Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Stalled Out Real Economy and Scam Bubbles Deflating

When I was first getting started in the corporate world, HR departments were doing a real hard sell on 401(k) plans. They were selling the idea that a 10% year-to-year return was a plausible expectation.

From the 1960s through the 1980s, the stock market declined, like going down a mountain into rolling foothills to a plane. So if you started your career in the 1960s, and kept plowing money into a 401(k), then retired in 1982, you'd have winnowed away your nest egg. That was a time of high inflation and overall stagnation.

Microprocessors and "deregulation" got things going again "financially". Really there was a shift of focus of the economy from ma and pa america to the corporatocracy pile of shit we have now. The stock market boomed and ma and pa got ass raped every year. People are trapped under a pile of debt and live foolish, meaningless lives in service of corporate dipshits.

Microprocessors were a real boon and improved things like fleet fuel economy. Financialization though, the baby of the 1980s, was a disaster, and we're about to live with its consequences and are probably living through the Ultimate Scam of them All--covaids. Financialization led to the Scam Based society. I think we're rapidly drawing to the close of that, though.

What's going to happen? I think the stock markets are going to look like the 60s and 70s again. It's like we're in the 1970s all over. Civil unrest stirred up by commie jews and dopey leftist retards in control of the country.

All the stuff like bitcoin/NFTs, classic cars, and all that nonsense is going to get hammered over the next year or so I think. The stupid central planning plans are going to wreak massive havoc on the western countries. The climate change bullshit, green energy bullshit, electric car bullshit is going to obliterate the system and not replace it with anything good.

I think our civilization is going to go in some completely unpredictable direction. Elements of it are very predictable, like the stock market is going to puke for a while, then some dumb government plan will reflate it momentarily, and we might get hyperinflation, or some other similar mass dislocation.

I think the future is small and simple living. The people who are instinctively building homesteads and making their life more resillient might do OK. The people who are levered up and paying for an upper middle class lifestyle with debt and financial products are going to get blasted in the ass.

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