was recovered, so it probably wasn't significant. Also, any web searches for the topic are lost in the sea of similar corruption from around the country because it's so common.

One of my middle school and high school friends lived next door to a woman who was a long time township trustee. She was an alcoholic dingbat weirdo. When he was a kid, his family went to a pool party at the trustee's house and she poured a beer over his head while he was hanging out in the pool. I listened to her give an election speech one election year--she just rambled incoherently for a few minutes. She won the office because nobody else cared to do it.

A persistent problem for humanity is the people who are actually productive are robbed or exploited by people who "organize" activities. This problem seems to arise from the infantile mindset of most people and is built into the system.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

2024 Election: Infantile Public

So far I saw one good youtube video, and zero good articles or headlines about the 2024 Presidential election. The youtube video is by the astrologer "Lavette". Here's a link.

My conclusion is political partisans are infantile, foolish people. There are boatloads of fools in the United States and the western world in general because any wisdom tradition the european people had was systematically murdered a long time ago, and perhaps it never existed in the first place.

I am not going to write about Trump and Harris, because the political candidates in every presidential election are just PR cutouts, or advertising mascots. It's weird that people don't realize this. Let's take the 2008 election of Obama as an example. Obama was a "change"/"throw the bums out" candidate just like Trump was in 2016/2024. However, Obama continued almost every policy of the Bush administration.

Hillary Clinton was Obama's Secretary of State. She was just another neocon as was Obama's VP Biden. She was the equivalent to John McCain, Mitt Romney, or George W. Bush. The change Americans wanted when they voted for Obama was never delivered, but apparently nobody noticed, well at least no mainstream voter noticed.

During the Obama administration, the US helped destroy Libya for some mysterious reason. Up to 30,000 civilians perished in that war--but that country is so chaotic that there's no official tally. Also, the US helped overthrow the Ukrainian government which led to the conflict there with Russia. The conflict with Russia is a continuation of the post cold War conflict instigated by the Bubba Bill administration.

Hillary Clinton, though, is sold to dumb as fuck infantile American women as some positive figure instead of a war ghoul and lifelong influence peddler. She made appearances on popular TV shows and was talked up by fictional characters. That "Hillary Clinton" character is like a Big Mac or Ronald McDonald. It's just an advertising vehicle.

The future of the US looks pretty bleak to me because the public is so foolish. You can see glimpses of the future by looking at Britain--a failed empire heading toward failed state status: a handful of inbred creeps control their government and feast on corruption, while the rest of the country slips into abject poverty. There are plenty of other failed empires to look at in the historical record; the pattern is similar no matter where you look.

Anyway, if the public doesn't grow up--really gain wisdom--we might face quite destructive war scenarios in the not so distant future. Will the dopes who went along with COVID suddenly figure out their leadership is evil trash? I doubt it.

The British Empire shows the trajectory of the US. Dumb as fuck "ruling class" elites will just suck the nation dry as scheme after scheme fails. No catastrophic, drop off the cliff scenario happened to the British people or economy either--it was more of a slow motion rot/decay that's still unfolding.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

General System Failure

I recently watched an episode of "Walker, Texas Ranger" (1993) that was set on a plane. It reminded me that coach class in 1993 was basically like business class today. The seats were larger more comfortable and further apart, plus you would get a meal service, maybe two on a really long flight. Today, the seats are uncomfortable, crammed together and you might get a packet of crackers and 6 ounces of a soft drink as part of the ticket purchase plus the flights are generally completely full.

I had recent experience with flying because I went to Los Angeles for work a couple of times this year and unfortunately will make one more trip before 2024 is over. A common topic of discussion out there is how my younger coworkers in LA can't afford to buy houses in the metro area.

An engineer job in LA gets you what was a working class lifestyle in "Walker, Texas Ranger" days in that city. There is no chance for those engineers to buy a house in the LA metro area, plus it would be foolish to tie up $1M in a house that's worth $250,000 almost anywhere else in the US... not too many years ago, like in 2015 such a house would have been maybe $130,000 in my area.

One of the symptoms/reasons for the decline in quality of life is the value of the dollar plunged. It's halved since 1993. A $170,000 salary in 2024 money was about $80,000 in "Walker, Texas Ranger" time money, but I think the numeric comparison doesn't capture all that's gone awry over the years and doesn't show what's really causing the decline in quality of life and the increasing difficulty of maintaining a "middle class" level of consumption.

I think the failure of "life scripts" is how most people experience the system failing. A high school aged student in Los Angeles might receive the life script of "engineer in tech" as a viable path to an upper middle class lifestyle when they are growing up... but then the anecdotal evidence and life experience shows how the steps along that path really doesn't lead to the intended outcomes.

So what's really happening? I think it's actually quite simple. The economic system in the US produces X quantity of goods per year. In 1993 the US population what 258M by census estimates. Today it's 341M! For some period of time the economic system increased output at least at the rate of population growth, but I don't think that's the case anymore, also the number of high paying jobs hasn't kept pace. In tech, for example, the number of people employed has been flat going back to 2022. Salary growth has not kept pace with productivity either--it's been flat relative to productivity for a long time. Executives and shareholders snarfed up those productivity gains.

Then on top of that generalized theft, the system has gotten aggressively preachy about ideological insanity topics--basically global warmaids and the high value of gays and trannies. 

Why participate in this shitty scam system? Middle and working class people finally realized that it makes no sense to play along anymore so they're not. Young people are especially disenfrachised--why would they enter the workforce on the bottom rung of the economic ladder in a shithole city like LA or NYC? They can't even afford rent for an apartment with the salary provided by a job obtained via six figure college debts.

The idea the political system will solve any of these problems is laughable. Every passing year I see more clearly how insane it is to expect some politician weirdos to solve any problems.

Anyway, what should a person do to avoid ending up as soylent green? One possible strategy is to look at your life script, especially if your young, and unfold all the assumptions that inform the narrative of the life script. One that's obviously failed is the "college degree=job and middle class income"... so everybody knows that now. It was modified to "work in the trades if you don't get a STEM degree", so I'd be skeptical about those assumptions too, because now, more and more people are going to work in the trades. The competition in STEM fields is global because India and China produce a huge number of STEM graduates and tech, in general is saturated.

In general, it's insufficient to blindly follow any life script and expect the intended outcome to occur, and it will be increasingly necessary to look ahead and take risks and experiment to invent novel paths or to find niche scenarios to exploit.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The "C" Computer Language versus The US Government

In recent weeks I noticed some articles about federal government officials recommending no new programs be written using the "C" computer language because of "memory safety" issues that these officials claim other languages don't have. This is the first time in my career that a government bureaucrat offered an opinion about something I work with every day.

My initial thought is it is a safe bet that "C" will outlast the current US federal government by many decades--I don't mean the Biden administration, nor the Trump administration, I mean the US constitutional order and all its associated institutions. My second thought is who is paying the officials to have those opinions? I could get into the details of why "C" will be around forever, but it's pretty dull stuff.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Corporate Global Warming Training?

I recently sat through the annual sexual harassment training at work. I've probably wasted about 40 hours of my life sitting through various elementary school "courses" like it at various jobs. I would bet $50 that over the next 10 years corporations will mandate global warming courses, or whatever random white liberal religious topics they feel the desire to preach about.

To me, the global warming topic is the most ridiculous of the virtue signaling/luxury beliefs preached about by people like Bill Gates, with his 66,000 square foot house, Al Gore, or Taylor Swift with her private jets flights to get ice cream. The mini-me liberal believers are similarly fraudulent in their preaching. Of my family and friends, I'm the "greenest" and have been slashing my lifestyle for years mainly to get out the matrix as quickly as possible, but I also am the most skeptical about computer models' ability to predict the weather 100 years from now.

Anyway, I think now that Trump was elected a second time, which is really just a big request by the nation for the establishment to fuck off, there will be a push through institutions like corporations to drill their favored opinions into the heads of employees.

I think things are about as centralized and mechanical and controlled as they will get in my lifetime right now, and the trend will thankfully be to move rapidly in the other direction.

Fake Music, Fake Sports: Why?

Every once in a while I watch a video on the YouTube channel "Wings of Pegasus". The guy makes videos that reveal which musical performances, whether live or recorded use auto-tune or other manipulation. He just did a series of videos on Taylor Swift, who of course is super produced. Her concert audio is all pre-recorded, etc... She's a spokeswoman for global warming but she takes a private jet everywhere, etc.. Sports is similarly fake. The NFL seems about as real as WWE. The pro and Olympic athletes are all dopers.

Those industries insist it's all real and "clean". That is, sports are real contests with athletes who train hard so they're superhuman. Taylor Swift and myriad other music industry products are actually super talented musicians who all sing perfectly in tune all the time and never miss a note. Why do they lie about it all?

I think there's a simple message embedded in sports and music "stardom". It really helps cement the average person's "belief" in the system's legitimacy. If there are super star musicians, and super star athletes, then it follows there are super star CEOs or super star politicians, and that whoever the system says is a super star really is as talented as a phony like Taylor Swift or some doper athlete.

Politicians often hang out with such people to imply they're all part of the big important people club and that there's a natural difference between them and the masses. That is, a politician is talented at doing politician shit the same way Taylor Swift is somehow mysteriously better than myriad rando people with way more talent on YouTube, or a given 'roid monster is a naturally better person because they can run fast or bench press 315 pounds 20 times.

The story that's sold to kids and childish adults about athletes is they train hard and have genetic gifts, and that it's plausible anyone with similar characteristics could achieve success in sports. People who participate in sports often look up to the pro athletes as a model, which is useful for companies that sell shoes, or bikes, or sports drinks.

The musician narrative is different. It's usually that the musician is a magic person or a fairy princess or whatever and they were "discovered" and their natural supremacy was put on stage for all the world to see.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Failing Life Scripts

My wife and I are watching "Gilmore Girls" which was first broadcast back in 2000. It's pretty interesting to watch as a cultural artifact, but is not something I'd typically want playing in the background in the evening chill out time.

One of the main characters Rory Gilmore is a high school, then college student who wants to be a news reporter even as that industry was already disintigrating. The show pretends like the newspaper industry was viable and thriving when even in the early 2000s it was already falling apart. I'm in my 50s now, and I started real adult life in the early 90s, and I can't remember the last time I had a newspaper subscription. All the friends and family members I have who worked in the news media eventually moved on, because it was a dead/dying industry in the early 2000s. Even today cable news channels like CNN are on their last legs.

Anyway, a whole shitload of life scripts like "news reporter" turned non-viable just during my adult life. In fact, the general idea that a person could go to college, major in any random thing, and graduate and make a upper middle class salary are long gone. In fact, now a college degree can be much more of a burden than a path to success if a kid takes out a student loan; even if they have wealthy parents or grandparents who can finance their education, it's still potentially a big waste of resources that could be better applied elsewhere.

I think the average person experiences systemic economic failure through failure of the life scripts. When the plans they received through their education and upbringing don't work, it's very stressful and difficult to adjust.

One way to interpret the 2024 and 2016 election is the MAGA republicans want to restore the viability of the life scripts that worked in 1955. They think it's possible to use the regulatory system and tariffs to resuscitate manufacturing in the US to bring back high wage manufacturing jobs. Maybe it's possible, but essentially the whole neoliberal program needs to be rolled back and there's no signs of that from Trump who in his first term undid some post 2008 banking regulations. The neoliberal system is essentially a giant parasite that sucked wealth out of the population via the financial system, and banks are a key component of that theft.

What was the neoliberals' vision of the future? What are the life scripts on offer from the democrats? It is the "own nothing and be happy future" where most people are proles who survive on Bill Gates brand bug paste, don't own a house, and get a monthly welfare payment in the form of crypto currency. Some apparatchik class manages the system and preaches about butt sex and pronouns and tells you what the temperature of the earth should be. It's very bizarre to me to see my left wing friends and family continue to recite the bullshit associated with their bizarro world neopuritan religion.

I think neither MAGA nor Bill Gates' dystopia will happen in the US. In fact I think the "belief" based society is a thing of the past and being molded and shaped by life scripts and a failing system is just a recipe for personal unhappiness if not an early demise. The follow on to the neoliberal system is the no-system IMO, well at least for people like me. I think giant bureaucratic entities like countries and mega corporations will falter as well because all that shit is built on training, and really an agreement between the people and the people who run the institutions that the life scripts will work... but now there's no script.

I think the COVID scenario was a sneak preview of the downside of "belief" and following the rando opinions of authority figures and their scripts. It showed that you basically have to assay information yourself and make up your own mind and that the system is predatory and is built on lies. "Should I take the covid juice?" For me it was a clear "no". For most people it wasn't a decision they made, they just went along with what was just a sales pitch from pharma companies. The dopes that run corporations tried to strong arm their employees to take the juice too.

Anyway, it's early days for these changes. The future life scripts will be based on what rando individuals come up with as the system neoliberal corporatocracy system flails and dies off.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Life Scripts and "The System"

A common complaint in the USA, especially by younger people, is the "life scripts" don't work anymore. Basically there's no easy recipe to achieve the middle class American lifestyle.

When I was in primary school, the educational system, which is just one component of "The System" was setup to track kids into three groups, essentially. There was an "elite" track, which really didn't exist in my local school system. Then a professional track, which meant you'd go to college, and then everybody else.

The "elite" track was for kids in wealthy families basically. They might go to a private school, then go to a fancy college like Harvard or Yale. A couple of my friends did end up in elite schools. One ended up in a cushy job making a 6 figure salary back in 1995 even though she didn't have any special skills or knowledge. The other, sadly, died in college.

The professional track meant you'd go to some random college and end up with a professional job like doctor, lawyer, dentist, engineer, or just some office job. That's the track I was in and most of my friends were in. Most ended up with professional jobs of some kind. Some went and did more interesting things, but were ultimately still reasonably successful. Although a handful of people I know ended up with college debt, no job, and kind of wrecked.

A lot of the kids in the everybody else track went to the military, then college. Some went into the trades and some just got other random jobs until they found their niche.

The generic life scripts associated with the corporate/consumer "system" we live in worked pretty well back in the early 1990s when I started out in post college adult life. A person who even half-assedly applied him or herself in the professional track could at least get a job and earn an income, eventually get a house and even start a family, own a car, go on vacations, etc...

The life scripts were kind of failing already back in the 1990s, though, and included a lot of poison ideas, like going into debt to buy depreciating assets like cars, or to believe a house is an "investment" that will only appreciate in value.

Anyway, by now, the almost every life script is wrecked and does not work. You can be a professional person in certain places in the USA, like Los Angles, and basically be a working class drone unable to buy a house--which would actually be a totally foolish idea if you could slave away and make a $200,000 down payment on a $1M dumpy house with a dirt lawn with a homeless camp on the sidewalk.

The "elite" are trying to push a new set of life scripts, like "own nothing and be happy" on the people, but it looks like a no sale. Anyway, people insisting the old life scripts continue also can't work.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Voted Trump? Got Neocons Again!

Supposedly Trump appointed Marco Rubio as the Secretary of State. He's just another POS neocon. This is a polite way of omitting that Trump and Rubio are zionist jew puppets. Zionist jews have snarfed TRILLIONS of dollars out of the US for utterly failed wars for their LARP project in Israel. It's pure insanity that people keep going along with this shit.

I didn't expect anything different. I was just wondering how terribly jewed out Trump 2.0 would be. If Harris had been elected we'd just get some other psycho mass murdering jews in charge of US foreign policy.

How to Invest Locally

Geauga County has a good bike path, really a multi-purpose trail, called the "Maple Highlands Trail" which follows former railroad grades. I ride on there several days a week as part different loops I use for my rides. I generally ride out some country roads and maybe do some hill climbs or put in some miles then make my way back home on the trail.

I looked up the total cost of the system. It's very low compared to similar lengths of road. Large bridges on the bike path are a tiny fraction of the cost of bridges along the road, like $200,000 versus $1.5M. The bike path infrastructure doesn't have to carry semi trucks or heavy equipment, of course. Also it makes use of the old railbed and is a fraction of the width of a two lane road so it's inherently less expensive than a road.

The system cost maybe $750k - $1M altogether over the span of several years and is about 21 miles long. One section of the system is a dual purpose road for Amish buggies to bypass a steep hill along State Route 608. I believe all the pavement of the system is original even though it's about 20 years old now. It's in pretty good condition overall. Even 20 years on, its potential benefit to residents and businesses is barely realized.

$1M per 35,321 households in Geauga County is only $28! Over 20 years that's $1.41 per household per year. The number of people with a Strava account that have ridden the trail is about 2,100. Some estimate about only about 5% of cyclists use Strava so at least 40,000 people total have ridden the trail in just the last 10 years or so. Similar numbers of runners and walkers use the trail as well. The vast majority use it for recreation or exercise. A tiny handful of people use it for transportation and commuting. A large fraction of the total population of the county, then, used the trail system, plus visitors use the system as well.

Anyway, it's one of the rare no-brainer, manifestly beneficial infrastructure projects I've seen in my lifetime. If it were hooked up with neighboring county rails-to-trails system it would be even more beneficial and if it were combined with other infrastructure projects that would not impact its primary purpose it would be even more valuable. For example, maybe there's some need for telecom conduit and fiber optic infrastructure via those paths. I have no idea if that's the case, but it's just an obvious potential scenario that could add more value to such projects. Even lower cost infrastructure would be useful for horseback riding, gravel bikes, mountain bikes and even road bikes.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Walker, Texas Ranger versus Gilmore Girls

I recently started watching "Walker, Texas Ranger" with Chuck Norris every once in a while. My wife and I are watching "Gilmore Girls", too. Streaming the episodes makes it easier to see the world-model the writers of the series have. "Walker" is the type of TV show or movie I watched when I was growing up. I would never watch a show like "Gilmore Girls" when I was younger mainly because the worldview of the writers is like toxic waste, and the stink would have turned my stomach. Now it's interesting to me to watch because it's a cultural artifact.

In the episodes of "Walker" I watched so far, the main character is a complete man, and really the show is about how to be a complete man. He's spiritually grounded in "native american" spirituality, because the character is supposed to be part native. His spirituality forms the core of his character. His success at martial arts is due to being "balanced", which I suppose could be interpreted as having awareness of one's place in the universe. In the show, the government is often corrupt, and the character Walker has to take action to clean it up. In short he's a super hero, but he's also human and struggles with life's problems. The episodes are a little bit like after school specials and maybe were meant to serve as a sort of tutorial for 10-18 year old boys. The movies and TV shows I watched and comic books and books I read as a kid had similar themes. They were almost all about the main characters' struggles with the forces of nature and against human evil and corruption.

The "Gilmore Girls" is quite a departure from all those themes. The only two sort of heroic/masculine characters on the show are almost always weathering a vortex of insanity from all the other characters in the show who are vain and impulsive or dominated by egomania, and all of whom are dysfunctional, or incompetent in almost every area of their life whether they are male or female. Eventually the show reveals that the main characters' family the "Gilmores" are inbred on top of being borderline people. The lead female characters of the show are very entitled, and are propped up by family wealth, or networks of friends that bail them out and provide them with money and valuable gifts basically because they are attractive and witty and quirky.

The overall idea of the show seems to be that dysfunction and mental illness and entitlement are "the way it is". The pop culture of the United States in recent years started to celebrate and push that dysfunction/insanity worldview as the norm, and the institutions push the idea that dysfunctional, crazy people need to be dutifully cheered on by everyone else.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Americans Reject the Establishment Again

I see that Trump won the election pretty handily. I'll be happy that all the campaign signs are going into the landfills. I'm very tired of seeing all that garbage on the side of the road.

Kamala Harris is a bad politician and the Biden administration obviously sucked so it's not such a surprise that Trump won. If there's a larger theme it's that people in the US---probably all over the western world too--are done with the "establishment" people and their institutions. That's a continuation of the rejection of the RINO republicans and reformulation of the GOP into a populist working class party--basically some version of FDR democrats. The democrats became republicans too. It's bizarre partisan people don't notice those changes.

The current establishment is "left wing" which just means they advocate social engineering policies because people called gay kids "fags" in 1985, buy they are still all about stacking as much wealth as possible.

The establishment is rich people, corporations, and associated institutions like universities. The American lefties want to adopt a Europeanish style system with heavy handed central planning. The average person would be living like a hamster in a habitrail while an inbred parasite class "manages" society and infrastructure that slowly falls apart. That top down central planning is a follow on to the failing neoliberal financial/corporate system. It's really an attempt to cement the current social/economic order in place forever.

Many Americans apparently don't want that outcome. Many people realize the top down plans of the past several years were utter failures. The common core education system pushed by people like Bill Gates and Obama is an utter failure. Obamacare sucks ass. The states in the US that are lefty dominated are losing residents at a rapid rate and the average IQ in states like California is plunging as the population mix changes.

The problems in America run pretty deep and I don't think an election or any resulting institutional reform will fix a single thing. Its really a waste of time to scheme over "policies" and "system" fixes. Systemic fixes aren't really possible. That's the neoliberal system in a nutshell--a big paper, now electronic monster that can be tweaked and poked and prodded to produce some desired outcome. Nope. Not gonna work.

We'll probably get 4 more years of establishment driven left wing nutjob craziness. I'm sure dumb fuck shitlibs think the world ended for the second time. They'll probably rededicate themselves to wrecking cities they control and crapping up corporate life even more than it already is.

Americans invest way too much time and energy in national politics and national media. They should bring their focus home and even work on their own self instead of even thinking about nonsense like politics, the NFL, national media, the stock market, etc...

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Ego Based Society Sucks

When I was in High School, my friends and I were guided down a path of "achievement" mainly by praise and vague promises of future financial success. For example, I was a musician and eventually became the "first chair" player in the band in my section and participated in myriad band activities over the years. The real reason I did that was all my social connections were band people, but I never really liked playing and wasn't "into music" like a lot of people are. It never occurred to me to sit down and listen to jazz records for example. Then when I was in college, I had a music scholarship, so I was forced to keep playing. Once I was out of school I barely ever touched a musical instrument again. I have a twinge of nostalgia for it once in a while, but I know I won't practice and seek out opportunities to play, so I don't bother with it.

Lots of kids were in a similar situation in their particular niche--maybe it was sports; maybe it was some other performing art; maybe it was 4H or horse riding or something similar. The school scenario grooms people into a world where they can be the center of attention every once in a while and maybe win a ribbon or stand on a podium, or have an article about their performance in the school paper. Some kids might love the thing they're doing in faux competitions, others might be blase about it like I was with music.

One common factor to all those performance based ego-feeding sessions is the competition is really limited and is essentially a fraud. A good high school musician might never be a world class soloist that can play in an orchestra for example. A high school football player can be good within their entire conference but be miles away from a Division I college player.

Anyway, in short, life's problems really are nothing like the faux competitions kids are groomed to invest so much time and energy in. There's some valuable habits that can come from training to be a musician or athlete, but the overall structure of the programs is very misleading and damaging and artificially limits the horizons of kids.

The critique of "track based" education that sort of reformed schools in the US has some merit, but the system that's replaced it is obviously way worse. Schools replaced faux competition with praise of everybody and now the students are just entitled retards and brats based on the reports I've seen.

The Montessori school system seems better; they basically throw the kids into real life with training wheels, then the kids learn in the context of doing real things. Kids run businesses for example, or learn about biology in the context of a farm, and that kind of thing. I have no idea how that system works with respect to the ego based/faux competition scenarios I was constantly in, so I can't comment on it, but one of the major problems with the faux competition scenario is it trains the ego to stay in the world of lies instead of grooming students to deal with real reality.

For example, a business can fail no matter how hard a person works, how smart they are, etc... A person groomed to believe the praise they received their whole life might misjudge what "failure" means. There's a fake praise feedback loop instead of feedback based on real world performance, or real world scenarios where performance doesn't even impact the outcome, which is quite common in real life.

Grounding kids in real world scenarios would produce a much healthier society based on realism, but it's a lot easier to manipulate a population that's trained to pursue ribbons, trophies, and public praise and fake money.

Monday, November 4, 2024

The Least Important Election of Our Lifetime

Whichever bozo gets elected tomorrow, the same shit is going to happen.

For some reason Trump voters think Biden caused runaway inflation--that started when Trump was President and the feds gave away $2.3T because of the stupid COVID scam. Trump went along with all the COVID insanity. He pushed operation warp speed... that white liberal doofuses eventually loved.

Kamala Harris initially criticized operation warp speed, but then she did a 180 once her handlers told her what to say.

Kamala Harris is a non-entity. She's a continuation of the Obama years, which were a continuation of the Bush years.

The problems in the US are problems with the public at large, not just the corporations or the government. The whole country has been corrupted by an insane, inbred ruling class that's pushed short sighted self serving policies.

The typical political partisan lives in a land of make believe, especially the lefties who are just in a complete fantasy world.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Good YouTube Channel

This guy has a good handle on the nuts and bolts of the socio-economic scenario in the US and western world.

Link to video

Fail Your Way to the Top!

Intel is apparently financing a big PR campaign to try to sell the story line that they're not failing tech company like DEC was, or Sun Microsystems was, etc... they're a unique national treasure that the US can't function without, so Intel wants endless government cheese. I think the sales pitch is aimed at the goofball retard politicians and "elite" dope class.

The current CEO of Intel made hundreds of millions of dollars so far in his position. I assume other executives are getting similar truckloads of cash and stock and perks even as their company goes on the dole full time.

There's a similar theme with the neocons--all their schemes were terrible, destructive failures, but they're still embraced and promoted by national media and similar institutions.

The same thing happens with crazy left wing ideas which are pushed from the top through prestigious schools like Yale or Harvard. Obvious, patently absurd ideas like "defund the police" and decriminalizing shop lifting blew up in the faces of the cities that put them into practice, but the dope squad that pushed those nonsensical ideas will face zero consequences for being abject failures.

In fact, there's not much room for pragmatic or practical people because the policies such a person would advocate might be viewed as "racist" or "antisemitic".

Saturday, November 2, 2024

End of the Neoliberal System

Some major labor unions did not endorse Kamala Harris this election because their membership realizes the democrat party is the neoliberal party and doesn't represent them anymore--it hasn't for decades, but they finally figured it out.

Neoliberalism is just corporatocracy/oligarchy in drag and with effeminate/gay talking points. The behavior and policies of the US government are the same whichever party is in charge of the congress or the presidency, because all the "representatives" are basically just employees.

The MAGA republicans sort of figured it out, but have a pretty dim vision of what would need to change to "restore" America of even just 20 or 30 years ago. The typical democrat is either a beneficiary of the system itself and maybe has an apparatchik type job in an HR department or a tech job or professional job in some giant quasi-public institution, and/or also is a puritanical religious person that believes in global warmaids or think the government "helps" people in need--basically they believe propaganda that was on TV in the 1980s and 1990s.

Neoliberalism is a global phenomenon. The western countries are all hollowed out from it and some Asian countries are on the up-swing because of it. One of the main issues with the neoliberal system is the parasitic western "elites" imagined they'd control the countries they shipped western manufacturing to for the past 50  years. However, the "elites" in Asia decided to build and manage their own industries instead of serve as junior partners to western corporations in perpetuity, so even the executives at failing companies in the western world are now under threat from competition they created.

Anyway, the central governments in the west are the problem and not the solution to neoliberalism. I think Europe is just FUBAR and has a pretty bleak future and isn't really worth worrying about, at least from an American person's point-of-view. The western hemisphere, though, could actually enjoy a prosperous future if the current governments were purged and we rebooted a new financial system and promoted internal and local investment instead of global centralization of financialized wealth-tokens.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Good Depiction of "Elite Overproduction"

 We are watching the old TV show "Gilmore Girls". It's a chick show. The characters are supposed to be quirky, unique, and lovable but to me they're almost all awful

The main characters of the show are mother and daughter. The mother character got pregnant in high school and had the daughter at 16, so when the girl character is supposed to be high school age, the mother is supposed to be in her 30s.

The mother's family is wealthy New England snobs that had high expectations for the mother who lived a bohemian independent life, but transferred her own life expectations to the daughter. The high school aged daughter is obsessed with going to Harvard, and if not Harvard some other ivy league school. As part of her quest to do that she enrolls in an elite private high school, which is one of the central story lines in the show.

Anyway, the concept of "Elite Overproduction" from the historian Peter Turchin is depicted well in the show. The daughter is questing after an elite job, like a CNN reporter. The children of the wealthy families follow a script to get into a position in life, but eventually the positions run out or get diluted. CNN reporter is a great example: the entire media industry restructured, so all the kids pursuing an elite journalism role in the early 2000s were chasing after a largely obsolete job in a declining industry.

I think elite overproduction is really a symptom of systemic stagnation and decline. The "elite" population expands just like the overall population, but the defining characteristic of the elites is hyper-consumption of resources. They collectively impose a parasitic burden on everyone else. That's probably the main theme of our era: a bunch of entitled people get paid a lot, and the system is rigged to support their lifestyles.

For example, there's more managers and administrators than ever before in places like colleges and hospitals for example and the cost to fuel the lifestyles of those administrators drove rapidly inflating costs in both industries. There's probably more managers per capita in every industry, including tech. I saw that throughout my career.

The current dream of elite twats is a centrally planned expert managed economy that's totally automated so there's no jobs for anyone but them, and there's not even any competition for their positions. There's a corresponding authoritarian bent to their schemes, like the whole COVID scam, which demonstrated how fraudulent their claims of expertise are.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Everyday Insanity

Picture some group of 10,000 people with a shared problem, like they live on a river and want a way to cross the river. What would they do to solve their problem? Maybe they'd cut down some trees and build a bridge, or put together a rope bridge, or fill the river with rocks, or whatever. They'd just decide what to do and then get it done if they were smart and cooperative.

Another option would be they'd pick a bunch of ego-maniacal, greedy lawyers and then the lawyers would have somebody plan a bridge, then they'd pay for the bridge, but also take kickbacks and get paid to do the whole process.

Then to make matters more absurd, they'd split into two categories of lawyers. Gay, effeminate lawyers and straight, heterosexual, manly acting lawyers and tell the public the world would end if the other side won. The bridge problem would fade into the background and people would hardly even remember what they wanted the lawyers to do in the first place.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Building a Bridge with Bikes

One of my favorite bike routes has been closed for 100 days since a bridge is being replaced. The bridge crosses Big Creek along Robinson Road in Chardon Township. The road is very lightly traveled and is poorly maintained especially in that area. The bridge cost $1.5M. It's got a steel frame and concrete deck. I think most of the cost and time for the project went into building the footings on either side of the river. They used a piledriver to shove huge steel plates into the ground, welded them together, then poured a concrete pad on top. It's all pretty impressive.

The bridge shows how difficult it is to down-scale the civilization tool kit. When you build a bridge or a road, it has to be able to carry 60,000 pound excavators and concrete trucks because you need those pieces of equipment to build bridges and roads.

If everyone used bicycles to travel, that problem would persist even though the weight of each passenger vehicle is very small. The bikes only exist in the first place because of all the industrial infrastructure that enables the mass production of the materials involved in building a bike frame, seatpost, etc... The production of simple components like a bicycle crank or the gearing involves mega machinery and vast mining and material processing infrastructure.

Obviously, maintaining the roads for bicycles requires a bunch of heavy equipment and resources as well. The bikes-only infrastructure will last much longer and cost less per passenger, but is light duty and not productive, which is a major downside. The per-unit cargo cost of a road that carries 18 wheeler tractor-trailers is probably way lower than some implausible bike cargo scheme--that'd be an interesting thought experiment to carry out.

Giant Campaign Signs are $200

Some dope in Geauga county had her "Harris for President" sign stolen according to a police report. She paid $200 to advertise for dumb ass Kamala Harris. She's feeding the ego of some empty suit political hag with her hard earned money. I assumed all those signs were heavily subsidized or free since it's basically like putting up a Coca Cola ad in your yard. Nope, the people putting up the ads are paying for them.

I assume people are paying for all their Trump paraphernalia as well. People are completely insane.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Tech Industry Subsidy Miners

Big tech companies like Microsoft and Google want to use nuclear reactors to run data centers; I assume it's all about scams like carbon credits and government subsidies. It's one of the dopiest ideas I hear kicked around. Nuclear is always going to be the most expensive option for electricity production. Labeling it "green" and throwing government cheese at those projects probably won't even offset the expense.

The major problem in the world today is institutions sucking up resources that individuals should be directing. Individuals are competing with giant organizations with ersatz, make work goals that spend oodles of resources on projects that don't matter at all. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been poured into the whole "self-driving" car project for example--who cares? More and more resources pour into "AI" projects that barf up dumb search results and nonsensical advice and gibberish summaries of articles.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Road Cost

Chardon Township:
Miles of township road -- 36.15
Taxes spent per mile -- $15,503
Taxes per household -- ~$360

Bainbridge Township:
Miles of township road -- 84.54
Taxes spent per mile -- $38,469
Taxes per household -- ~$951

Auburn Township:
Miles of township road -- 55.27
Taxes spent per mile -- $32,314
Taxes per household -- ~$925

Most people aren't aware how much it costs to build and maintain roads. You basically pay a subscription per year to build and maintain roads to local, state, and federal agencies. If you're a property tax payer, you can see where your taxes go at the local level to keep the roads going because the townships report on all that stuff--you can look it up pretty easily. One interesting aspect of road cost, and infrastructure cost in general is it varies wildly by location.

In my township (Chardon Township, Geauga  County) the roads cost about $15,000 per mile per year. The township collects a portion of gas and license plate tax paid through the state, then gets the majority of its funding through property taxes. The aggregate taxes per household are about $360 per year. Our township roads are pretty crappy, but that's fine with me and most people here apparently because they never pass road levies.

On the southern side of the county, the townships of Auburn and Bainbridge have higher property taxes to pay for their roads for some reason. It's basically 2-3 times the cost per mile and household. The roads are not really 2-3x better. I rode my bike through Auburn a few months ago and several miles of their roads are still chip and tar light duty country roads.

I wonder how much people would volunteer to pay if it were a conscious choice. Would people sign up for $1000/year subscription for roads for their household paid per year every year? Would they prioritize that over their Amazon prime and Hulu Subscriptions? Taxes are generally structured so it's not an up front, "in your face" cost.

One of the problems of building out lots of infrastructure in any place is it's in effect a perpetual "debt" for lack of better word. Regardless of economic circumstances, people in an area will be on the hook to keep paying to maintain the infrastructure.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Why Do People Believe Politicians?

I was a single issue voter back in 2008. The only issue I cared about enough to go vote on was the constant fail/scam/destruction of the "Global War on Terror". I went and voted for Obama, because I imagined he'd throw the neocons out. He didn't of course. During Obama's admin, the US helped foment a coup in Ukraine that led to the current war scenario there because of neocons in the state department. Obama also continued the wars and slightly expanded them too. Once I realized Obama didn't or couldn't change a thing with respect to the wars, I realized it didn't matter which puppet was sitting in the Oval Office.

Many people were very enthused about "Obamacare". I knew the US medical system was fucked. I had a brief hospital stay in 2008 after a car accident, and even though that mess was all settled in 2008 in terms of who was paying what, the hospital system sent me crazy bills for the next 10 years. My lawyer would have to call and send them the same paperwork repeatedly. It finally stopped. A glance at any medical bill back then showed how fucked the system was.

Did Obamacare fix anything at all? No. Absolutely not. It was written by insurance industry lobbyists, so it was just a big screw job from a parasite industry. Under Obamacare costs shot up at a significantly higher rate than previously, when the medical industry was a major problem for Americans so they voted for yet another puppet fraud.

The Obamacare plans are garbage compared to the plan you might get as an employee of a company, even some small businesses, and they cost as much or more than those plans. What was Obamacare worth? Does it help anyone at all? No way.

Why did anyone imagine it would? It was known at the time that Obamacare legislation was written by industry lobbyists. For some reason white liberals think Obamacare is beneficial--all those people probably have corporate health plans.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

American Soldiers Now Fighting On Behalf of Israel

There are US troops in Israel manning anti-missile ground batteries. A few of those guys--or maybe women--might get blown up. Eventually the maniac neocon jews are going to sucker the dopey US, and our ultra corrupt government into yet another war in that shithole. Just about everywhere in North America is better, nicer, has more abundant natural resources, and is super wealthy compared to the mideast. However, some insane larpers are obsessed with the Mediterranean world. The US plows billions of dollars of debt into dumb projects for these people. It's pure insanity.

If the US gets dragged into a war over there I'm not sure what I'll do. Do I want to keep paying taxes to support what's essentially the Vichy Government in Nazi Occupied France? Nope, I don't want to help them at all in any way shape or form.

This would be the "believer" war; maybe it will consume all the larper jews, muslim crazies, and maybe all the lunatic evangelical christians will finally enter a vortex of pure madness and destruction.

Perhaps it is time to buy gold and maybe gasoline or diesel fuel in large quantities. 

Support of Psycho Jew Plans is US Policy for 30+ Years

 The "Minister of Finance" of Israel openly discussed the belief that defines US foreign policy today. Jews in Israel want to kill all their neighbors and conquer their lands. Here's the article.

This is the core of US foreign policy for several decades. Back in the early 2000s I wondered why the US invaded Iraq. Years later Wesley Clark discussed the US plan to attack Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, and Iran and maybe a couple of other countries. It's all just for jews and their crazy schemes.

There's tens of millions of people in the countries that neocon murder jews in Israel intend to destroy and conquer. They need help from the United States to do any of that and actually control all the foreign policy apparatus in Washington at least since the Reagan administration. Is Trump going to throw them out? Is Harris? Lol. No way.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Israel Just Invaded Lebanon, but Already Occupies Washington DC

Israel just invaded Southern Lebanon and apparently plans to occupy the place indefinitely, well, as long as the US taxpayers keep paying for it and as long as the US government is run by jews.

It won't make a difference which loser clown gets elected to be "President" that situation will persist. Hardly anyone will say anything about it either, and ultimately the US will get dragged into a war on Iran, which is going to be an ultra disaster and cause a huge amount of death and destruction.

Monday, October 7, 2024

US Priorities are Dumb as Fuck

Today Texas Governor Greg Abbot is declaring some remembrance day type thing for the Jews who were occupying land they took by force from prior owners, then got killed because they were taken hostage in an ongoing conflict last year. I'm not sure what the total number who was killed or kidnapped is. I don't believe any claims about it anyway.

Every year dozens of American citizens are killed in Mexico by drug cartel violence and thousands of Mexicans are killed... but apparently that's no big deal because they weren't jews living in some completely untenable scenario in a desert on the other side of the planet.

The desert in Mexico is right across the border from Greg Abbot's state. They probably discuss the problem every once in a while on TV in Texas, but I doubt they are throwing billions of dollars to solve that issue.

Why not?

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Flooded EVs Spontaneously Catch on Fire

There's a handful of videos on youtube (link) showing salt-water flooded EVs spontaneously burning down and sometimes taking a house out with it.

The images of devastation in North Carolina where endless miles of power lines are down show how difficult it would be for people to function with total reliance of electricity for transportation and everything else too.

The people who run the western world are just dumb asses with opinions. Their opinions reflect the interests of the people who pay them bribes. These opinions are based on very narrow experience and incorrect assumptions about what's "normal" or certain to happen.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Destructive Flooding in Appalachia

There are a lot of YouTube videos covering the destruction caused by flooding during Hurricane Helene. The videos by individual youtubers are generally better than the mainstream media reporting. The youtubers can hike around, ride motorcycles, etc... and show more details. From that, it's apparent that the region will need tens of billions of dollars to repair just roads and infrastructure like power lines and water systems.

We had a severe thunderstorm sweep through northeast Ohio back in August. I rode around through affected areas on my bicycle. A couple of the roads which had many trees down across power lines had at least 10, probably more like 20 utility trucks and crews at work. The areas that were hit hardest cover maybe 10-20 square miles of the western flank of the hills west of Chardon. There was no damage to roads or bridges. Crews worked around the clock for maybe a week to restore the power grid to its pre-storm condition.

We have one bridge in my township that is currently being replaced. The crew has been at it for most of the summer and finally has a bridge-like steel structure in place. They'll probably pour the concrete deck next week. It took at least 100 days to build and was probably several months in planning.

Multiply that one bridge and one little area by 1000 and it's probably some indication of the amount of resources that will be required to restore the area affected by Helene.

Anyway, the videos about Helene offer some good pointers:
  • Pickup trucks and vehicles with some offroad capability are very useful;
  • Side-by-side type vehicles are potentially quite useful, much moreso than a dirtbike;
  • Most households need a backup generator--our whole house generator might not work in a huge disaster because it's natural gas fired;
  • Solar panels might be useful, but would probably be destroyed by a hurricane;
  • EVs are all but useless in such a wide-scale disaster zone;
  • A method to provide your family with clean water in large quantites is very useful;
  • Heavy equipment is very useful, things like a tractor with a loader are useful;
  • Politicians are worthless, political partisans are worthless people;
  • The mainstream media is bad at covering natural disasters compared to rando guys with a camera;
  • Adaptability is a key human survival trait and training that is worthwhile.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Israel: A Country Run By Retarded Neocon Criminals

Several years ago I had a conversation with a jewish dude about the neocon plans in the middle east. I told him the plans were delusional. There was no way the US was going to camp out forever in Iraq, and that war was a massive failure. If anything it was entirely counter productive from the point of view of jewish larp land since it took out a supposed foe of Iran and would allow the Shia majority in that region to consolidate power.

Netanyahoo, that fucking psycho retard, directed a speech at the Iranian people, basically begging them to overthrow their government so jewish psychos could install a puppet government and subvert and destroy the Iranian people over time I guess. The fucking retard is more out of touch than even US government officials.

The Iranian government sucks--but I doubt many people living in the middle east, whether they are arabs or persians want to live like the "palestinians" or people in lebanon, or people in Syria--all victims of psycho jew larper plans.

The people in Israel basically set a timer to their inevitable destruction when they let their crazy and incompetent neocon government run amok. The whole jew mindset--driven by a mix of hyper paranoia and hyper ego--leads them to ruin repeatedly. "I'm the greatest!/Everyone wants to kill me!/I better kill everyone else first!" Nobody else in the world is that mind fucked, except as individual mentally ill people.

The governments around Israel, who already aren't besieged now probably realize the jews are going to try to kill or enslave them, with the help of the US--as long as the US people keep putting up with jewish bullshit. People in the US only put up with the Iraq war for about 1.5 years. I doubt they will enthusiastically support an even more massive and evil war of conquest in Iran.

If there's some type of "terrorist" attack in the US that's blamed on Iran, it's 99.9% likely it's some vile jewish criminals carrying it out on behalf of their demented bosses.

East and West

The statement by Descartes: "I think therefore I am" epitomizes the western mode of consciousness. It's essentially an assertion by the Thomas Anderson character of "The Matrix" that "he" is "real" and Neo is not.

You can contrast Descartes statement with Socrates, "I know that I know nothing", that is, even after all his reasoning about the world, he reached a conclusion that the essence of the universe is not knowable via rational inquiry. That concept seems to be the core of the Daoist teaching--human reason is limited. I'd add that verbal reason is limited because the symbolic/verbal/algorithmic mode of consciousness is severely limited.

That "I" permeates western philosophy and religion. "I am going to heaven when I die!" some religious person might assert. The "I" is eternal, unchanging, and its entire history is recorded for evaluation by "god", the "I" in the sky. That notion is a delusion. Someone who gets brain damage by mechanical means or a disease or age is not the same "I" anymore. Consciousness is welded to 3D reality.

Daoism is a philosophical system that seems to be aimed at getting to the heart of this problem, at least as far as I understand it. It is an attempt to help get beyond the Socrates conclusion. "I know nothing." That is, the symbolic/verbal understanding of reality is merely a byproduct of one particular mode of consciousness.

The jewish death cults and control freak cult is built on that "I" mode of consciousness and cultivates it in others. The jewish diamond industry for example exploits the foolishness, pride and shame of dopey women and men. The jewish entertainment/fame industry exploits the desire of people to achieve some dope's version of "god" like status. Even the comedy of somebody like Jerry Seinfeld is basically a big long whine about "why am I not a god?" The mentality is all quite limited and extremely childish. It's a nihilist, serial murderer child, though, not a cute and cuddly child.

The "I" consciousness is necessarily on a one way road to nihilism and its associated behaviors, that is by reason alone, the "Thomas Anderson" character realizes "I" actually will die, turn to dust and be nothing. The attempt to achieve fame and glory as a stand-in for immortality is quite interesting. It's the ultimate keeping up with the joneses type behavior, and the essence of the midlife crisis. "Is that all there is?!" The Thomas Anderson character realizes after a life spent chasing dopey goals and scripts.

A different mode of consciousness allows the realization of "this is all there is" to be a moment of understanding and growth rather than childish frustration.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Voted for Obama, got Bush III

The last Presidential election I participated in as a voter was the first Obama election. My concept back then was since Obama generally opposed the Iraq war, he'd purge the neocons from the whitehouse.

Nope, didn't happen. In fact, the Obama administration provoked the war in Ukraine. Victoria Nuland is a jewish lady who is married to pumpkin headed fat ass neocon Robert Kagan and she pushed for regime change in Ukraine, which ultimately led to the war there now.

The neocons are a cult of psycho killers. They are mostly jewish, but there are a handful of white dudes who participate and help out in their killing sprees.

Anyway, once the US went into Syria in 2014 against American's wishes, I realized both parties, or DC in general are totally infested, and the US government doesn't actually function or promote the interests of American citizens. It's occupied by a 5th column of racial supremacists and delusional religious maniacs. "Voting" is a form of participation in this cult's antics.

That group has been plotting a war against Iran for decades. Israel is a tiny county with a small population. They can't withstand a war with all their neighbors. They need, at minimum, a huge outlay of resources from the United States, and probably will want US families to sacrifice their sons and now daughters to help some completely insane jew retards to mass murder tens of millions of people in Iran. The neocon plans are insipid and insane. It is absolutely shameful the US government is controlled by those people, probably through bribery and blackmail.

The neocons plans have been absolute failures. The war in Iraq is a prime example. The US was able to wipe out the Iraqi government and military really quickly, but was unable to occupy the country, which was the obvious outcome. The neocon plan for indefinite occupation of Iraq was asinine, and exactly what a bunch of super entitled, lazy ass dopes would come up with. In their minds, apparently, the US was going to sit there in Iraq in perpetuity, then eventually do the same thing in Iran. The war in Iraq alone saddled each US citizen with over $20,000 in debt and helps fuel daily inflation.

Was the Iraq government "good" and loved by the Iraqis? no. It was another psycho killer government, but did the people in Iraq yearn to be occupied and controlled by psycho killer jews and their American henchmen instead? No, obviously not. Iran is the same scenario, but the Iranian government is better armed and prepared than Iraq was so a war there will likely be significantly bloodier for the US troops who go to fight for their jew "master race" puppeteers. It's like going to fight on the side of Michael Meyers in Halloween.

Shalom, err I mean, Hello Fellow Americans!

The neocons are one of the major threats to humanity and pose a risk to the lives of millions of people all around the world. They got a major foothold in the US military and foreign policy apparatus during the Reagan Presidency and are still there decades later causing death and destruction.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Lead Pipes in Ohio

A guy in the Ohio statehouse is trying to get a bill passed to remove lead water system pipes all over Ohio.

How the fuck are there still lead pipes in any town's water system in Ohio?

The US pukes billions of dollars at Israel and Ukraine and a bunch of other wars year in and out, but there's still lead pipes in a state like Ohio--the seventh biggest state economy in the US. Ohio puked up a couple billion to get Intel to build a fab in the state, but there are lead pipes giving kids in the state lead exposure... What an absolute clown show!

The US will dump truckloads of money on Israel now and maybe even get into a war for jew larp land--basically because as a group jews are mega assholes that can't get along with anybody else.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Odin and The Runes Myth

A version of Germanic mythology was preserved in Iceland and is now called "Norse Mythology", which is just a handful of stories that are quite a bit different in tone and content than classical world myths, like the Greek Mythology and the jumble of Mediterranean stories that is Jewish mythology.

Many of the Norse stories are quite obscure and are more of a puzzle for the reader to contemplate than some description of what "is" encoded in fictional form. The story of the Runes is one example. Odin hangs upside down from the world tree for 9 days and nights to receive the runes. 

What does "hang upside down" from the world tree mean? One possible interpretation is astronomical. For people who live far enough north, the sun does not rise above the horizon around the winter solstice. Most of the places people currently live in Norway and Sweden, though, don't experience days of nights around the solstice. Another interpretation is it's a parallel version of the human sacrifices the germanic peoples performed many centuries ago where they hung people from trees as an offering to their gods.

In the myth, Odin's sacrifice is like "Neo" in the matrix, he dies and "Wakes up" to the reality of the world of runes, i.e. symbols. However, as I discussed in previous posts, the symbol world/world of ego is the world of delusion.

The Ego Delusion, Political Retards, and Control Freaks

We watched all of the seasons of the TV show Heartland over the past few years. It's a pretty sappy Canadian TV drama about a horse farm in Alberta, CA that centers on a woman who's a "horse whisperer". I give the show credit for sticking to its main big theme, which is hinted at by the title, the quality of a person's life is largely determined by "their heart" rather than "their head". The "right choice" in many situations is not the calculated choice, nor the choice that advances a career or success or whatever.

The show has been on for many seasons, so probably hundreds of actors portrayed roles in the series. There have been hero characters and villains and everybody in between. The perennial worst character in the show, IMO, is the "Lou" character (actually a woman) portrayed by Michelle Morgan. In the show, Lou went and got an MBA and moved to New York City to pursue a career in MBA-ing business stuff and she reluctantly returns to the Heartland ranch after her mother dies.

The "Lou" character is basically a control freak ego-driven individual. She remains such in spite of learning on countless occasions that her approach to life sucks and if anything she gets worse and worse with each season. I think that character is a useful depiction of a person who lives entirely in "the matrix" of their symbolic/verbal "I" delusion.  The producers of the show keep "Lou" awful in season after season while most of the other characters in the show evolved and grew.

The world of politics is really largely an attempt by control freak ego-driven people like Lou to force others to live in a real world embodiment of the "Lou" type inner world matrix. It's some version of keeping up with the Joneses. The keeping up with the joneses person imagines what their peer is thinking, then acts according to that, or feels bad or good according to an utterly delusional fantasy about something absurd like owning some particular car, or lawn maintenance or having a stain on their shirt, or their driveway, or for women they might feel envy if their girlfriend got a huge diamond ring, or necklace or something.

Politics is the keeping up with the Joneses mentality metastasized into real life by laws and force of punishment. It makes sense that politicians are the worst people in every jurisdiction. In fact, in the Heartland show, Lou becomes the mayor of her small town and is predictably horrible in the job.

Anyway, Heartland repeatedly contrasts the clownish ego fantasy world and "real life", that is, the "heart" life.

"The Matrix" Misses the Main Point

The Matrix is one of my favorite movies. It made quite an impression on me when I first saw it. Since then, I've basically been trying to get out of "the matrix". The movies, though, portray the successful matrix escape as realizing the matrix is fake, then becoming superhuman as a result both in the matrix and in real life, which is a really dopey conclusion.

"The Matrix" is quite real and I think the portrayal of the concept in the first movie is useful. However, the matrix world isn't a shared delusional universe, like a computer game, it's an individual's delusion. Most people have an inner-world Thomas Anderson, and that character is completely fictional. There's (probably) no overlap with other people's inner worlds. Each individual's consciousness seems to be in an individual parallel dimension.

Anyway, the Thomas Anderson corresponds to the verbal consciousness, the "I", which is the element of the human mind which is almost entirely predicated on delusions about the nature of itself and reality. It confuses symbols and words for reality. The main delusion it has is, because "I" am verbal and symbolic, I am unchanging and shall live forever.... hmm that sounds familiar. That's a "god".

So The Matrix movie takes that delusion and projects it onto the screen. Neo becomes a "god". Essentially, the foremost delusion of the inner world matrix is portrayed as an escape from "the matrix".

We live in a world of people trying to live that delusion. There's racial and ethnic groups doing that: Jews. The whole jew religion is based on that premise; really all the abrahamic religions are based on that inner world "I"--well at least christianity is. I don't know the details about islam and don't care.

The only "escape" from the matrix that seems possible is an escape from that "I" delusion, at least to me, seems to be an embrace of the mundane reality of life on earth, which is actually quite spectacular on its own terms.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

"Iranian" Plot to "Kill" Neocon Warmonger John Bolton

 Supposedly "Iranians" were plotting to "kill" neocon warmonger John Bolton. Here's some press release from the clowns in the federal gov't: link

The details are absolutely unimportant and probably 100% made up anyway.

Some of the feds must be pushing for a war with Iran, even though the war with Iraq was an utter disaster. Why is Iran such an enemy of the US? It's just because it's in the neighborhood of jewish larp land and maybe there's some long standing crazy grudge between the feds, maybe the UK government and the Iranian government after operation Ajax decades ago.

All the national governments in the world are severe impediments to human development and certainly to peace; it's been the same story for thousands of years.

Monday, September 23, 2024

US Taxpayers Splooging More Cash on War

The US blew about $8 trillion dollars on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. That's about $20,000 per person in the US. What was the upside of any of that to any mom and pop American? Just inflation for most people. I know some people that worked at defense contractors like Raytheon who made really good salaries for several years and retired at 55, but nobody else I know personally was a direct or eve indirect beneficiary of any of that warfare. Everyone else is just getting their dollar purchasing power destroyed and their quality of life is spiraling down the toilet.

Remember when there were supposed "muslim terrorists"? They were the number one big threat? Yeah, they all but "disappeared". Was that because they died in those bullshit wars, or because they never existed in the first place. If any other "islamic terrorist" attack happens it's equally fake.

Now Israeli jews are expanding their mass murder and mayhem from "Gaza" to southern Lebanon. Lebanon is about 50/50% muslims and Christians. I know some first generation Lebanese immigrants. They were some version of Catholics. Southern Lebanon is largely muslim, I think, and is a staging ground for 99% ineffectual missile strikes at Israel. Anyway, it's not worth studying what's "going on" over there, because it's covered in a smokescreen of bullshit from both "sides"--certainly from the jews.

There was a civil war in Lebanon back in the Reagan years. The US sent troops in for "peacekeeping" and a bunch of Marines were blown up in their barracks--that's all I really remember about it. I wonder if the federal government is jewed out enough to actually get the US military involved helping the jews murder and displace civilians directly?

That might be a bridge too far. Regardless, I'm sure the US will eventually open up the money spigot to pay for more destruction over there.

To me, it seems absolutely, positively nuts. It's some comic book level fantasy/delusion driving the whole stupid cycle of destruction over there.

I've got absolutely nothing in common with the jewish mentality. Nothing in common with the muslim mentality, and nothing in common with the christians either. All those people are certifiable kookoo bananas nutjobs. 

If the murder jews manage to "win" and kill and displace like 100 million people spread out across some shitty desert territories the size of what, maybe like half of France, what's the upside for them? It's just bizarre--they get crowned as the sand lords of bombed out shitsville? Or they re-establish some minor version of an utterly bombed out Ottoman Empire? It's some bizarre Larp/19th century anachronism from some jew intellectual dweebs driving the whole thing.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Kid Knowledge: Tunnel Myth

When I was an elementary school age kid, my neighborhood friends and I went to "Rocky Cellars" in Chardon a handful of times. I guess it was about 1 mile from my house. It is an outcropping of sandstone bedrock in Chardon with some "caves" and other interesting features. One of the stories I heard as a kid is there is a tunnel from Rocky Cellars to the courthouse on the square, which is about 3000 feet away. Even when I was 8 or 10 years old, I realized there's no way somebody built a tunnel through 3000 feet of sandstone up to the square in Chardon.

There are several of those sandstone outcroppings in Geauga County. A couple are on park owned land, and several are on private property. Unfortunately, one of the most impressive formations of sandstone in the area is on private property on the opposite side of the ski hill "Alpine Valley" off 322. The formations are off Rockhaven Road near Sherman.

Anyway, I think I know where that story of the tunnel to the courthouse came from. It's a jumbled version of a story from the early 1800s shortly after Americans in young America settled in the Ohio territory in what became Geauga County. The story is captured here: (link

In July of the same year (1812) Samuel King, of Long Meadow, Massachusetts, with his family and effects, drawn by four oxen and a horse, reached Chardon, after a journey of forty days.  He moved into the courthouse, built an addition, and used the seat prepared for the judges-the judicial bench - as a doorstep.  The surrender of Hull, in August, sent a shiver of fear to all dwellers in the woods, under the influence of which MrKing packed up and returned East, as did many others, and Captain Canfield and Edward Paine made such hasty provision for the safety of their families as they could, and marched towards the enemy.
     It is said that Captain Paine, clerk of the county, securely packed up the archives, judicial and municipal, of Geauga, consisting of one small volume and several papers, and solemnly deposited them in the safe of the Rocky Cellar, a structure northeast of the village, ere he departed for the wars, and that the vandal red man failed to find them in his absence.

The thing that actually happened, then is Edward Paine hid court records in Rocky Cellar before the men of the County went off to fight in the war of 1812. That story is captured in the "Pioneer History" of Geauga County.

It's interesting that key pieces of info survive in the "tunnel to the courthouse" folk tale of Rocky Cellar, but the overall story is jumbled. So a tale from 1812 made it to 1980s kid lore. By then there was no authoritative version of the story and the vast majority of residents of Chardon don't know about the King family, or the Paine family, or the Canfield family even though their names are still on streets in the city. It also seems like the story is jumbled in a predictable pattern.

The "history" parts of the story are stripped out:

  • settlement of Geauga County;
  • War of 1812;
  • Settler's fear of the British after the failure by General Hull in Michigan;
  • Storage of court documents (probably deeds and such) in a cave in Rocky Cellar.
Those facts are replaced with archetypal stand-ins plus current-day information, like the courthouse in Chardon. That element is pretty interesting in particular, because the original story was about court documents.

The tunnels in the story are archetypal story and myth fodder. When I was a kid, the mythical tunnel network was potentially vast, running between various landmarks in town, usually the courthouse was named, but also the high school was perhaps connected. Kids made up reasons for the construction of the tunnels: maybe it was some prohibition related thing, maybe part of the literal underground railroad for slaves, maybe it was war related, etc...

What really happened was the original story was too complicated, and the historical details and names were not important so they were dropped, then the gaps in the story were filled in with archetypal or present day anachronistic details.

In digital telecommunications there is a concept of "bits per symbol". A very clean signal, high signal to noise ratio, can faithfully represent many more bits per symbol. The kid-lore can't represent all those details because kids lack the shared collective background to keep all the "bits per symbol".