Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Dueling Atlantis Myths

The modern world is really the brainchild of Francis Bacon, or more generally the Elizabethan court. Bacon's big idea was to put the golden age in the future. He wrote about it in "The New Atlantis". We really live in the world that story created.

There's a good parallel myth that cropped up as the Third Reich was ascendant in Germany after the disaster of WWI and the rivalry between the ailing British Empire and Germany came to a head. A woman named Maria Orsic who was a hot and sexy babe and practitioner of the occult and member of the Vril (life force [aka jizz]) society supposedly made psychic contact with aliens.

This is really the same story as the John Dee story, who was a member of the Elizabethan circle back in the beginning of modernity.

The Germans were quite purposely shoving out the British Empire (and Jewish) mythology from their culture. They actually were reclaiming the Atlantis myth.... and supposedly as the story goes, they actually rebuilt it, or reconnected with it, and it's in Antarctica. (see the story of Admiral Byrd's attempt to attack the New Swabia in Antarctica in 1946 [Operation High Jump].)

Is any of that "real"? I don't know.... in this insane asylum reality we're living through today, I won't be surprised if I get a passport to New Swabia in the mail like a jewish American person can get a passport to Israel. I won't be surprised if a ride of the Valkyries playing space ship lands in my front yard and some Aryan babe with big tits and 12 foot long hair comes to take me to work for Hitler's grandson in the Antarctica mountain base.

However, I think the more likely explanation is it's the German version of the Atlantis myth, or is something like the story of Prester John--the lost Christian King of "the east"... It's old war/empire propaganda that turns into a really great story.

The zio-anglo-American government/entertainment mind-fuck complex is really keen on keeping the Germans the ultimate evil race and keeping them bamboozled and stupid. So, I think the Maria Orsic, and stories about the secret space program, etc... are really great for snapping some people out of it.

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