Friday, January 7, 2022

Natural Gas was "Green" Now Nuclear is "Green"

A few years ago, natural gas was being pushed as the low emissions "green" fuel. Now it's being vilified as a greenhouse gas high emissions fuel and nuclear is being pushed as "green".


Natural gas was being shilled and pushed by some billionaire funded groups a few years ago. They pay some "scientists" a few bucks to come up with papers to push their point. Then a few years later, a different set of billionaires pushed a different story the same way.

It's all bullshit.

Nothing is "green" the way they talk about it. Nuclear has the awful spent fuel problem. It is a lot like the mRNA "vaccines" limited upside, potentially unlimited downside. Nuclear power has the potential to contaminate huge regions.

Fossil fuels are probably safer over all, since the earth's self regulating mechanisms would probably eventually restore some balance to the environment even if greenhouse gasses are a real problem and civilization collapses as a result.

Nukes + EVs is just impossibly stupid. Humanity really deserves what it's going to get, unfortunately. 

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