Friday, May 14, 2021

Obviously Something is Wrong

The weirdo governor of Ohio is having a lottery for people who get vaccinated. The people who do have a supposed chance to win $1M. There will be 5 people who can win.

Obviously, all the people who want some of Bill Gates Electric Love Juice coursing through their veins already got it. The rest of the people don't. The media calls them "hesitant".

To be blunt the people who got the vaccine are dumb, frightened people. They've been whipped into a frenzy by a 24/7 infomercial about Covid. The whole covaids charade was coordinated as carefully as a blockbuster summer movie, but it had a much larger budget.

The people who won't get the vaccine know there's some agenda behind it and are opting out. Who knows what the agenda is, or if there's just one.

Regardless of what the agenda is, it's apparent that guys like Dewine are just employees of some larger organization, rather than the representatives of the people of Ohio. He's essentially part of a hostile fifth column who has infiltrated and is now currently subverting the state.

The routine corruption in Ohio was made apparent by the speaker of the state house being busted for a $60M bribe from the electric company. I think the state government is largely captured by industry and other interest groups. The governor obviously is too. Luckily the state has pretty limited power.

It seems like the Federalism of the United States is really working to defend people against all these mafiosi at least.

It's long past time to just start over. People need to take control of their own lives and more carefully tend to their culture and ditch their obsessions with hollywood, sports, politics, etc... That shit is all mind poison.

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