Monday, October 7, 2024

US Priorities are Dumb as Fuck

Today Texas Governor Greg Abbot is declaring some remembrance day type thing for the Jews who were occupying land they took by force from prior owners, then got killed because they were taken hostage in an ongoing conflict last year. I'm not sure what the total number who was killed or kidnapped is. I don't believe any claims about it anyway.

Every year dozens of American citizens are killed in Mexico by drug cartel violence and thousands of Mexicans are killed... but apparently that's no big deal because they weren't jews living in some completely untenable scenario in a desert on the other side of the planet.

The desert in Mexico is right across the border from Greg Abbot's state. They probably discuss the problem every once in a while on TV in Texas, but I doubt they are throwing billions of dollars to solve that issue.

Why not?

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