Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Tarot Card Divination in a Fractal Universe

There's an old superstition about "divination" of the future that involves randomness and random patterns. It's actually pretty interesting how widespread it is. For example, when a person shuffles a deck of tarot cards for a fortune teller he is imparting some randomness into the deck. The idea there, I suppose, is that the man's future is somehow encoded into his own particular field of randomness. The same idea is present in reading of tea leaves, or casting bones to read the future. That is, the "gods" speak through randomness. The same idea is present in the activity of listening to white noise to hear spirit voices.

It's really interesting that people have an instinct to do that kind of thing. It seems fairly unlikely to me that a pattern of the future can be perceived in the present's randomness, but the concept has a certain "logic" to it. It seems equally unlike that people would have an instinct to seek the pattern of the future in randomness if there weren't some truth to it. I mean, why would that notion exist if it was completely baseless.

If the universe has a fractal nature, then maybe it actually could work. Each pattern could potentially reveal some larger harder to see pattern. It's not really clear why or how randomness would help tune that in, but maybe it could.

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