Monday, May 3, 2021

Central Planning and Electric Vehicles

According to this article 1 of 5 EV owners switched back to an internal combustion engine car because charging the car is such a pain in the ass.

I've done a bunch of posts on this topic. It's a mystery why they're pushing electric vehicles. I don't think we're really running out of petroleum, and I think the climate change story is a hoax. Even if we're running out of petroleum, EVs will just cause that to happen faster, because of the amount of resources that will be required to switch over the transportation network.

The current generation of batteries are usable for the application, but just barely up to the task, and apparently not good enough to convince a good chunk of die-hard early adopters to keep drinking the kool aid.

I think what we're really experiencing is incompetence among the managerial class of the US run amok. We have an ever growing bureaucracy and way too many manager types. I think this is a side effect of the debt based economy, plus a reliance on technology. Tech is sort of like rust or a fungus in a log. It expands and consumes more and more.

There might not really be any overall dastardly scheme behind all the different plots, like pushing EVs or vaccines. Think about who the people are who are part of the bureaucracy pushing this stuff. They're really just a bunch of lawyers, and a bunch of randos who maybe graduated with a college degree in communications studies, or english literature. They really don't know what they're doing.

This scenario has played out, historically, many times. Stability leads to stagnation, which actually breeds political instability.

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