Friday, May 14, 2021

It'll Be OK...

Once the Jews get control of a tiny patch of land that's supposedly controlled by Palestinians, they'll feel happy, satisfied, safe and secure.

Their ethnic mafia's control of the financial system, of western governments down to the state and local level in the United States at least, their control of all the mainstream media outlets, their control of major publicly traded corporations and big tech companies, and leftist ideology factory universities, ownership of sports franchises is insufficient for them to feel safe and secure. Once they obliterate the last iota of resistance to their rule over a tiny patch of land in what they believe is their country they'll feel safe. That's the problem.

Oh yeah, then they'll be paranoid about Iran and harp on about that for the next several decades. Maybe they'll drag the United States and all its resources into another mega war in the middle east.

Oh and they're still maniacally trying to establish the vaccine industry as a massive, global cartel via their dopey puppets in "government", really what seems to be the bribed and blackmailed middle management of their global shit corporation. But once they get all that done, they'll just chill out and stop causing trouble.

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