Friday, October 4, 2024

Israel: A Country Run By Retarded Neocon Criminals

Several years ago I had a conversation with a jewish dude about the neocon plans in the middle east. I told him the plans were delusional. There was no way the US was going to camp out forever in Iraq, and that war was a massive failure. If anything it was entirely counter productive from the point of view of jewish larp land since it took out a supposed foe of Iran and would allow the Shia majority in that region to consolidate power.

Netanyahoo, that fucking psycho retard, directed a speech at the Iranian people, basically begging them to overthrow their government so jewish psychos could install a puppet government and subvert and destroy the Iranian people over time I guess. The fucking retard is more out of touch than even US government officials.

The Iranian government sucks--but I doubt many people living in the middle east, whether they are arabs or persians want to live like the "palestinians" or people in lebanon, or people in Syria--all victims of psycho jew larper plans.

The people in Israel basically set a timer to their inevitable destruction when they let their crazy and incompetent neocon government run amok. The whole jew mindset--driven by a mix of hyper paranoia and hyper ego--leads them to ruin repeatedly. "I'm the greatest!/Everyone wants to kill me!/I better kill everyone else first!" Nobody else in the world is that mind fucked, except as individual mentally ill people.

The governments around Israel, who already aren't besieged now probably realize the jews are going to try to kill or enslave them, with the help of the US--as long as the US people keep putting up with jewish bullshit. People in the US only put up with the Iraq war for about 1.5 years. I doubt they will enthusiastically support an even more massive and evil war of conquest in Iran.

If there's some type of "terrorist" attack in the US that's blamed on Iran, it's 99.9% likely it's some vile jewish criminals carrying it out on behalf of their demented bosses.

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