Thursday, January 20, 2022

Corporate America and the Government: No Value Added

Starbuck's announced they aren't going to mandate vaccines or tests for employees. That's a good thing. Instead, they're forcing employees to wear N95 masks. Why?

Because the thousands of managers and HR people in that outfit need to "do something". How much busywork is created in the USA by people who don't have anything better to do, but who feel guilty for not squandering their life "doing something" for their dumb corporate organization.

Most day-to-day business activity is a total waste of time. My wife and I know a woman who has two "full time" managerial jobs like some 80s sitcom scenario. She's able to juggle two high-paid fulltime jobs because most office/professional work involves dicking around on a computer all day.

The tech world is getting dumber and dumber every year and squandering more people's time on ritualistic managerial activity in spite of a perpetual concern over "efficiency".

Humanity would have been 1000x better off if absolutely nothing had been "done" about "covid", the same way nothing was traditionally done about colds and flu. It's abundantly clear that biologists don't really know much about disease, evolution, or other fundamental aspects of the natural world. They're way more in the dark than physicists are about the origins of the universe and the physics people keep adjusting their models every few decades and throwing out old assumptions... it's pretty likely they don't really know anything either.

The governments of the world pretended to "manage" the covaids, but almost everything they did was a failure and had no positive effect at all.

The government and corporate entities offer the illusion of competence and infallibility to the mass of people, but they're really not capable of rising to the occasion. Individuals would be much better off on their own.

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