Sunday, January 16, 2022

Infallible "The Science" and True Believers

The public has been sold that "experts" are infallible, and "the science" is too. Richard Feynman famously said, though, that "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." If you took a shitload of physics classes in college, you learned that all along the way--people believed one thing, then a new set of experimental data showed the belief was incorrect, that is the model wasn't accurate.

The public, though, demands that science be the equivalent of religious dogma, that is, it should provide absolute certainty about what's good and bad. The reality of ambiguity and error in models about the world is swept under the rug by con men like Anthony Fauci or Bill Gates--a software salesman from the 90s. The defects in understanding of the general public, plus their own pride and ego are the soil from which creatures like Fauci spring.

The two groups--the public and the con men--are eerily similar. The public's "belief", that is political alignment with a "cause" springs from their own ego and pride. They can't admit they don't know things or are making a best guess that might be wrong. People like Fauci or Gates basically mirror that psychological defect and assume the role of pope in the science religion... though at the same time cloak themselves in an aura of carefully constructed plausible deniability and legal protection from liability for their bad advice. 

Through the past couple of years when "the science" is proven wrong, experts shrug and fall back on the idea that "science" is a best-effort-best-guess approximation. However, when people oppose the oligarch's science-based schemes, they are labeled as dangerous heretics by the media and by con men creatures like Fauci. "The Science" is as malleable and interpretable as some obscure biblical passage.

We're currently witnessing some members of the public come to their senses over covid and the vaccines. It's hard to tell exact percentages. It's large enough, though, that media outlets are starting to change the narrative about the whole thing, e.g. pointing out that masks don't work, or that the vaccines are extremely limited in their benefits, if they have any benefit at all.

There's still a bunch of people though that are hard-core committed to the narrative from six months or a year ago. They're thrilled, for example, that they can dose up their children with something that doesn't even work, and that children do not need at all.

Thanks to social media, we now have the novel opportunity to see how these people react when they experience bad consequences from the vaccines personally, or when their children are injured, e.g. with myocarditis, which can cause a life-long scarring of the heart muscle and life long impairment.

People demand infallible science, and when their "god" fails, they don't question all their prior assumptions, they act out perfect "belief". They can't admit they were wrong the same way some corporate ghoul won't. They're two perfect peas in a sociopath pod. The proud/egotistical mark, and the proud/egotistical con-man.

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